Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1755 Cinderella's Vicious Stepmother 4

Chapter 1755 Cinderella's Vicious Stepmother IV

The eldest daughter and the second daughter have learned to be good. They know that although their mother loves them, they will never spoil them without a bottom line.

Therefore, they could only be patient and learn from the teacher. Lin Lang also started her own way of making money, such as soap bars. At first, because of funding problems, they did not produce much. Now that they have more money, Lin Lang bought a piece of land in the suburbs and built a The factory, and also bought several manors, dedicated to growing all kinds of flowers.

Lin Lang originally wanted to follow the route of the common people, but after thinking about it, she decided to forget it. If the things were too ordinary, the nobles would not be willing to buy them. If the nobles were unwilling to buy them, she would lose her support.

Lin Lang didn't dare to gamble. After all, this era is really abnormal. If someone has a slightly different way of thinking, he will be judged as a witch by others. In the Middle Ages, witches are the most unlucky. People were burned to death on the fire.

Lin Lang didn't want her best years to be burned to death like this, so she took the boutique route, specializing in making some essential oils, and some perfumes.

Linlang's business is very good, it can be said that the supply exceeds the demand, but Linlang has not expanded production, and lives in the countryside with a few children, living her life honestly.

To be honest, the eldest daughter and the second daughter are the most dissatisfied. Obviously, the mother is already very successful, and there are so many noble ladies who come to socialize, why doesn't the mother associate with them?After all, they are nobles, why do they have to live in the countryside?It's dirty and smelly, and there are no fun express delivery, it's really boring.

Regardless of whether the children are willing or not, Lin Lang puts them in the countryside. The main reason is that these two children are too worried. , rather than relying on others.

As for Cinderella, after a period of study, the whole person has calmed down a lot. Although she seldom socializes outside, she has left a lot of good reputation.

Lin Lang couldn't help but lament that the heroines in fairy tales are different. Although there are some flaws, they are overall perfect. This perfection is not only reflected in the beauty of the person, but more importantly, the heart.

"Mother..." Cinderella sat aside, hesitated for a moment, and then said slowly: "Mother, our family is already so rich, but why... do we want to live in the country?"

Lin Lang was taken aback. He had always thought that it was his eldest daughter and second daughter who would ask him this question. Unexpectedly, Cinderella asked him first. She squinted her eyes and asked vigilantly, "Why do you have such an idea?"

Cinderella said very flatly: "Mother, do you think my thinking is strange, but it's not like this. I think your thinking is very strange. You can ask your friends or other nobles around you, which family will agree?" Living in the country all the time, a nobleman does not reflect his status, but his ability to communicate. If he loses his ability to communicate, he will lose the upper class... Mother, although our family can make money, we have no one to rely on. In the eyes of others, we are just golden dolls, maybe one day we violate the interests of others, and they will stab us with sharp knives..."

My God, I really deserve to be the heroine, I think long enough.

Lin Lang's mind is also a little confused. Maybe she moved to the countryside and was with someone else...Of course, this other person is not from this era, but from his era. It seems very normal, but people from this era People find it very strange, because there is an insurmountable gap between the nobles and the poor here, and the nobles are unattainable. If they want to stay in the countryside and get along with the poor, they will be willing to be inferior.

Lin Lang sighed, "Actually, I also have my own ideas. You know that your two sisters have eyes that reach to the sky, but they never knew... they are down-to-earth, and they also have problems with their thinking. When they encounter something, they just have to worry about it." Thinking of relying on others, I never thought of relying on my own ability to overcome difficulties!
do you know?Relying on others is tantamount to entrusting your life to others, maybe one day that person doesn't want to help you, but you have nothing to do..."

Cinderella thought for a long time, "Mother, I... I seem to understand something, mother is to let us be self-reliant, but... in this era, the only thing a woman can rely on is a man..."

Lin Lang patted his hand, "The world will always change, as long as you are strong, no one will hurt you!"

Cinderella left in a daze as if she had nothing to do, but Lin Lang had a headache, did she really want to stay here forever?In case someone else sees something abnormal...

Lin Lang was a little scared. She gritted her teeth and stomped her feet. Anyway, both daughters have grown up, and it's time for them to go to school.

When they heard that they were going to move out of the manor, the two girls were overjoyed, and they hurriedly asked Lin Lang, "Mother, are we really going to leave here? You are not lying to me, I am so happy, I thought I was dreaming, I didn't expect to wait until this day!"

Lin Lang looked at them and warned, "I'm not taking you back to make you a teacher, but to let you go to school. I can take care of you now, but I will eventually. When I die, So I can't take care of you all the time, you have to learn to be self-reliant!"

The eldest daughter said nonchalantly: "Mother, why do you have such an idea? You may leave, but our family is very rich now. When I find a noble man and marry him, then we will be counted. Endless money wasted!"

Lin Lang slapped the table, "Are you all married? Have you never thought about being self-reliant? Why do you have to rely on others? Look at me, since Cinderella's father left, I have never I haven't relied on any man, isn't my life pretty good now?
I provide you with a humorous life, and I also hired the best teachers for you, just to let you learn more knowledge, so that you don’t have to panic if you encounter something in the future, and you can find a solution, not to make you think Do your best to rely on others! "

The eldest daughter shrank her head, "Mom, I know I was wrong, don't be angry!"

The second daughter followed suit and nodded, "Yes, mother, I know you have worked hard, we will never think like this again, it's too early, let's hurry up and pack things, or we will be in a hurry tomorrow!"

Lin Lang waved her hand, and the two daughters ran upstairs quickly. While packing up, the eldest daughter couldn't help but said, "I really don't know what mother thinks, why do we have to be self-reliant? All noble women It's all like this!"

"Who knows, since Cinderella's father left, I feel that my mother is weird. She not only moved out of the city, but also let us live in the countryside. What kind of place is this? Fortunately, my mother has decorated it well. Otherwise, I won't be able to stay any longer!" The second daughter pouted and couldn't help complaining.

The eldest daughter nodded and continued: "Yes, not only that, mother is also very good to Cinderella, better than the two of us, not only let her study with us, but why buy him clothes? She Her father has already left, and she has nothing to do with us, so why buy her so many things?"

The second daughter sighed, "Okay, let's not talk about it, so as not to make my mother unhappy when she hears it!"

(End of this chapter)

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