Chapter 1772: Windfall Eleven
Lin Lang turned around without hesitation and completely angered Li Wei. He turned into a resentful husband, cursing, "You bitch, do you know how many things I have done for you, for you and a rich and beautiful woman? We broke up, Bai Fumei, she promised me at the beginning that as long as I marry her, her father will be able to solve my work problems, and he can also accompany me with a house and a car when I marry her. And bring a lot of money!

But it was because of you that I broke up with him without hesitation, and I even taunted him. I worked so hard to go back to your hometown to find you, and bought a lot of expensive health care products for your parents. The money was sent by your parents. I have nothing, and now I have become a security guard. As a result, you look down on me because you are rich, so you mock me without hesitation, you Why is your heart so cruel, do you still have any conscience? "

Lin Lang shook her head with a smile, "Conscience? You still have the face to tell me that I went to you when I had nowhere to go. What did you say? You said I wasn't good enough for you, that I couldn't give you a future. I stay away from you!
Okay, I'll do as you said, I'm far away from you, I even want to commit suicide for a scum like you, as for breaking up with Bai Fumei you said, did I force you to break up?Is it because I won the big prize, so you want to make a fortune, so you broke up with Bai Fumei, or you think that Bai Fumei can't give you the future you want, you are very selfish, you think of everything for yourself , When encountering something, I always push it to others, never think about it on myself!

I'm really very lucky, I'm glad I wasn't with a man like you back then, otherwise I would be disgusted for the rest of my life! "

"" Li Wei blushed with anger.

Lin Lang didn't want to care about this man anymore, and asked the workers to move things, while she left without hesitation.

I already felt very unlucky to meet my ex-boyfriend, but I didn't expect to meet that pair of superb parents and my younger brother who couldn't support the wall.

"Sister, I guessed right, you are really back!" The younger brother ran over, "I heard that you won the big prize, so give me some money quickly, I'm going to buy the best Apple mobile phone, and I want to buy the best Nice car!"

Mother Wang also came over, "You damn girl, you finally showed your face, quickly take out the money and let your brother buy a mobile phone and a car. He recently talked about a girlfriend, and he is about to talk about marriage soon. Well, I haven't bought the house or the car yet, you, the older sister, should help a little more!"

Lin Lang looked at these people like looking at garbage, "You guys are really enough, if you want to ask for money from me, it is impossible in this life!"

Father Wang lowered his face, "What are you talking about? You are my own daughter. I raised you up and sent you to college, but now your wings are hardened. You don't want to recognize our old couple. Mei, I'm going to the police station to sue you!"

"Go, do what you like, you can go to court together, anyway, I am shameless, after all, who can be more shameless than you, I really want to sell my own daughter in order to raise money for my son, ha ha, Tiger venom doesn't even eat its eggs, what you guys do is worse than animals!" Lin Lang said through gritted teeth.

"You..." Ms. Wang clutched her chest and cried out, "God, open your eyes, why did I give birth to such a daughter? I think it should have been when he was born. Just strangled him to death, I can only get angry now, now that I have made a fortune, I don’t want to recognize our old couple, even my own brother, this heartless..."

Lin Lang's eyes swept over them lightly, "Hehe, if you want to use moral kidnapping to force me to bow my head, you guys are too good at thinking, even if I die in this life, even if I jump from this side, I will never accept you I also want to remind you that I have already signed the donation agreement. In case of any accident or sudden death, you will not get a penny from my inheritance. It will be donated to the country, so you Better pray that I live longer so that you at least have some retirement money!"

"You..." Mama Wang accused Lin Lang, and said with trembling fingers, "How can you be like this? You'll be fine if you die, why donate so much money to the country? Why don't you give it to your brother? Look at your younger brother who was malnourished and in poor health since he was a child. He couldn’t go out to work at all. Why don’t you give him more money if you are so rich and let him invest?

You are brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters who interrupted Jin's blood, why are you making such a fuss?Our old couple will leave sooner or later, you two need to help each other, Lingling, listen to your mother's advice, go and cancel that will, your parents are your only support! "

"What do you rely on? You are a mud pit, right? You think about pitting me every day, thinking about sucking blood from me, hehe, what about breaking bones and connecting tendons, have you ever liked me? Feel your conscience and think about it, I Have you ever had a good day? As long as I can remember, I have been helping you take care of your younger brother. Finally, when my younger brother is older, I also went to school. I didn’t expect you to drop me out of school and let me go to work outside after graduating from junior high school!

If it weren't for my life and death to go to school, I guess I am now earning a salary of several thousand dollars a month in an electronics factory. My younger brother doesn't study well and doesn't even want to go to school, but you don't listen at all and spend tens of thousands of dollars. I asked him to go to a junior college for 2 yuan, and later he dropped out of school, but I didn’t even have tuition fees, and I still had to rely on student loans, and even had to work part-time for my monthly living expenses. It is possible that there will be no food on the second day. I have suffered so much, and I have suffered so much. Have you ever felt sorry for me?You don't, you just want to take money from me!

You later said that you were sick, and you got a very serious disease, and you were about to die. I put down everything in my hands and ran back to see you, thinking of taking you to a big hospital. No matter how much it costs, I will admit it, after all. You are my biological parents, but how did you do it, you lied and tricked me back, the purpose is to marry me to someone else!
Do you regard me as your own daughter, have you ever loved me?If you don't like me, why didn't you just kill me and let me suffer in this world?

Do you know that what you did almost killed me? If I hadn't been lucky enough to win the big prize, I would have jumped into the river in despair. I guess my body is already in Huangpu Floating on the river! "

Father Wang's face darkened, "You are enough, you can still remember things so clearly when you were a child, I did ask you to help take care of your younger brother, but which family's children didn't come here like this, I won't let you go to college, that's because the family It's difficult. As for your younger brother going to college, because he is the pillar of our family, if he doesn't make a little effort, how will we take care of our old couple in the future? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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