Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1758 Cinderella's Vicious Stepmother 7

Chapter 1758 Cinderella's Vicious Stepmother VII

As soon as these words came out, the eldest daughter immediately exploded with anger, "You always say that Cinderella's father is good, but you don't even think about it, did he discuss it with you when he took all the money from the family to start a business? He didn't even regard you as his wife, and it was because of this man that he lost all his money to nothing, so that we could only move from the city to the countryside, and even the servants could not afford to be poor!
You said he called me into this, why do you still think about his well-being?Okay, I know you are grateful, but you have already given Cinderella food and drink, and provided him with a place to live for free, and you will give him a share of everything we have, but why do you want to What about buying her clothes?do you know?If she goes to run for election, we will lose a chance..."

The second daughter also said aggrievedly: "Mother, eldest sister and I are your biological daughters, why do you treat an outsider better than us two sisters?"

Cinderella stood aside and blushed when she heard this, "Actually...the two of them are right, mother, you have been very kind to me, there is no need...let a tailor make clothes for me..."

Lin Lang frowned, "Hehe, did you make a mistake? The prince said that he invited unmarried girls from all over the country to her banquet. Since Rila, an unmarried girl from all over the country, is not married, she is eligible, isn't she?" You said that if you don’t let him go, he can’t go, and I’m willing to make clothes for him, so why do you make irresponsible remarks, blame others for your own incompetence, why are you so big?”

"You..." The two children were furious, "Okay, it seems that we made it clear that we were going to favor Cinderella that time, okay, after we become princesses, don't regret it!"

"With your character, you can still be a princess, unless the prince is blind!" Lin Lang looked at the tailor beside her and said softly, "I'm so sorry to let you see such a play, you can continue to measure it." !"

The tailor laughed dryly, and left quickly after measuring the size. When he returned, he couldn't wait to tell his wife what happened today.

"My God, I always thought that countess was a vicious person, but I didn't expect that countess is really a good person, and she treated her stepdaughter as well as her own daughter!"

The tailor sighed and said: "That's why you know people and faces but don't know your heart, and his two daughters, although they are also daughters of nobles, are extremely vicious!"

"The prince will definitely not fall in love with such a woman!" The tailor's wife said with certainty.

After the tailor left, Cinderella lowered her head and said guiltily, "I'm really sorry for causing you and your daughter to argue again!"

Lin Lang shook her head, "I don't blame you for this matter. I am too high-minded after having two children. I always think about what is there. They should understand a truth. They are better than them in the world, more beautiful than them, and better than them. They have more kind-hearted girls, they should not be jealous of this, but should accept the reality, work hard to correct themselves, and become better people!"

After the eldest daughter and the second daughter returned to the room, the eldest daughter got angry and said, "Mother is getting more and more confused, she is so kind to Cinderella!"

The second daughter also said, "Yeah, I really don't know what mother thinks, do you think mother was scared and cursed, and that's why she became more and more confused?"

"I think there is such a possibility as you said. Do you still remember what kind of attitude Cinderella's mother had when her father was not dead? She simply regarded Cinderella as a servant, if it wasn't for Cinderella's scruples Father, mother probably will do more ruthless, but after Cinderella's father left, mother's attitude has changed too much, it's fine to keep Cinderella, but also buy her clothes, and let her follow us Study together, why?

The mother must be bewitched, otherwise, let's go to the witch tomorrow and find a way to break the spell, so that the mother will come back, and we don't have to be afraid that Cinderella will snatch the prince! "

"That's a good idea. I still have some gold coins in my hand. I'll go with you tomorrow!" The second daughter echoed.

Early in the morning of the second day, the two girls sneaked into the jungle to find the legendary witch, and after donating a large sum of money, they said sincerely: "Witch, my mother must be bewitched, otherwise I wouldn't be so happy." May favor an outsider!"

The witch closed her eyes tightly and said hoarsely, "Then what do you want?"

"My lord witch, I hope you can bring our original mother back. Not only that, but I also want that Cinderella's life to be worse than death. She is just a poor girl whose father died. Why should she be equal to us? Why should she wear new clothes? Clothes? Why bring new jewelry? That woman should stay in the small castle all her life, marry a poor man when she grows up, and live a life of pain!" The eldest daughter said through gritted teeth.

"Okay, I will grant your wishes, but can you bear the consequences?" The witch's voice was in a trance.

The eldest daughter frowned, "What are the consequences? Our wishes are all good wishes. How could there be bad consequences? You are not lying to me, or are you pretending to be a ghost?"

"Of course I can satisfy your wishes, but some wishes will cause some bad things to happen. Are you willing to bear those bad things? If you are not willing to bear them, then pretend that nothing happened today. If you are willing If you accept it, I will do it right now to satisfy your wishes!" The witch said gloomily.

The second daughter swallowed nervously, then gritted her teeth and said very firmly: "Okay, you don't need to say anything, we are willing to bear the consequences, but you must promise to fulfill our wishes!"

"Of course!" The witch took out something, threw it into the sky, a bright light flashed and said, "Okay, your wish has been fulfilled. When you go back, you will meet the same mother as before!"

Here, Lin Lang's head began to ache violently, and she grinned in pain, wishing to throw her head out to see what was growing inside!
Standing aside, Cinderella saw that Lin Lang was about to fall to the ground, she quickly helped her up, and asked with concern, "What's wrong with you? Do you want me to ask the doctor to come and see?"

"I..." Before Linlang finished speaking, she passed out on the ground, and when she woke up again, she found that she had returned to the system space!

[Just now... what happened?How did I get back here, shouldn't I be on a mission? 】

Lin Lang sat up from the white bed, looked around, and hurriedly asked!
At this time, 12580 appeared, he touched his chin, and said with doubts: [I also find it very strange, why did you come back here?Tell me, did you encounter any strange things during your mission? 】

Lin Lang frowned, thinking carefully, 【This... Does making bread count?Before I came back, I was making bread with Cinderella! 】

12580 shook his head, 【Should have nothing to do with this matter, forget it, you stay here and rest well, I'll go and find out what happened! 】

Lin Lang lay on the bed again, 【Okay, I just haven't had a rest for a long time, but... the interruption of the mission has nothing to do with me, you can't deduct my points! 】

12580 waved his hand, [This matter cannot be easily concluded, so no one can tell if your points will be deducted! 】

(End of this chapter)

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