Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

1748 Chapter 8 Concealment and abduction of the little Taoist priest [-]

1748 Chapter [-]

The old lady of the Li family was so frightened that she collapsed and sat down on the ground, crying and shouting: "God, open your eyes, look at me, poor man, my second son left early, I, a mother, can't ask Daughter-in-law wants a penny, God, what crime did I do, second child, if you really want your mother, take your mother away, don't leave your mother to suffer in this world, look at you My wife and daughter take me, an old lady, seriously..."

Seeing the old lady crying, Lin Lang laughed all of a sudden, lowered her head and said, "Does the old lady really miss your second son? If so, I can bring your second son back and let him Have a nice old time with you?"

The old lady of the Li family sat up all of a sudden, wiped away the tears on her face and said quickly: "I don't want to see him!"

Lin Lang clapped her hands and said, "Old lady, you are quite old, and now you are earning money. If you don't live well for a day, if you continue to do evil, I can't guarantee that you will be accepted by God, after all The thunder just now...is no ordinary thunder!"

The old lady's face turned blue with anger, but she dared not speak out, and could only watch Lin Lang leave.

The lady of the Li family was also a little scared. She took her daughter's hand and walked up the mountain, saying as she walked, "Daughter, if we have nothing to do next time, don't go down the mountain!"

Wang Lan nodded absent-mindedly, but she kept thinking about Lin Lang. After all, Lin Lang's sudden departure really shocked her. She patted your wife's hand, "Mom, I...I still have something to do. I want to ask the Taoist priest, so you go back first, I will go back later!"

The lady of the Li family nodded, hugged her son, and said, "Then be careful, don't touch your grandma, and come back quickly if anything goes wrong, and don't stay at the foot of the mountain!"

Wang Lan nodded, and then ran in the direction where Lin Lang left. When she caught up with Lin Lang, she was out of breath, "I finally caught up with you. Let me ask you where you have been all this time? I met you recently. What's the matter?"

"What else can happen? When I met that prince, I said that I didn't want to serve him or fight for the throne for him. After all, who can be the emperor is not up to ordinary people like us... …In the end, that person’s mind was so small, he pulled me away and wanted to force me to work for him..." Lin Lang spread her hands and sighed again, "But after all I said, he finally gave up, But you didn't give up on me!"

Wang Lan didn't show any fear when she heard this. On the contrary, her eyes lit up, "Is it the prince who is fighting for the throne? You are so lucky to meet the emperor's relatives. This is a golden thigh, you Just hold it tight!"

Lin Lang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and tapped Wang Lan's forehead, "What are you thinking about, you little girl? You don't even think about it, a prince wants to fight for the throne, and the emperor is in his prime, do you think this can be done? This It's a matter of losing your head, we ordinary people, we should take good care of ourselves and don't get involved in such dirty things, otherwise we will die for no reason someday!"

Wang Lan quickly stuck out her tongue, "But that's how it was written in the novel. I met the prince by chance, and then he...he fell in love with the heroine. Oh...TV dramas often act like this..."

Lin Lang laughed immediately, "You are so cute, you are also an adult, you should understand that it is impossible for a man to like a girl for no reason, is there really undying love in the world? No, most of it is a combination of interests , even if it is really because of love, but under the soaking of firewood, rice, oil and salt, how much love can there be?
So, instead of believing in those eternal loves, it is better to believe in yourself, as long as you are strong, you can do whatever you want! "

Wang Lan's eyes lit up, "What you said makes sense, by the way, since the prince let you back, then you shouldn't have any more accidents, right?"

Lin Lang shook her head, "I can't tell. After all, I persuaded him to let him lie down first. If he really succeeds one day, he might set his mind on me again. After all, it is true that I call the wind and call the rain. , this is something that everyone can see... don't worry about it, it's a step if you can take one step!"

Hearing the call for wind and rain, Wang Lan remembered the thunder just now, and said excitedly: "Are you a god? After all, gods can call the wind and call the rain. It's really amazing that a thunder can appear with just one wave of your hand for no reason. You It's not a generator, how on earth do you do it?"

Lin Lang took out two talismans from her pocket, "This is the secret, I did it with talismans, but drawing talismans is also very difficult, sometimes a dozen of them may not necessarily form one, and this impetuousness is not random. It can be activated casually, you have to rely on your own aura to go. A long time ago, there was still a lot of aura between heaven and earth, but then it became less and less for some reason. By the generation of my master, I was able to cultivate it There are fewer and fewer spiritual bodies...even I...have spent decades of effort to cultivate a little spiritual energy..."

The light in Wang Lan's eyes dimmed slowly, "I thought you would cultivate immortality or something. If you really become an immortal, you can break time and space and bring me back to the era that belongs to me. It seems true It's because I was thinking too much. By the way, since you can cultivate spiritual energy, can I do it? Since I came to this world, it means that I have a destiny with this world. Hello!"

"You don't have spiritual roots!" Lin Lang shook her head, "You can't cultivate spiritual energy!"

Wang Lan was a little sad, "God doesn't know what kind of madness this dog is going to bring me to this world, alas... Even if it takes me to another world and makes me a daughter, even a princess is fine." Ah, why did you become a poor girl? Look at what happened just now, the old lady can squeeze us hard because of her filial piety. Swallow it alive, how can there be such shameless people in the world?"

Lin Lang patted Wang Lan's shoulder, and said comfortingly, "Don't just think about the bad, but think about the good. Although you came to this world, you took your life for nothing, and you spent so many years in vain. Although you You can't be a daughter, you can't be a princess, but you can make a fortune in ancient times with your own hands. You are so smart, you can definitely come up with a lot of money-making ideas. After you have money, you can use it to buy fields Land, be your landlord!"

Wang Lan, the local lord, smiled when she heard that, "It's only a little benefit in ancient times. By the way, are you really going to find the village chief?"

Lin Lang nodded, "Of course I have to look for it. After all, they work so hard for my affairs, so I can't just sit idly by!"

Wang Lan nodded, "Then I'll go with you. I haven't been to the town for a long time. By the way, I'd like to ask you one more thing, that is, we have already kept things in the town very secret, but how did the prince know about it?" We know about the earthquake? After all, we went there at night, and there was no one on the way back. As for the honey, you picked it from the mountains. No one will notice what you use, and it is very hidden... Could it be that the prince can pinch and count?"

Now Lin Lang was asked. He thought for a long time, yes, he is a delicate person, and he would never leave any clues, but how did the prince know about this?It is impossible for the prince to be able to count, and it is impossible to suddenly know that this matter was done by them, unless...someone informs...

(End of this chapter)

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