Chapter 1769: Heaven's Windfall Eight

After trying to understand this truth, Li Wei went to school first. After pulling out Wang Lingling's file, he went directly to Wang Lingling's hometown. Of course, he absolutely couldn't go empty-handed, and bought a lot of special products on purpose.

As soon as he knocked on the door, Father Wang came out, looked at Li Wei, and said coldly, "Why did you come here, get out quickly, you are not welcome in this family!"

Li Wei also knew that he had done many things wrong and quickly apologized, "Uncle, I really know that I was wrong. I came here to apologize to you today. Is Lingling here? You let her come out, so I can have a word with her, okay?" ?”

"Hehe, do you want to apologize to our family Lingling, or do you want to ask our family for money? Don't think we are all fools, get out!" Father Wang said with an unwelcoming expression.

Li Wei also felt a little embarrassed. Why did he propose to break up at the beginning? Yes, maybe Wang Lingling's family background is not good, but Wang Lingling is a kind and considerate girl. If I marry her, Wang Lingling will definitely not ask for a dowry.

Of course, if they hadn't proposed to break up at the beginning, maybe the two of them were already married, and even more maybe the money in Wang Lingling's hand was his!

"Uncle, I know that I have done a lot of things wrong, but I can't explain to you. I want to find Lingling and let her come out quickly. Are you there, Lingling? Come out quickly. I'm Li Wei. I'm really I know I was wrong, I have already broken up with that woman!" Li Wei shouted loudly!

"All right, all right, stop arguing!" Father Wang also felt a headache, because Wang Lingling hadn't come back at all. He just wanted to say it, but seeing Li Wei carrying so many things in his hand, his eyes rolled After a while, he immediately took the things over, "Okay, I know what you want, and I will hand it over to him when the time comes. If you have nothing to do, just leave here!"

"This..." Wang Wei looked at the pile of things in Wang's father's hand, and immediately felt a little distressed. You must know that these things cost him more than a month's salary. Forget it, the salary is nothing, as long as you Being able to be with Wang Lingling is hundreds of millions!

"Then uncle...can you let me meet Lingling? I really miss her so much, so just let me say a few words to her!" Li Wei begged.

Father Wang naturally wouldn't say that Wang Lingling hadn't come back, otherwise what would this person do if he wanted the things in his hands back?I think that this son-in-law himself was the most despised at the beginning. He only knew how to ask his daughter for money, and never thought of giving them money. Every time his son gave his daughter some money, he yelled over there again I'm at a loss, what's wrong with him, those things belong to my daughter, and they have half a dime relationship with this man!
"Ah, it's really a coincidence that you came here. Lingling is out on a trip. How about it? You can come back after a while. He will see you when he wants to see you, and he will not see you if he doesn't want to see you. Anyway, it's not up to us to decide. This is still old, in order to prevent the things in his hands from returning to Li Wei's hands, Father Wang said without blushing and without panting!
Only then did Li Wei remember what his friends said in the group. It turns out that Wang Lingling really went out for a trip, okay? You have to tell Lingling that I have been here before and bought a lot of presents on purpose. You tell him that I really know I was wrong. I have already broken up with that girl and resigned from the company on purpose. I am waiting for her. The person I love the most in my life is him, and I will never fall in love with another woman again, I really know I was wrong!"

Father Wang waved his hand, "All right, all right, I understand!"

After Li Wei left, Father Wang said proudly: "Well, you little bastard, I finally made you bleed today, come out quickly, my wife, and see what I got, this wine is a good thing, hurry up You sell these things to others again, but you have to keep this cigarette for me!"

Mother Wang left, came out, took a look at Li Wei who was walking away, and said, "Husband, you are really capable. You brought these things in a few words, but... what if Wang Lingling doesn't come back? What if that dead girl I’m back, I know that Li Wei has been here before and bought so many things, what if I forgave that man? Oh, no matter what, this time the money must not be given to that brat again. , and didn’t take us seriously at all, thinking that we are rural people and not worthy of college students like him!”

Father Wang nodded, "Don't worry, I'm not a fool, but hasn't that dead girl Wang Lingling contacted us yet? If it doesn't work, let's stop him at the place where he rented a house. I don't believe that dead girl Don't see us!"

Ms. Wang was also a little strange, "You said it was really strange. Back then, that dead girl won the big prize. We said a few words, and that dead girl forgave us and gave us so much money. But this time we took the initiative to go there. Yes, I also solemnly apologized to her, but this dead girl never forgives us, what's going on, could it be that we changed the process, so it can't be like before?
If this is the case, then we will lose a lot, alas, I really regret it, we must not let so much money fall into other people's hands, we have to apologize quickly, our son is old, he will soon die I'm getting married, and I heard a few days ago that he wants to start a business, and we haven't saved any money. My son needs funds to start a business, right? "

Father Wang followed suit and nodded, "My wife, you are right, I will go to the city again tomorrow and I don't believe I won't see that dead girl!"

After Li Wei walked out of the village entrance, he was always in a bad mood, so he found an old lady and asked, "Ma'am, I want to ask you something, that is, go to the seventh house surnamed Wang, they Doesn’t the family have a daughter who is in college? I just want to inquire about their daughter. That girl is my girlfriend. We had a fight some time ago, so we broke up. I heard that she came back, so I chased after her. Come here, but I haven't seen her today, so I want to ask about her!"

The old lady frowned and said, "Oh, the girl you're talking about should be Wang Lingling. That girl is really angry. Her mother favors boys over girls, but she still got into college, but I haven't heard of their daughter I'm back, and I heard that the old couple went to the city to look for his daughter, but I don't know if they saw me or not..."

Li Wei's lungs were about to explode when he heard that, good old couple, since you lied to me, if you want to say that you haven't come back, just tell me directly, why are you beating me around?Could it be that the old couple knew that Wang Lingling won the big prize, so they didn't want Wang Lingling to get in touch with him. Maybe it was possible. Li Wei wanted to get the things back, but he was afraid that he would have an argument with the old couple when he got back. At that time, Wang Lingling wanted to accept herself, but if she knew that she had a dispute with his parents, she would definitely not want to be with her!

(End of this chapter)

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