Chapter 1770 Windfall IX

But if he didn't ask for the things back, Li Wei felt that he was at a loss again. With so many things, why should they get them so cheaply, and he gave so many things, but they didn't tell him the truth, it was really a loss.

Li Wei was in a dilemma. Fortunately, he rented a room in the village. He wanted to see if Wang Lingling would come back. When he came back, he would tell her what happened to him as soon as possible, so as to win sympathy.

But Wang Lingling didn't come back, but she found out that Wang's parents were going out. Wang Wei thought, Wang Lingling must be coming back. The old couple is going to pick up Wang Lingling. You don't dare to delay, find a car and follow. , but I didn't expect that the two people could not enter a luxurious residential area by car. No matter how the old couple begged, the security guard just refused to let them in.

Li Wei felt even more strange. If Wang Lingling lived here, surely Wang Lingling would not let the security guard stop their parents?Of course, there is another possibility, that is... the security guard didn't know about it.

Li Wei walked quietly, stepped forward to listen to their conversation with the security guard.

"Oh, I've said it many times, my daughter is sitting here, let me in quickly!"

"Sir, I have repeated it many times, if your daughter really lives here, please call your daughter and ask her to come down to pick you up, otherwise I will never let you in !"

"I want to call my daughter, but some time ago my daughter changed her mobile phone number, I can't remember her phone number, so I can't help it, but my daughter definitely lives here, I can call my daughter I will tell you my name and ID number!"

"This gentleman is really sorry, we can't disclose the privacy of customers, or you can wait here, or find a way to contact your daughter!"

"Hey, why don't you know how to be considerate of others? We came all the way here just to see my daughter, but we can only wait outside for your service attitude. You asked your manager to come out. I will sue you!"

"Sir, please don't make trouble for no reason, okay? This is our rules and regulations!"

"Anyway, I don't care, I just want to see my daughter!"


They were noisy here, and soon a large group of people gathered around. The proprietress who rented Wang Linlin's house came out when she heard the noise, and when she saw the old couple, she frowned and said to the security guard: "Don't believe it. What these two couples said, the two of us are demons, and we are going to sell their girl for a little gift money. Fortunately, the manager of the girl ran out of their house, but unexpectedly, the old couple came here again, and we are going to sell them again. Sell ​​their daughter back, and this incident has alarmed the police station, if you don't believe it, report to the police and let the police deal with them, a pair of scum!"

As soon as the words came out, Father Wang was really frightened, and he took the child and said plausibly: "It's really not my fault. Since ancient times, it's always been the marriage of boys and girls. What's wrong with us as parents? It’s good to have that man, he is the most capable young man in our ten miles and eight villages, and he is worthy of my girl. As for the talented girl or something, I am thinking of her. After all, if a girl doesn’t ask for a little more money , how can I stand still at my husband's house in the future?"

"You just brag over there. I heard that you want the bride price because you want your son to marry a wife. Hey, you old couple have really thick skins. They are thicker than the city walls. Hurry up from that neighborhood. Leave, or I will call the police and let you go in and eat in prison!" The proprietress said very forcefully.

Wang's father and Wang's mother were frightened when they heard this, and quickly packed up their things and left here. Li Wei hid behind and pulled his face down when he heard their noise. His daughter broke off the relationship, so I wouldn't look for it, and I wouldn't buy so many things. I feel sorry for the money I spent. It's really heartbreaking.

Naturally, Li Wei would not rush to find the security guard like the old couple. He first found the proprietress and pretended to say: "Madam proprietress, I heard that you have a house to rent, can you take me to see it?"

The proprietress has many houses, so she quickly agreed, "Naturally, I will take you to see it. Let me tell you, the security of our community is the best, and the transportation is also very convenient. Not only that, but the supporting facilities are also very complete. ... As for the price, it is only a little more expensive than the same neighborhood, but it is also very cost-effective!"

Hearing this, Li Wei only felt that his heart was bleeding over there. If he hadn't bought so many gifts, he would still have some money left in his hand. It's a pity that he wanted to earn that money, but he had saved it for a long time Yes, I'm still planning to get a skin or go to KTV to find some girls.

After walking around with the proprietress for a few times, Li Wei shook his head pretendingly, "Madam proprietress, I am not particularly satisfied with these houses. Do you have any other houses? It doesn't matter if you rent them to others. I can rent yours first. The house, after that group of people move out, I will rent that house again!"

When the proprietress heard this, she hesitated, "This... this is not acceptable. There are other people living in my houses. I can't take you to see the houses. This is too unprofessional!"

Li Wei waved his hand, "Miss Boss, that's not what I mean, just show me at the door, I want to see the location, tell me about the room type, there is no need to go in!"

"That's fine, then I'll take you to see it!" The proprietress nodded, and took her to several houses one after another, and finally came to the house where Wang Lingling lived, and she said, "This house is one of my houses. The best set in it is 1 bedroom, 1 living room, with a large independent balcony, and well-equipped with everything inside, the only price is a bit higher... But I can't rent it to you now, because this set There is someone living in the house now, and there is still a little girl..."

Li Wei nodded, "Okay, I get it, but I really like this one-bedroom, one-living room. If the girl quits the lease or doesn't want to do it, just let me know!"

"That's fine!" The proprietress nodded, "By the way, which of these houses do you like? I have agreed in advance. If you want to rent my house, you must pay a three-month deposit first!"

"It's ok, but I don't have a lot of money these days. After I pay the deposit, can I pay the rent once a month?" Li Wei said with some distress.

The proprietress sighed, "Okay, I'll rent you a house if I count it as a good deed, but you must remember to pay the rent in advance!"

After Li Wei rented the house, he has been waiting there quietly, watching over there every day, but Wang Lingling just doesn't come back.

Naturally, it is impossible for Lin Lang to come back, because she is traveling abroad, and she has also traveled to dozens of countries, met all kinds of friends, and is having so much fun!
Linlang just searched for half a year, because he had money to continue playing, but Li Wei really couldn't hold on anymore. Although he saved a little money from work after graduation, the last time he bought things and rented a house, The money is being consumed every day, he really can't support it anymore!

(End of this chapter)

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