Chapter 1762 Windfall One
If one day, you suddenly won 10 billion, how would you choose to spend it?

Wang Lingling was faced with such a choice. She was a very ordinary girl who lived in an ordinary family and had a younger brother. Her parents favored sons over daughters. He managed to get into university by virtue of his own abilities. Before she could catch her breath, her boyfriend broke up with him, presumably for the good of both parties, but Wang Lingling understood that her boyfriend should have boarded a better boat, so she abandoned herself without hesitation.

Wang Lingling was very sad. Is money really that important?But then his parents asked him to go back, saying that he was seriously ill. After Wang Lingling went back, she found that her parents were not sick at all, so she tricked him back in order to introduce him to a widowed man in his 30s. A huge amount of dowry money for my younger brother to marry a wife.

After a lot of effort, Wang Lingling finally escaped from that house, but she lost her lover and her family. She was alone, with nothing, and the world was empty. When passing by the lottery shop Wang Lingling bought lottery tickets with all the money on her body, but he didn't want to fantasize about winning the jackpot, but because he thought that when he jumped into the river and died without a penny on him, he came to the world empty and left empty.

But just when Wang Lingling was about to jump into the river, she suddenly found out that a certain number she bought had won a prize, and it was also a special prize. Not only that, but he bought it 10 times better, and she won 10 billion.

After having the money, Wang Lingling was overjoyed, but at the same time she was confused. What should she do with the money?So what he wants, but he is not rare, what is he lacking, he has no love, no family, nothing.

But at this time his parents came, because they knew that their daughter had won the big prize. After crying, Wang Lingling forgave her parents, lived with them again, bought them a house, and bought a car for her younger brother. He also invested a lot of money in his younger brother. Later, his ex-boyfriend also found out that he had won the big prize, so he found her again and said that she was also the one he loved the most. Wang Lingling was so happy that she was with him again.

But the money is getting less and less. Parents get a lot of money from here every year, and her boyfriend also earns money from here. One day Wang Lingling has no money, but she doesn't care, because she has a family and a lover, but absolutely no Thinking of the vicious faces of his family and lover, his parents dislike him for being useless and cut off relations with him directly, his boyfriend abandoned him without hesitation after seeing that he had no money, and Wang Lingling had nothing left.

[Thinking about it now, I just feel that I was very stupid at the time. With so much money, I can enjoy a life that I have never enjoyed before. Why did I go back to those white-eyed wolves?People say good horses don't eat, turn around, but I was disgusted by a man over and over again, I'm really a bitch!

Now that I think about it, I really lack love. You said that I have so much money and I can do whatever I want, so why do I have to post it to those people?I want to understand, I have so much money, I must live my own life well, for my parents and that ex-boyfriend, I will not give them a penny in this life! 】

After receiving the plot, Lin Lang held her bank card with a dazed expression, because the bank card contained 10 billion yuan.

If ordinary people had so much money, they would have been very happy, and they were still a little nervous, afraid that others would steal their money, but Lin Lang didn't know him. He himself had traveled many times and became a rich person, so the money It's nothing to him at all, but how should the money be spent?

Lin Lang found several reliable investment companies on the Internet. He originally wanted to call and make an appointment, but he thought that the appointment was always unreliable. Besides, he also wanted to inspect the field, so he went to those companies with his bag on his back. investment company.

When the receptionist of No. 1 House heard the purpose of his visit, he smiled softly, "You said you want to invest? And you said you have a lot of money? This lady is really embarrassed. If you don't make an appointment, our place is real." Those who are not allowed to pass through, if it is really impossible... there should be no appointment at the hospital, do you know how to get to the hospital? Do you want me to take you there?"

Who is this?Turning around and scolding herself for being crazy, Lin Lang slapped the table angrily, "What do you mean? Are you saying I have no money? You haven't investigated or asked me, so why do you say I have no money? Your manager What? I want to sue you!

The front desk slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, "Madam, please stop making trouble, or I will call the security guard over!"

Lin Lang held back her anger and said, "Okay, it's your loss if you miss me, not mine. Don't care about it like a villain like you!"

The receptionist couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "Oh, there are so many neuropathy now, and they say that they are rich, and they don't even look at what kind of stuff you're wearing, the down jacket that isn't white enough, and those shoes , oh my god, it's full of dust, it's really sloppy, and it's said to be rich, rich ass!"

Linlang endured her anger and went to the second investment company. The front desk of this company was much better. After hearing her appeal, she said very gently: "Ma'am, I'm really sorry. If you want to see investors, you must The appointment is passed, but our appointment is full today, if it is impossible, I will make an appointment for you until tomorrow, do you think it is okay?"

Lin Lang was very satisfied, "Okay, but I can't guarantee that I will come tomorrow, because I have to go to several investment companies later, if I meet a suitable investor, I'm afraid I won't come tomorrow!"

"That's it..." The front desk hesitated, and then continued: "It's okay, I'll make an appointment for you first, and I will call tomorrow. Do you have time? If not, I will give you the appointment. Cancel it, so it won't delay you or me, do you think it's okay?"

Lin Lang was very satisfied and nodded, "Very good!"

Lin Lang went to a few more investment companies, either perfunctory or perfunctory, and finally found a suitable one, but Lin Lang didn't have the business ability and was unwilling to put the money here.

On the second day, the front desk called. Lin Lang thought about it and went over. She met the investment manager, but because she didn't have permission, she only saw an ordinary investment manager.

Lin Lang sat in the living room, and the secretary thoughtfully served herself a cup of oolong tea. Not only that, she also prepared some desserts for herself!

Lin Lang ate desserts, and didn't care that the dregs of those desserts would fall on her clothes. She was a billionaire. If she was poor, she would definitely care about her image, but she was already so rich, what did she want to do? Just do what you want, don't care what other people think.

"Hello ma'am, I heard that you have a sum of money that needs to be invested. May I ask how much money you have? What do you mainly want to invest?" Seeing Lin Lang's appearance, the corner of the investment manager's mouth twitched, but Still a polite question.

Lin Lang patted the residue on her clothes and said slowly: "Oh, this... I do have a lot of money in my hand, how did the money come from, I can't tell you how much it is, and I can't reveal it Here it is, but I can assure you that my money is in hundreds of millions..."

The investment manager's eyes lit up, 1 million?Could it be [-] million yuan?Hearing this, the investment manager became even more attentive, "I understand this. After all, it is impossible to let others know how to make a fortune. I would like to ask, what kind of investment do you want to invest specifically? The trend of precious metals is quite good recently. ... and some funds and stocks are also doing well..."

(End of this chapter)

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