Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1760 Cinderella's Vicious Stepmother 9

Chapter 1760 Cinderella's Vicious Stepmother [-]

Cinderella moved to the attic in despair, but because the attic hadn't been inhabited for a long time, it was covered with a layer of dust, and there was no way to live in it.

Cinderella had no choice but to grit her teeth and make do for one night. The next morning, she went to fetch a bucket of clean water and barely cleaned the attic, but the attic was not a good place at all. But fortunately, these mice did not harm it, knowing that she was hungry and brought her a lot of fruit!

Cinderella knows that she can't be like this forever, just like the fairy Yeast said, the prince is her only support, and the ball is her only chance to stand up.

When he went downstairs to beg his mother to give him another chance, he heard them talking about him.

"My God, did I really do this? Why did I do this? I don't like that girl. I didn't want to do it because of her father's face, but his father How could I treat him so kindly, I must have made a mistake!"

"Mother is really not mistaken, you treat that little bitch better than the two of us, you always praise her, and say that she is kind-hearted and beautiful, not only that, mother, you also let him Study with us!"

"Yes, yes, mother, you also made a lot of clothes for him, and you treated her better than the two of us, and mother, you also said... You also said that the two of us look the same, and our hearts are not kind, prince They won't even look at us!"

The stepmother covered her mouth, "Oh my God, did I really say such a thing? Impossible... You are my most precious daughter, the jewel in my heart, no one can compare to you! "

The eldest daughter was very happy, "Mom, I really like you now, I think you like me very much, but mother, you must promise me, don't lie to me again, and since that Cinderella eats our family , drink from our family, don't let him go to the ball, if the prince takes a fancy to her, what will my sister and I do?"

The stepmother nodded, "Of course, I'm not a fool, so I wouldn't let that woman go to the prom, my precious daughter, you are the pride of my mother, so when it comes to the prom, you must dress up beautifully." , try to make the prince unable to move his eyes away after seeing you!"

"Mom, I saw a very beautiful jewelry recently, you can buy it for me, as long as I wear that jewelry, I will definitely become the most dazzling heart at the ball!"

"Okay, I'll buy them all for you!"

"Mom, you are so kind!"


When Cinderella heard this, she slowly took her feet back, ran to the attic and cried like a hearty cry, he was not reconciled, not reconciled that he could only stay in the attic for the rest of his life, actively and anonymously, he I don't understand why the stepmother became like this, but she understands that since things cannot be changed, she can only accept her fate, but she will never succumb to her fate, she wants to change her life!

Parents don't let me go to the ball, but I can go secretly, I don't have an expensive evening dress, I can make it myself, anyway, the teacher taught them to sew clothes!

Thinking of this, Cinderella found her old clothes, trimmed them, and made a beautiful evening dress with the help of animals

On the day of the ball, when the stepmother and her two daughters were about to get into the carriage to go to the ball, Cinderella walked out slowly, "Mother, have you forgotten me?"

Looking at the dazzling Cinderella, the stepmother said confidently, "Why do you have such a beautiful evening dress?"

"I made this myself!" Cinderella bit her lip and said, "Mother, the prince once said that unmarried girls from all over the country are invited to the ball. I am also an unmarried girl, so I am also eligible to participate!"

The stepmother's lungs exploded, and she rushed over, grabbed Cinderella's clothes and tore them forcefully, then pushed Cinderella to the ground, "You bloody bitch, you still want to go to the ball, what a dream come true What? You just stay here honestly!"

"No, I'm going to the ball, you can't stop me..." Cinderella said quickly.

The stepmother clapped her hands, walked out slowly, and said as she walked, "You still want to go to the ball, what are you dreaming about? You don't have an evening dress now, and I won't take you there, so you can't get in at all." Go to the gate of the palace!
And you just accept your fate, if you are our servant in this life, you will always be our servant, and you want to fly on a stone and become a phoenix, haha, this is absolutely impossible, only my daughter is the brightest pearl in the world , to be worthy of the title of princess! "

Cinderella looked at her tattered clothes and burst into tears. She just wanted to rush to the dance venue, but she found that her stepmother had closed the door. She fell to the ground and cried bitterly, "Why? Why did you let me suffer like this?" Consequences? Why can't I go to the Prince's ball?"

"Oh, my poor little girl, don't cry anymore, it breaks my heart, I don't have any cute evening dresses for you..." At this moment, the fairy yeast suddenly appeared, waving I clicked the light stick, and a burst of light flashed across Cinderella's body, and suddenly there was a dazzling evening dress. Not only that, Cinderella also became extremely beautiful and delicate!
Looking at the evening dress on her body, Cinderella was so surprised that she couldn't say anything. She spun slightly, and the delicate skirt bloomed slowly like a flower!

"Lovely child, I'm giving you something!" Fairy Yeast lightly raised her hand, and a pair of beautiful dancing shoes appeared on Cinderella's feet. Then she raised her hand again, and a pumpkin appeared not far away. carriage!

"My child, go to the dance, but I have one very important thing to tell you, that is, this thing has a time limit, you must come back after 12 o'clock, otherwise all the magic will disappear completely, and your The real face will also be exposed in front of everyone!" The fairy godmother warned.

Cinderella nodded, and took the carriage to the palace. Everyone had invitations, but when people saw that Cinderella had such a luxurious carriage and she was so beautiful, they didn't dare to stop her immediately. I got in the carriage, and I didn't dare to ask about frugality!

After Cinderella entered the ball, she looked around for 4 weeks, and she saw her stepmother not far away. She was chatting with a few ladies. At this time, the stepmother has really changed a lot, not like before. Neither humble nor overbearing, on the contrary, the stepmother's face at this time still has a hint of flattery on her face!
Cinderella is really lucky, fortunately, she is very different from before, so her stepmother and sister didn't recognize her at all, and they just thought she was the daughter of some nobleman, and they didn't come to trouble her at all!
Cinderella looked at the crowd full of people, she didn't know what was going on in her heart, she became a stepmother after all, she was a bit empty, the most annoying kind of relying on a man to take over, and entrusting her destiny to others...

Thinking of this, Cinderella felt a little uncomfortable, but when he was feeling uncomfortable, the prince seemed to see his destined lover, how could there be such a beautiful woman in the world, so good to see... only him in his eyes, and then There is no room for other girls... The prince walked over slowly, his heart beating fast...

(End of this chapter)

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