Chapter 1771: Heaven's Windfall Ten

Besides, the rent will be paid again in a few days. Li Wei couldn't bear it any longer. He gritted his teeth and found a job as a security guard in the community, thinking that he could earn money and watch Wang Lingling at the same time.

But people are not as good as heaven. After Lin Lang came back, she didn't go back to the original community at all, but bought a luxury house and moved there, so when a moving company came to move things, Li Wei was in a hurry. I can't let the meat in my mouth fly away like this.

"What are you doing?" Li Wei stopped those people, "You are stealing other people's things, I want to call the police!"

The moving worker was a little puzzled, and took out the power of attorney, "We are not thieves, we are entrusted by others to move things, that's all right, get out of the way quickly, don't delay my work!"

Naturally, it is impossible for Li Wei to get out of the way like this, "You said you are here to move things, and you are here to move things, and I said you are thieves, okay, don't say anything, let the owner of this house come here quickly, I want Talk to him alone, I will rest assured only if he agrees, otherwise you don't want to leave this community!"

"Oh!" The worker was displeased, "How can you be like this!"

Li Wei didn't care at all, "I'm the security guard of this community, I'm rushing, unless the tenants of this house come over, otherwise I will never let you leave!"

The worker had no choice but to make a phone call. Lin Lang was also a little puzzled. Later, she could only think that maybe the security guards were more dedicated to their work, so they came by car. Unexpectedly, this was so unsightly, and they even ran into acquaintances.

"Didn't you say that you climbed a big tree? How did you come here to be a security guard?" Lin Lang said sarcastically, "You're really getting better!"

When Li Wei saw Lin Lang, his eyes lit up and he said ecstatically, "Honey, I really didn't expect to see you in my lifetime. I'm so happy. I did make a divorce for my own future. You broke up, but I also have unavoidable difficulties. Think about it carefully, I was born in a farming family and my parents worked in agriculture, and I finally got admitted to university. I am the pride of our whole family!

When we were dating, my parents were sick and needed a lot of money. I really couldn’t help it. At this time, the boss’s daughter came to me. He said that as long as I dated him, he would pay for my mother. cure.Honey, I really didn't break up with you on purpose, I also have my own reasons!
When my mother gets better, I really can't stand that woman anymore, because the only person I love in my life is you, and you are the love of my life, so I broke up with her without hesitation, and never His company resigned, thinking that he could find you, so I went to your house, but your parents said that you never came back, and... and your news, they lied to me a lot, Lingling, I really I like it very much, please give me another chance..."

Yoyo, look at this man's sweet mouth, if he didn't know anything, maybe he would have fulfilled this man's wish.

"Hehehe, what kind of wolf with a big tail are you pretending to be by my side? I can still remember your face and face after you climbed the high branch. You said that you liked me so you broke up with that woman. I guess I know I won the jackpot!

But you are wrong, I am not even my own biological parents because I will reconcile with you?Don't think too much, you don't look at what you look like now, you look ugly, and you don't have anything to sell. As for me, I am a rich woman now, and there are groups of little fresh meat and handsome guys Throwing on me, my luck keeps going, it can be said that I hug from left to right, I have so many beautiful men who can't choose, do you think I will choose an ugly guy like you?And he's so poor as hell, an ugly guy who hates the poor and loves the rich!Let's make your spring and autumn dream come true! "

Li Wei's face was green and red, "Honey, how can you say such a thing, you have changed and you are no longer the old you, the old you is gentle and kind and will take good care of everyone, I know I made a mistake I am also willing to sincerely repent if something happened, I only love you in my life, as for those little fresh meats, handsome guys, etc., they really don’t like you, they only like your money!”

Lin Lang looked at Li Wei like looking at garbage, "Hehe, do you think I'm a three-year-old child? Just listen to your two words and change your mind? Why is your mother terminally ill? Why do you want me to come to you now? Come over to confront your girlfriend, call and ask your parents if they ever had a terminal illness, and make up the story to be more like, don't treat everyone as a fool, okay?
Okay, I don't want to talk to you anymore, I guess this meeting is our last meeting, from now on, you will be your security guard struggling to get by at the bottom of society, while I will continue to be my Bai Fumei and do My rich generation enjoys the wealth and honor of the world! "

Li Wei's lungs were about to explode when he heard this, "Do you still have sympathy for you bitch? I quit my job for you and broke up with that Bai Fumei. In the end, you said lightly that you don't like me. I like those things." Xiao Xianrou, you are also a vulgar woman. When I had no money, you pretended to be a good wife and mother in front of me, saying that you loved me the most, but now you have money, you turn your face and deny anyone, bitch! "

Lin Lang cut lightly, "You still have the nerve to scold me, aren't you the same kind of person? When you had no money, you chose me to be a money-saving girlfriend. I guess you don't have to pay for it when you marry me." A gift of half a penny, and you can get a free nanny. Later, when you have a better choice, you naturally want to kick me as a burden, but you never thought that I, a burden, would win such a big prize. There is so much money!
In fact, I never thought that I would earn so much money. When I went home, my parents wanted to sell me to an old man in his 30s. After I ran out, I went to seek refuge with you, thinking that you were my life. Reliance, I didn't expect you to break up with me without hesitation, my heart was ashamed, I was thinking of committing suicide by jumping into the river, I happened to pass by a lottery shop, I wanted to spend all the money on my body, I didn't expect... Really What's more, I didn't expect God to give me such a big surprise and make me a billionaire. It's God's will in the dark, and I was able to get rich just because I stayed away from you bunch of rotten people! "

Li Wei's face pulled down a little bit, "You don't want to be like this, we have been together for such a long time, don't be so heartless, look at me, I have become like this because of you, don't you feel bad at all? ?Give us another chance, and I promise to listen to you, and I will never break up with you again. In the future, if you let me go east, I will definitely not go west!
My dear, I know it is because of me that you don't believe in love, but if you believe in me again, I promise to make you believe in love again! "

Lin Lang was about to vomit, of course not because she was moved, but because she was disgusted, "Look at your face, I almost vomited, you don't even want your own face for money, it's so disgusting, how did I I will see a man like you, fortunately I didn't commit suicide because of a man like you, otherwise I would really regret it!"

 There was no update yesterday, so I would like to apologize to everyone. Alas, during this period of time, my mood has been quite ups and downs, and I have lost my enthusiasm for writing. To be honest, it has been a long time since I wrote this book. Recently, I have had some headaches. I just want to finish this book by the end of this month. As for starting a new book, I want to rest for a while, alas, let everything go as it pleases.

(End of this chapter)

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