Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1761 Cinderella's Evil Stepmother

Chapter 1761 Cinderella's Vicious Stepmother Ten

"May I invite you to dance, my beautiful lady?" the prince sincerely invited.

Cinderella nodded shyly, took the prince's hand, and walked slowly onto the dance floor. The two of them talked happily that night. At this moment, the clock in the living room rang, and Cinderella looked back. , found that the time was approaching, and ran out in fright.

The prince also chased after Cinderella, but he didn't catch up with Cinderella. When he turned around there, he found a beautiful crystal slipper on the steps. The prince's eyes lit up, he pulled up the slipper and said to the butler next to him, "Whoever can wear it?" Whoever wears this glass slipper will be my bride!"

Cinderella returned home without any danger, but found that one of her shoes had been lost. There was no way, and it was impossible for him to go back to find the crystal shoe.

The stepmother, the eldest daughter and the second daughter all came back, and they said angrily, "Damn it, who is that woman who suddenly appeared?"

The eldest daughter was very angry, "I heard that the prince danced with him all night. Tell me, mother, can I still be a princess?"

The stepmother patted the eldest daughter's hand, "Oh, my dear daughter, don't be sad, the matter is not yet settled, there is still room for change!"

The second daughter continued, "Is there any room for turning around? The prince made it clear that he wanted to marry that woman. It seems that we have no chance. If that's the case, then mother, let's focus on other nobles!"

The stepmother shook her head, "Don't worry about it, my daughter is the most beautiful nation in the world, the prince will definitely take a fancy to you, as for the woman who suddenly appeared... nothing to worry about, after all... no one knows what he is doing now If he is a commoner, even if the prince wants to marry a commoner, those ministers will not be willing, but my daughters, you are different, you are the children of the nobles, and you have learned knowledge from the teacher , and have attended school are the most dazzling nation, the prince will definitely marry you!"

Hearing this, the eldest daughter and the second daughter put their hearts back into their stomachs, and after talking with the stepmother for a while, the two daughters went upstairs. They didn't notice that there was a person behind the desk who was eavesdropping on their speech.

"Sister, have you noticed? Since we went to invite the witch to practice, mother has really changed a lot, and Cinderella can no longer be tolerated!"

"You're right, it looks like our money is wasted, that witch is real, and she said something bad would happen, but it never happened!"

"No matter what, I really like my mother now. She buys us all kinds of clothes and encourages us to pursue what we love!"

"Not only that, mother hates Cinderella to the core, have you seen that, not only did mother not let her participate in the banquet, but she also disliked her very much, treating her as a servant, oh, I'm so happy!"

"I'm also very happy. I'm just a poor girl whose father died. She still wants to sit on an equal footing with us and dream of her spring and autumn dreams. Now it's all right. My mother doesn't like her, and she was beaten back. The original shape, hehe, now she can only be our servant, and she probably won't have a bright future in this life!"

"Oh, don't talk about it, let's go to bed early, as for the prince, we don't have to worry, everything has a mother!"


When Cinderella heard their conversation behind the pillar, her lungs were about to explode. No wonder her mother's attitude changed so much. It turned out that the witch cast a spell on her. What is the solution?After thinking about it, Cinderella suddenly made up her mind, lowered her head and said slowly: "This can only be the best way!"

Here, Lin Lang is lying on the bed leisurely, enjoying the robot's 24-hour service, so happy that she doesn't know why!
At this time 12580 appeared, holding a folder in his hand, frowning and said: [About the interruption of your mission, it has been investigated. Not from our place, but from that world! 】

【what? ] Lin Lang sat up, 【It's just a magical world, can it compete with us? 】

12580 nodded [It is true that the people over there sent you back, we don’t know exactly what method was used, and, let me tell you again, let’s not always go up with a pair of people when doing tasks Look at others with a human eye. Although we have a strong company support, we also have our own shortcomings! 】

Lin Lang nodded, 【Okay, I understand what you said, but what should we do next?Send me back again?Or is this mission over? 】

12580 pondered for a while, [I don't know what to do, how about this, I'll ask the headquarters, you should have a good rest, and I'll let you know when there is a result! 】

Lin Lang couldn't wish more, nodded, and after 12580 left, he continued to lie on the bed and sleep, but he was in a trance. When he opened his eyes, he found himself tied to a cross. Cinderella was standing with a handsome man she didn't know. In front of myself!

"What's the matter?" Lin Lang asked in confusion, "Cinderella, why did you tie me up?"

Cinderella's eyes lit up, "Mother, is that you?"

Lin Lang was a little puzzled, "It's really strange for you to ask this question. If I wasn't me, then who would I be? You haven't told me why you tied me to the cross? And who is this man? ah?"

Cinderella was overjoyed, and when she was about to untie the rope binding Lin Lang's hands, the prince pulled her, "Don't untie the rope yet, what if he is lying to us?"

Lin Lang looked at them and asked in great perplexity, "Hey, can any of you tell me what happened?"

Cinderella pushed the prince away, and continued to help Lin Lang untie the rope, saying, "Mother, you are finally back, do you know that your body was changed by the witch!"

"Uh..." Lin Lang didn't know what to say, "Then do you know what happened to the person who occupied my body before?"

Cinderella sobbed softly, "I don't know that mother, that woman is so vicious, she made me clean all day without telling me, and didn't let me attend the prince's ball. I miss you so much when you're gone, mother! "

"Hmm..." The original owner of such a vicious woman should have returned, but the original owner has no previous memories, so he hates Cinderella as much as before!
"Okay, okay, I'm fine. I'm back. By the way, where are your eldest sister and second sister?" Lin Lang looked around and asked suspiciously, "Also, who is the man next to you?" Who is it?"

Cinderella bit her lip and said softly: "Mother, the eldest sister and the second sister... both chopped off their heels and thumbs to put on the glass slipper, and this is the prince, who helped me drive away. You came back because of the witch..."

Lin Lang's eyelids twitched, and then he sighed, "I don't know what to say, those girls are fine, I have said several times what I want to do, so I just think about principles, but forget it, I will I don’t want to worry about them anymore, I only have one request, don’t kill them, let them fend for themselves, forgive them if they correct themselves, and let them live at the bottom of society for the rest of their lives if they don’t correct themselves..."

Cinderella's eyes sparkled when she heard this, and after the prince left, she said with a guilty face: "Mother, I am ashamed of your teaching, I chose to cling to a man in order to fulfill my wish..."

Lin Lang patted Cinderella's hand, "You silly boy, don't think too much, you've done a good job. As for the king, he really likes you and hopes you will be happy. Don't leave her because of so-called prejudice!"

Cinderella cried loudly when she heard this, and hugged Lin Lang tightly, "Mother, you are so kind to me!"

As for the next daughter who became a princess, the business that relied on Lin Lang quickly expanded. As for her two daughters, after living at the bottom of society for a period of time, they finally learned how to behave, and Lin Lang would not let her go. No matter, I found a living job for each of them, but I won't give them too much.

(End of this chapter)

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