Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1756 Cinderella's Vicious Stepmother 5

Chapter 1756 Cinderella's Vicious Stepmother Five

In the early morning of the second day, the carriage hired by Lin Lang arrived. Lin Lang was fully prepared and prepared the things early. The grooms only had to move the things to the carriage and then set off.

Back at the original home, Cinderella was overjoyed, and happily ran to her previous room, looked at the familiar decoration, shed tears, stayed for a long time before slowly walking out of the room, and said in a hoarse voice: " Mother, I haven't seen my father for a long time, so I want to see my father later!"

Lin Lang nodded to her, "Go, but pay attention to the time, come back early!"

Cinderella showed a grateful look, and when she went to her father's grave, she bought a few bouquets of roses, because she hadn't been here for a long time, and her father's grave was a bit deserted, and two pigeons stayed on the cross in front of the grave.

Cinderella put the roses in front of the tombstone and said slowly: "Dear father, after you left, mother has changed a lot. Although she still doesn't like me, she didn't abuse me and treated me very well. I hired a teacher... and bought me a lot of clothes, not only that, but after a while, my mother will send me to school...

I used to think that my mother was uneasy and kind. He married you just to covet our family's money, but I don't think he is like this. Although he doesn't have a good face towards me, he is very soft-hearted. You have never treated me badly...Father, I am living a good life now, so you can rest assured in heaven, I hope you can bless me and mother..."

After talking a lot, Cinderella saw that it was getting late, and when she was about to go back, suddenly, colorful lights appeared in front of her eyes, and then an amiable old lady in a white gauze dress appeared.

"Oh, my lovely little girl, why are your eye sockets so red? Did someone bully you?" Fairy Yeast asked concerned.

Cinderella shook her head, "No, I just miss my father and think of the happy days, so I couldn't help crying. I live a good life and no one bullies me!"

The fairy frowned, "But I just heard you talking about your stepmother. Could it be that your stepmother bullied you? Little girl, you don't have to hide it. If he really bullied you, you can tell me and I can help you avenge ..."

Cinderella frowned, "Grandma, I think you are very strange. I didn't say that someone bullied me. On the contrary, I have a good life. Look at my clothes. My mother just made them for me. , and my mother is going to send me to school, you know, although there are many nobles who let girls study, they rarely send them to school, but my mother is different, she is very cheerful, Not only sending us to school, but also encouraging us to be self-reliant, she is a very good person, so please don't slander her!"

Fairy Yeast said in surprise: "Oh my God, is there such a good person in this world? Well, little girl, I am destined to meet you today. If you encounter any bad things in the future, you can come here Look for me!"

Cinderella nodded, but she didn't take this matter to heart, and she still had to do what she should do after returning home.

But the eldest daughter and the second daughter are different. As soon as they came back, they went to find their former friends, attended various banquets every day, and enjoyed all kinds of flattery.

Lin Lang had a headache for these two girls, so he couldn't figure it out. Is vanity really that important?Can't you live your life in a down-to-earth manner?
Lin Lang didn't think of a good solution at the moment, so she could only let it go, but she definitely wouldn't let the two girls go too far. After the placement was completed, she ignored their objections and sent them directly to school.

Before leaving, the eldest daughter said very angrily: "Mother, you have really changed a lot. Few people send their daughters to school now, but why do you send us to school? We Don't you have a tutor?"

"You can make a lot of friends at school, and the school will allow you to learn a lot of knowledge, which is incomparable to tutors!" Lin Lang said lightly.

"Oh, my dear mother, you are a devil, why do you have to make us do things we don't like, I like to socialize, play with all kinds of friends, like to party, but why would you What made me so boring? Apart from letting me learn, besides letting me be self-reliant, can't I recognize my own wishes?" The eldest daughter complained.

"Dear daughter, I know you don't like the arrangement I made for you, but have you ever thought about what socializing and parties can bring you? They are just temporary vanity, but learning can bring you more More knowledge can give you more confidence. I will leave one day. When I get there, no one will always protect you. How can you rely on yourself? Maybe you think I am alarmist now, but you Remember, you can't rely on others all the time, because the person you rely on will leave you one day and you can only rely on yourself, because only by relying on yourself can you get a better future!" Lin Lang said slowly.

The second daughter pouted, "Mother, what are you talking about? We are nobles, and we have so many friends and so much money in our family, how could we lose? You are too Alarmist talk!"

"Do you think I'm deceiving you? Don't you think about what those friends did after Cinderella's father left. They stayed away from us one by one. Why? Because our family has no money, So those friends think we are poor and don't want to have any contact with us!
These principles are also the same, our family has money now, so they are willing to be friends with us, but after our family has no money, do you think they will still be willing to be friends with us?
Do you think that a nobleman can do whatever he wants, don’t joke, go and see your grandfather and uncle, what else is left besides being a nobleman, I heard that even servants can’t be afforded now... Let’s The main reason why the family can have the current status is that I have developed by relying on my knowledge. If I hadn't learned that knowledge, I guess our family would live worse than your uncle and aunt..."

The girls were silent, and went to school obediently. Lin Lang also began to concentrate on taking care of her own business.

As spring and autumn come, the three girls grow up, and the longer they grow, the more beautiful they become. To be honest, the most beautiful among them is Cinderella, with golden hair, blue eyes, and exquisite facial features. The angels in the kingdom of heaven are so delicate and beautiful.

As for the eldest daughter and second daughter, they are also very beautiful, but they are only a little more beautiful than those ordinary girls. Compared with Cinderella, they are indeed a heaven and an earth.

Lin Lang also knew that they were jealous of Cinderella's appearance, so she said exhortingly, "Children, beauty doesn't mean everything. A girl with a kind heart is the most beautiful!"

Lin Lang didn't know if they listened, because the matter of Cinderella finally came. The prince of the kingdom came of age, and suddenly invited unmarried girls all over the country to attend the banquet in the kingdom.

When the eldest daughter and the second daughter knew about this, their eyes lit up, "My God, if I am chosen by the prince, wouldn't I be a princess?"

(End of this chapter)

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