Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1757 Cinderella's Vicious Stepmother 6

Chapter 1757 Cinderella's Vicious Stepmother VI

When the second daughter heard the elder sister say the same thing to her, she quickly frowned and said mockingly: "Elder sister, people must be self-aware. If you look like you, you still want to marry a prince. Go and dream of your age!"

The eldest daughter followed up and said, "What do you mean? You are no better than me, so why should you despise me?"

After saying this, the two women were silent. They were indeed good-looking, but they were only a little bit prettier than ordinary people, but compared to so many daughters of nobles, they were indeed not good enough.

"Okay, let's stop arguing here, we two are sisters, whoever marries the prince is good for us, there is no need to argue with each other here!" The second daughter gritted her teeth and continued: "What we should do now is to ask our mother to buy us the most beautiful clothes and jewelry, so that the prince can see us first among the crowd!"

The eldest daughter stood up, "You're right, but... you said that mother would let us marry the prince? He never wanted us to rely on marriage to get what we want..."

The second daughter then said: "Mother will definitely agree. After all, marrying a prince is the wish of all girls, and if we marry a prince, it will bring a lot of wealth to the family. Mother has no reason to object!"

After the two girls finished speaking, they quickly ran downstairs, "Mom, I have good news for you!"

Lin Lang was baking cakes in the kitchen. Hearing this, she raised her head and looked at the quiet and virginal Cinderella. She couldn't help but wonder when her two daughters would be like Cinderella!

"Can't you be quieter? Like a lady?" Lin Lang sighed.

The eldest daughter said with bright eyes: "Mom, that's because I have a very important news to tell you!"

When Lin Lang heard this, she couldn't help but chuckled, "I know what you want to say, is it about the prince? Oh my god, how many times have I said it, you can't treat others as your only ones. Rely on, you have to rely on yourself!"

"Mother, we naturally understand the truth, but marrying a prince is the wish of all girls, and this is our wish too. Besides, we must get married. Marrying someone else is also marrying. Why can't you marry a prince? You can't because He is very rich, so you discriminate against him!" The second daughter stepped forward and continued, "Think about it for yourself, after I marry the prince, I will be the queen, and I am the envy of all women. Prince, our family no longer needs to be looked down upon by others, and we have a lifetime of wealth, isn't that good enough?"

"Hehe, there is no one left in the horoscope, are you so sure? Our family background is not obvious. Although we are nobles, we are only a little better than ordinary people, and there is no man in the family who can rely on. What do you say? Will the prince fall in love with you ordinary people?" Lin Lang shook her head, "So let's stay at home honestly and don't get involved in that dance party!"

"Mother!" Cinderella raised her head and said, "I think the two sisters are right. It is the wish of all girls to marry a prince. Although you don't agree with this statement, you can't stop the two sisters. To pursue your own dreams, let’s talk about how big a grand event it is to choose a concubine, even if we don’t want to get involved, we still have to take a look, because such a loss is very rare, if you miss it once, you will never see it again up!

And all the nobles are going, if we don't go, wouldn't it be disrespectful to the prince? "

Lin Lang looked at them, then nodded, "Forget it, I agree with you to go, I'll have a tailor come to my door later, let them sew a dress for each of you, and buy you some jewelry, and the rest ..."

The eldest daughter and the second daughter were overjoyed, and hurriedly discussed what clothes to wear today. Lin Lang sat aside and looked at the quiet Cinderella, and whispered to her: "When the time comes, you too!"

A look of astonishment flashed across Cinderella's face, "I'll go too, will the prince take a fancy to me?"

Lin Lang frowned, thought for a while, looked at the cheerful eldest daughter and second daughter, sighed softly, and said to Cinderella: "Let me tell you this, I think your chances of being elected princess are comparable to You two older sisters are much more numerous. After all, they are both short-sighted, but you are different. I have observed you for a long time, not to mention your beauty, but your heart. You are definitely one of the best..."

Cinderella couldn't help but blushed when she heard this, "Mom, I'm not as good as you say..."

"I have eyes. I know what kind of girl you are. To be honest, among the three children, I think you are the best. Your heart is calm and you know what you want. The key is that you have a very kind heart!" Lin Lang patted her hand and continued, "You are a good boy, but you have to remember one sentence, men are unreliable, and you must Rely on yourself, be an independent and self-reliant person!"

"Yeah!" Cinderella nodded slowly.

The eldest daughter and the second daughter were still discussing enthusiastically over there. After the tailor came to the door, the two quickly surrounded them and told their requirements.

After finally working till night, when the tailor was about to leave, Lin Lang stood up and said, "Wait a minute, no matter my two daughters are going to make clothes, I also have a younger daughter who is going to make clothes, please record her size of!"

The second daughter stared wide-eyed, "Mother, do you know what you are talking about? She is not your biological daughter, why do you want to make clothes for her?"

"That's right, if you have that kind of money, buy me some more clothes, I want to wear the best looking ones!" The eldest daughter nodded.

Lin Lang knocked on the table and warned: "This is my home, and I paid for the tailor to make the clothes, so you two have no room to object!"

The second daughter got angry and said, "Mother, why did you do this? You should understand that this Cinderella is more beautiful than me. What if she is spotted by the prince? That would mean losing a chance, mother." I'm your biological daughter, she's just an alien, you've already shown mercy by raising her, why do you want to give her beautiful clothes?"

"Yes, mother, I think you are so confused. You must not be cursed by the witch?" The eldest daughter pouted and continued: "You can live a good life when we become the princess, but the fairy What benefits can you get from Du Ruila becoming a princess? Don't forget that she is not your biological daughter, and her father has passed away. It can be said that she has nothing to do with our family. She is well-developed They won't think about us either, only when we are developed will we miss you and be filial to you!"

Lin Lang looked at them warningly, and said, "I don't want to say the same thing again, Cinderella may not be my biological child, but you are also not Cinderella's father's biological child, he treats you very differently. Okay? To be a human being, you must know how to be grateful, and don't be a white-eyed wolf!

Cinderella is a very good girl, I know she will not do ungrateful things, and I also hope that you sisters get along well, no matter who becomes the princess, or not, I It doesn't matter, because I think the value of a girl should not be reflected in marrying someone. I just hope that you will love each other and be united! "

(End of this chapter)

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