Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

1749 Chapter 9 Concealment and abduction of the little Taoist priest [-]

1749 Chapter [-]

Lin Lang stopped and said to Wang Lan who was beside her, "Shall we go back?"

"Ah?" Wang Lan didn't react, "Why are we going back? Don't you go to the village chief?"

Lin Lang sneered, "We don't need to look for it at all, he will come back by himself!"

Wang Lan was a little puzzled, but she still followed Lin Lang back, "I don't understand, why are you going back all of a sudden?"

Lin Lang sighed, and explained: "Didn't you just say that we kept a low profile, no one should find out what we did, but why did others find out? I only told one person about the earthquake. That is the village head, if our affairs in the county are not exposed, then the only possibility is that the village head told others, so the village head is a traitor!"

Wang Lan suddenly realized, "Oh my god, but I think the village head is also a good person, why...how can he do such an informant thing?"

"Who knows?" Lin Lang said lightly, "Knowing people and faces but not hearts!"

On the way back, Wang Lan couldn't help asking: "Then what are you going to do after you go back? Are you going to expose this matter?"

"You are all adults, why are you thinking so naive? If I expose the matter, will it be good for both of us? No, the village head is still the head of the village, and we are still little Taoist priests on the mountain. If we want to live in this place To survive, you have to rely on the village chief, so you can't tear yourself apart, but since you know the village chief is an informer, you should be more careful in the future!" Lin Lang said a little bit.

Back on the mountain, the Li family was very, very surprised, "Why did you come back so soon?"

Lin Lang explained: "At first I wanted to go to the town to find the village head, but after thinking about it, let's forget it. The village head will come back by himself. If I go again by myself, it will be inconvenient to come and go!"

"Oh!" The lady of the Li family didn't think too much, she rubbed her hands and said embarrassedly: "Master Dao, thank you for what happened today, but...my daughter and I are really embarrassed to live here all the time, After all... we eat the Taoist priest and live the Taoist priest..."

Lin Lang shook her head, "Don't worry, I know you're sorry, but you're in a difficult situation right now, and you don't have the ability to move out, so you can live here first, and when spring comes, you'll have some money in your hands, and it's okay to move out again." Not too late!
As for the repayment or something, then there is no need, the poor Taoist is willing to do good deeds, since I have saved you, I will naturally send the Buddha to the West, so you must not let me give up halfway, or it will ruin my way! "

Hearing this, the lady of the Li family was even more embarrassed to say that she had moved out. Lin Lang took some of the things that the prince gave her today and gave them to the lady of the Li family, saying: "I am a layman, and I really don't need these things. , so I will give it to you!"

The lady of the Li family took two steps back, "The Taoist priest can't do this, these things are so precious, we can't bear it, the Taoist priest should keep it for yourself!"

Lin Lang turned around and put the things into Wang Lan's hands, and said with admonishment, "You can keep these things for yourself, or you can sell them!"

Wang Lan hesitated for a moment, but put the things away, "Thank you so much!"

The lady of the Li family blushed, "Lan Lan, hurry up and return the things to the Taoist priest, we already owe the Taoist priest so much, we really can't accept the Taoist priest's things anymore!"

Lin Lang waved her hand, "Miss Li, we don't have to push around, I naturally gave it to you because I really want to give it to you, so just accept it!"

Seeing that she couldn't push it away, the lady of the Li family had no choice but to take the things away, but she was very terrified in her heart. After all, she was really sorry for accepting other people's things for no reason.

I went down the mountain on the second day, exchanged all those things for silver, and bought a lot of things.

When the first snow fell, Lin Lang never went down the mountain again, nor did he meet the village chief. Although he comforted himself that the village chief might not have intended to inform others, he really didn't want to see the village chief.

The village head didn't look for Lin Lang either, but according to what he knew, the village head seemed to have punished the Li family.

Lin Lang had a leisurely life on the mountain. After all, this year they had a lot of money, they bought a lot of food and put it in the mountain, and the house was neatly repaired, so they didn't feel the coldness of the cold at all.

"Daoist!" The village head hesitated at the door but walked in anyway, "This..."

Lin Lang sighed inwardly, raised her head to look at the village chief, and managed to pull herself together and said, "It's so cold, why did the village chief go up the mountain?"

The village chief lowered his head, "I was afraid that the Taoist priest would meet some wild beasts if he lived alone on the mountain, so I went to the mountain to take a look. Now that the Taoist priest is safe and sound, I am relieved!"

Lin Lang followed up and said, "Thank you, village chief, for your concern, but it's snowing heavily outside now, village chief, don't go back and warm up with us, it won't be too late to go back when the snow stops!"

When the village head heard this, he quickly smiled, "Okay, okay!"

Sitting by the fire, the village head hesitated for a while, and then said: "I joined the army when I was young, and after a while, I went home, took over my father's position, and became a village head... …Some time ago, I found out that some of my former colleagues were among the relief soldiers, so I got in touch with them, and mentioned to them what happened in the earthquake…I don’t want to be like this…The last time I heard Mrs. Li say that she would disappear forever Yes, I was really scared, because something happened to the head of the Tao, I went to the town to find my colleague, he said that there was nothing wrong with the head, and he was appreciated by the nobleman..."

Lin Lang didn't know whether to be angry or sad when he heard this, he lowered his eyes and sighed, "Actually, I prefer to live like an ordinary person!"

The village head didn't know what to say. After the snow stopped, the village head hesitated for a moment, but still said what was in his heart, "Master Daoist, I really respect you very much. It's not what I want to tell others. , I'm really sorry, if you encounter anything in the future, you can go down the mountain to find me..."

Lin Lang was also relieved. Forget it. In fact, this matter is still a good thing for me. If the prince succeeds in competing for the throne, then I will hang up an account in front of him. If I am lucky, it means that I can still get it. To the name of the national teacher, so you have to think about the best in everything, and there is no need to get entangled in that little thing!
"Speaking of which, I really need to bother the village head. After the new year, the Li family's wife will move back with the children, but there is no house, so I hope the village head can help me find out if there is any house that does not want a house. It can be sold to them, of course, I hope that the house can be far away from the Li family, after all, I don't want them to be harassed by the Li family again!"

The village chief's eyes lit up, "This matter is on me. To be honest, I am also very angry. I thought your family had settled down, but I didn't expect them to dare to trouble Mrs. Li after I left. , but Daoist, don’t worry, when I learned about this, I already taught them a lesson, and they probably won’t dare again!”

Lin Lang looked at the quiet lady of the Li family, and continued, "Their mother and daughter are poor people. If one day...the village chief, I mean, maybe one day I will disappear again, or go somewhere, and I will be there again. I hope the village head will take good care of them for me..."

The village chief nodded quickly, "Don't worry, since I am the village chief of this village, I will definitely take good care of every villager!"

(End of this chapter)

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