Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

1750 Chapter 2 Concealment and abduction of the little Taoist priest [-]

1750 Chapter [-]

After sending the village chief away, Wang Lan frowned, and when his mother went out to work, Wang Lan couldn't help asking: "What do you mean you don't know when you will suddenly disappear? It's because you have succeeded in cultivation and are about to break Time and space?"

"Hahaha..." Lin Lang said with a smile: "Why are you still obsessed with those novels about cultivating immortals? With my little skill, it is estimated that I can practice for 500 years, or even thousands of years without breaking time and space. I am afraid that I was tied up last time." That person...Although I came back safely this time, there is no guarantee that I will come back safely next time, so I have to prepare for you mother and daughter, but don't worry, I will definitely protect my life!"

Wang Lan was grateful, "Anyway, I really thank you very much. Now that I think about it, you are really my benefactor. If it weren't for you, I would probably be burned to death by someone else as soon as I crossed over. I didn’t get burned to death, I stumbled and stumbled, I’m sure I’d take a lot of wrong paths, it’s you who have been pointing me…”

Lin Lang just smiled faintly and didn't say anything.

During the Chinese New Year, the small Taoist temple was very lively. The lady of the Li family made a lot of things and ate up each of their stomachs. The biggest change is that when I came here, I was thin and small, but now I am fat and white Yes, and can already speak
Lin Lang taught them how to write when she was free. Wang Lan learned how to read and write very quickly because she had lived a new life. In less than three days, she recognized more than 100 characters and could write them well. Of course, this ability to write refers to writing on the ground with a branch. If she was asked to write with a brush, Wang Lan would definitely not be able to!
On the morning of the first day of the Lunar New Year, Lin Lang thought that no one would wish him New Year's greetings. Unexpectedly, he heard a knock on the door early in the morning. Lin Lang opened the door and found himself a lazy child with a snot blister and clothes on his body. Dirty and worn out, with a few holes in the shoes.

"Why did you come here?" Although Lin Lang was puzzled, she let a few children in, built a stove for them, cooked porridge for them, and gave them a white flour steamed bun each.

The eyes of the children turned green, they ate voraciously, and stammered: "They all said that Chang is a good man who can help the second girl of the Li family. Give us candy, so..."

Lin Lang couldn't laugh or cry when she heard this, but she still took out the candies she bought and gave them a few pieces each, and gave them each a copper coin, which was considered a good fortune!
Seeing that there are steamed buns to eat, candies, and money to take, several people's noses started to bubble with joy, "Thank you, Taoist priest!"

Lin Lang was worried that the children would go back alone, and said, "The road is slippery in the snow, I'll take you back home!"

After Ping An sent the children back to the village, Lin Lang went back, but before she could catch her breath, she found someone knocking on the door again, and when she opened the door, she found dozens of children had come.

Lin Lang had a headache. At this time, the lady of the Li family also woke up, and she was at a loss when she saw a child coming.

Lin Lang didn't feel bad either, she bought the candies and peanuts by herself, took them out one after another, distributed some to each child, and gave each child a penny.

In the end, it was a big deal. Fifty or sixty children came this afternoon. Lin Lang also understood that these children had their own difficulties. After all, there was an earthquake, and every family would be affected to some extent. The Taoist leader who went to the mountain was given money and candy to eat. The eyes of a few children turned green, so it is very normal to be able to go up the mountain in the snow!

Lin Lang didn't lack the money, and after working all afternoon, she finally sent all the children away. Wang Lan stood aside and said with a smile, "Master Dao, you are really a boy of good fortune now!"

Lin Lang smiled, and suddenly thought of something, and passed a jade pendant from her arms, "I thought about it, it's too tacky to give you money, this jade pendant was rewarded to me by that noble last time, I keep it It's useless, just keep it!"

Jade is indeed a good piece of jade, Wang Lan shook her head, she could accept those fabrics, because in his understanding, it was unexpectedly worthless, and Taoist priests would not be able to wear such brightly colored fabrics, but this jade pendant was different Yes, it is priceless at first glance. If it is placed in modern times, it will definitely be worth millions. If you accept this jade pendant yourself, it will be really shameless.

"Daozhang, I really can't want this!" Wang Lan shook her head.

Lin Lang directly handed the jade pendant to the wife of the Li family, and said: "This jade pendant is very good, it can keep you safe. Both of your two children are small and you can give it to them. It's even better, don't say give it back to me, I will give it to you." For an adult, leaving this jade pendant is useless!"

The lady of the Li family just wanted to return the jade pendant, but when she heard that it would be safe, she hesitated for a moment, gritted her teeth and said, "Master Dao, when the two children grow up, I will return the jade pendant to you!"

Winter passed quietly, and Lin Lang also changed into her winter clothes, put on a simple outfit, and began to pick herbs and wild vegetables all over the mountains and plains.

They lived a leisurely life here, but the life of the second prince was not optimistic. Although he listened to it last time, after persuading him to go back, he planned his own manpower, and the whole person hibernated, but his Such a big brother is not as smart as himself, he kept working there, and later played a game of forcing the palace, but who is the father? After so many years of turmoil, the little tricks used by his big brother are simply inconceivable in front of him. Not enough to watch.

But I didn't expect that before his elder brother left, he slapped his father fiercely, and put poison in the wine his father drank. Now his father is paralyzed in bed. It is the eldest son, and with his own status, even if Phoenix is ​​not good for him to be the emperor, he has no other choice. He dare not gamble. If he becomes the prince who is fascinated by other princes, the ministers under him will definitely make a fuss. The emperor didn't want to see the court in turmoil, so he could only choose himself as the prince.

And the prince was really happy, the Taoist priest was right, as long as he hibernates with peace of mind, he will be able to get what he wants.

After becoming the prince, the second prince became even busier, but at the same time he did not forget about Lin Lang. After all, the Taoist priest who is so good at pinching and counting, and who can call the wind and rain, must not be passed on to others. He must be invited into the palace to consult him from time to time.

In this way, Linlang was escorted to the capital by several guards. As for Wang Lan, Linlang has already entrusted the village head to take care of her, and even entrusted her Taoist temple to Wang Lan!

"Master Daoist, what you said is so accurate, I just told you that if you don't fight, you are fighting. I didn't do anything, and the good thing happened to me!" The second prince was so happy, "Master Daoist You are so good at pinching and counting, can't you just stay in the countryside like this, it's really a waste of all your abilities, how about this, you stay by my side, and when I ascend the throne, I will make you a national teacher!"

Lin Lang's eyes lit up when he heard that he could become a national teacher. He looked at the second prince and said, "The prince should not be called a prince. You get what you want now, but you should understand that not everything is everything. Eternal, the same is true around the prince, although you seem to be safe and sound now, there are still storms and waves underneath, if you don't pay attention, you will be smashed to pieces!"

The prince's face changed, "The Taoist chief, tell me, what should I do?"

"Prince, you can now be said to be under one person and above ten thousand people, and you are only one step away from that position. What you have to do now is to listen to the emperor's words, and do your own thing peacefully, don't think about making troubles! "Lin Lang said pointingly: "After all, although the emperor was only poisoned, he is still clear-headed. As long as the general is raised well, maybe he can live for another few decades..."

The prince's expression changed again and again, "I see, I was careless during this period of time, thinking that I have become the prince, so I am so happy that I can't find the north, thank you Taoist priest for reminding me..."

As for Lin Lang, she became a guest of the prince's mansion, and she was also a top-notch noble one. After all, the prince has completely believed in him and regarded himself as a reliance!
(End of this chapter)

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