Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

1751 Chapter 21 Concealment and abduction of the little Taoist priest [-]

1751 Chapter 21 Concealment and abduction of the little Taoist priest [-]
Ordinarily, she had already reached the peak of her life, Lin Lang thought of Wang Lan who stayed in her hometown, and wrote her a letter, asking her if she would like to come to her place.

By his side, he can do business with peace of mind and do everything he wants, and he has the big backer of the prince, but this is also a double-edged sword.

Lin Lang sorted out the pros and cons and mailed the letter to Wang Lan. In less than two months, Wang Lan came to the capital with his mother and younger brother.

He said with a dusty face: "Actually, I also want to stay in my hometown and be a small landlord, but the old lady of the Li family is really deceiving people too much. Since you left, the actual home is in our house. Even if the village head wants to protect We, but due to filial piety, the village chief can't protect us!"

Wang Lan showed a wry smile, and continued: "That's fine, but I never thought about it, that old woman is so vicious, she even wanted to sell my mother to someone else as a concubine, and she was going to sell my brother too. I'm still going to sell myself to that kind of dirty place. Naturally, I don't want to leave here secretly, but my mother disagrees, saying how can we orphans and widows go to other places to live? We really have nowhere to go , if you hadn’t written that letter, I really don’t know what to do, and I also know that it might not be so comfortable to live with you, there is no freedom or something, but it’s better than being betrayed by others!”

Lin Lang patted Wang Lan, "Actually, you don't have to worry, the prince is actually a good person, as long as you don't do too much, the prince will not kill you!"

Wang Lan raised her head, "God actually let me come into this world, there is a reason for me to come into this world, I am going to invent all the things I know, I want to change this world!"

Really ambitious words, Lin Lang nodded, but warned: "Your invention is an invention, but don't invent weapons that don't belong to this world!"

Wang Lan's face changed. She really knew the formula of gunpowder, but it is true that this is the era of cold weapons. If she invented this weapon, wouldn't it advance history for hundreds of years, and she would suffer retribution.

With Wang Lan's joining the crown prince, it is equivalent to having a pocketbook. After the crown prince ascended the throne, Wang Lan's inventions became more and more. It can be said that Wang Lan's money covered the entire treasury, allowing the emperor to do whatever he wanted. You don't have to worry about money if you want things.

But at the same time, Wang Lan was also missed by others. First of all, Wang Lan's master was a national teacher, he was the emperor's guest, and he could call the wind and rain, he was a real master of the world.

Moreover, Wang Lan can make money, not ordinary money, he is the emperor's pocketbook, marrying Wang Lan is equivalent to having a lifetime of wealth.

Naturally, Linlang knew that someone was planning on Wang Lan, so he personally asked Wang Lan about her future thoughts, "If you want to marry, at least think carefully about it. After all, you are not just marrying someone, and there is the emperor behind you. If you marry someone whose death rate is too high, it may arouse the emperor's fear, which will be of great disadvantage to you!"

Wang Lan smiled plainly, "The emperor also said this before, and I told him too, I am used to doing whatever I want, as long as I see him, I will definitely marry him, no matter whether he is poor or poor. I will marry him if he is rich or noble, but I can assure the emperor that I will never do anything that endangers the country in this life!"

Lin Lang patted Wang Lan, "You are a girl with ideas. I believe you can live your life well. By the way, I heard that the old lady of the Li family has come to the capital. Is it true?"

Wang Lan showed a sneer, "Of course it is true. I became the emperor's purse, which naturally violated the interests of some people, so they invited the old lady here, but I am not idle. It's good to ambush!
At the beginning, I couldn't touch the old lady because I didn't have anyone in my hands. Now that I have money and work, I naturally want to take revenge for all the suffering I suffered before! "

Linlang lowered her eyes, smiled casually, picked up the teacup and took a sip, "I heard that your brother has entered the Imperial College?"

Hearing Lin Lang talking about her younger brother, Wang Lan showed a slight smile, "That child is indeed a good seed for studying, and I think he will be the number one scholar in the future!"

"That's good!" Lin Lang stood up and said exhortingly, "Because I'm also destined, so I'll give you a piece of advice, you must leave yourself a few escape routes!"

"I understand!" Wang Lan did that. She married a man and gave birth to a girl, but later he never gave birth to another child. The man changed his mind and started dating you without hesitation. As for the girl Wang Lan wanted to bring her back, but the female law in this world disagreed. Although Wang Lan was sad, she still left the child there.

But I never thought that someone wanted to kill Wang Lan for the money in his hands. After so many years of experience, Wang Lan is no longer the cowardly and cowardly little girl she used to be. After killing them all, she retired immediately. As for the shops in her hands, and the money, she also tried to hide them.

Without the money bag, the life of the next emperor is not very good. After all, there is no money in the treasury, and no matter how many ideas he has, he can't implement them. He is a little angry. It was impossible for Lan to leave, and it was impossible for him to lose his money bag, so he poured all his anger on Wang Lanfu's family, which made it impossible for Wang Lanfu's family to stay in the capital, and the group returned to their hometown.

Just when they thought it was safe, a fire broke out, and they ran away, and a big family broke up like this. Wang Lan also found her daughter, although she was a little cowardly raised by her husband's family But after a few years of experience behind her, she slowly grew up.

When Lin Lang opened her eyes again, she looked at the decoration of the room and smelled her own body. Her nose wrinkled up. It's okay to be a Westerner, but why doesn't this woman take a bath? The body odor is so bad It's too strong, it's almost killing people.

Lin Lang couldn't take it anymore, so she opened the window, and after the smell in the room dissipated, Ming Lang lay on the bed, ignoring the smell on her body, and closed her eyes to accept the plot.

[I am the daughter of a down-and-out nobleman. When I was very young, our family had no money, so we were not as rich as other noblemen, so the whole family was struggling, and finally waited for me to grow up. , My parents want to marry me to a rich man so that I can get a generous dowry!

I don't want to, I fell in love with a poor boy, so I will marry him without hesitation To be happy, after giving birth to two children, life in the family became more and more bitter. Later, in order to make money to support the family, the man went to the mountain to cut trees in snowy weather, and one of them was accidentally killed by a falling tree, and the child was gone. Father's family has no support!
At this time, my mother came and she gave me an idea that I could marry a nobleman. Although their family was a nobleman, they had the smell of merchants because of their frequent business, so It's not popular with others!

My mother persuaded me, saying that I had already been married once and had two children, that man was already the best choice, so let me stop being picky!
I hesitated, but I agreed without hesitation. After all, I am a woman and I really can't raise two girls!
That man was married once, and his wife died after giving birth to a child. This time, there is another reason why he married me. After all, a businessman like him with only a small title, and married again Married people are not welcomed by the upper class at all!
Although a woman like me has been married before, my parents both have titles, and they can be regarded as having a much higher status in the upper class than that man!
After getting married, life is indeed easier, but at the same time I am closer to my daughter. Maybe others will call me vicious, but people's hearts are long. My two daughters are my own, and that girl I have no blood relationship with me, I can't love her, but I can't abuse her, so the relationship between us is very ordinary! 】

(End of this chapter)

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