Chapter 1763 Windfall II

Lin Lang raised her red lips slightly, "Let me tell you this, I have a lot of money, which can be said to be the continuation of my life, and I also hope that this money can spend the rest of my life in peace, so I can't be casual Just listen to a few words and let you take care of the money. How about this, the money can be placed in your company first, but how to deal with it specifically, I hope each of you can give me a business plan. I think which one of you has a better business plan. How about I just choose which manager?"

The stock manager hesitated, "This... this may be a bit difficult, after all... if the money is too little, I'm afraid it won't..."

Lin Lang smiled softly, "Don't worry about it at all, let's be honest with you, I have 10 billion yuan now, 10 billion yuan, is this enough?"

The stock manager's eyes lit up, "Enough is enough, of course it is enough..."

10 billion is definitely a major client of their company. Less than three days after Lin Lang signed the contract with the stock manager, several business proposals were sent over there. Lin Lang carefully selected a stock manager with a long-term vision. people.

"That's right, Miss Wang, no matter what you say, you are our company's VIP customer, and the general manager of our company wants to talk to you!" The stock manager said respectfully.

Lin Lang: "That's fine, but I don't have time these few days, let's just go on the morning of the 7th!"

"Alright then, I'll make an appointment for you when the time comes, and you can come and report your name directly. We look forward to your visit!"

On that day, Lin Lang simply put on a suit of clothes, and saw the legendary manager, a man in his 30s, handsome and very calm.

"Li Bo!" Lin Lang called out the other party's name, then nodded to him, "You look better than those on TV!"

Li Bo was taken aback for a moment, then quickly recovered, "Miss Wang is also younger than I thought!"

Lin Lang lowered her head, looked at the corner of her clothes, and asked casually, "Tell me, what do you want me for?"

Li Bo said in a calm voice, "Miss Wang, no matter what you say, you are also a VIP customer of the company. As the general manager of the company, I always want to meet a VIP customer. What does it look like? And... I also want to know about your funds, Miss Wang. Where did it come from? Although our company urgently needs funds for development, we will not accept those black-hearted money!"

Lin Lang smiled lightly, "Mr. Li is overthinking, I didn't steal the money, let alone rob it, but got it for nothing!
As for where you got it from, I suggest that Mr. Li pay more attention to the National Welfare Lottery! "

Li Bo frowned, "I'm very surprised that Ms. Wang would buy those things at such a young age..."

A trace of bitterness flashed across Linlang's face, "You don't have to worry about this, it's fine, you've asked everything you need to ask, is there anything else? I'm leaving now!"

Li Bo nodded slightly and stood up, "There's nothing wrong, but Miss Wang, today is the first time I've worked with you, and I'd like to treat you to a light meal!"

Lin Lang looked Li Bo up and down, "If it was a handsome guy like me before who suddenly invited me to dinner, I would definitely agree, but now I am different, I am a rich woman, and if a man is courteous for no reason, I will definitely not talk to him Yes, so Mr. Li, I refuse!"

Li Bo forced a smile, "It's okay, then I'll take Miss Wang out!"

Lin Lang nodded reservedly, took her bag and went out under the escort of Li Bo, and then rode on her little electric donkey!
Li Bo was almost disillusioned, and he stammered: "Does Miss Wang only ride this kind of car? Have you considered changing to another one? I know a few friends who sell cars, and their prices are quite reasonable... "

Lin Lang waved her hand, "Why do I need a car? I don't go out to discuss business with others, and the farthest places I go are basically shopping malls or some supermarkets. I don't need to drive at all, and the car consumes gas Needing to buy insurance is really troublesome, I think this little eDonkey is pretty good!"

Li Bo nodded, "That's fine, as long as Ms. Wang thinks it's appropriate!"

Lin Lang rode back to her rental house and rubbed her chin. She was so rich, she couldn't live in a rental house all the time, and it wasn't safe here.

Lin Lang gritted her teeth, went to an agency the next day, signed the contract, and moved in the same day.

Lin Lang thought that her life would pass without incident, but she never expected that the Wang family would call her first!

Father Wang said: "Dear daughter, I came to your rental house to pay. I heard from the boss that I have moved out for several days. Where have you moved? Come back quickly. Mom and Dad know that they are wrong. I won't force you to marry anymore!"

Lin Lang frowned. Normally, it would take some time for the parents to know that they won the lottery. Why did they come so soon?Could it be that something happened in the middle, but I have been very peaceful during this period of time, and I haven't caused any trouble, but no matter what, this pair of parents is absolutely menacing, and they have no good intentions!
"Heh, do you think I'm still a three-year-old child? Do you want to coax me back and then marry me to another man? What kind of dream come true? It's fine when you guys were partial to your younger brother when you were young, but now you're all grown up. When I grow up, since you still want to sell me to my younger brother for a bride price, why are you so biased? Sometimes I wonder if I am your biological daughter, or if you picked me up?" Linlang said angrily Said: "Anyway, I will never go back, and I will never forgive you, you just die!"

A flash of anxiety flashed in Wang Ma's eyes, and she quickly snatched the mobile phone from Wang Papa's hand, "Oh, my good daughter, I am mother, we really know that we were wrong, and we will never force you again in the future. Forced you to get married, come back quickly, mom really misses you!"

"Hehehe, it seems that you are here in a group this time, but you have made the wrong idea. I have already moved out of this city. After a while, I am not going to live in China anymore. I am going to move abroad!" Lin Lang raised her eyebrows, her face neither blushing nor her heart beating!
Mother Wang was in a hurry. If her daughter ran away, what would happen to the large sum of money in her hand?
"I'm your own mother. Are you going to ignore me for the rest of your life? I know that your father and I did something wrong, but we are not sincere. We already know how to repent, and we are old, maybe The sky is gone..." Mother Wang said in tears!

Lin Lang didn't take it seriously at all, "Don't worry, I will come back to visit your graves after you die, but now if you want me to go back to see you, don't even think about it!"

Father Wang was very angry. He stomped his feet and grabbed Mother Wang's mobile phone, "You son of a bitch, your mother and I have already apologized to you, what else do you want? As for me finding that husband for you, he Apart from being older and having a wife who died, there are no other shortcomings. Why don't you want to? It's fine if you don't want to, and it's fine if you run away from marriage. Your mother and I won't force you, as long as you Come back with us, our family will live a good life, I don't care about anything..."

"Dad, I'm not a three-year-old child. I can't go back with you just after listening to you. In fact, I also understand why you want me to go back with you. The main thing is that you want me to marry that man again, right?" ? Heh, luckily you are still my own father and mother, those who don't know think you are pimps!" Lin Lang said mockingly.

(End of this chapter)

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