Chapter 1773 Heaven's Windfall Twelve
"I care?" Lin Lang pointed at herself, as if she heard a joke, "What am I fussing about? I've been like a nanny since I was a child. After finally getting into college, you won't let me go. If If I hadn’t applied for a student loan, I would have worked in a Shenzhen electronics factory long ago. You say you are not biased, but in fact your hearts are more biased than anyone else!
Why do you love me? Is our family poor?Our family has planted dozens of acres of land, and the two of you go out to work every year. There is no shortage of money in our family, but you are not willing to spend it on me. You would rather give it to my brother to buy food and drink, and let him buy everything What I want, but I don’t want to let me study, why is it because I am a girl, I can’t take care of you, but if that’s the case, why do you still look for me? "

Father Wang's face was pulled down, "You are enough, is it necessary to worry about such a small matter?"

"Is this a trivial matter? Oh, what is a major matter? Are you saying that I won't give you money? But how did you treat me? If you treat me better, I will not be as fussy as I am today, let alone Nothing!" Lin Lang shook her head, turned around and was about to leave.

But the younger brother was willing to plead bitterly: "Sister, it's my parents who are eccentric, not me as a younger brother. It's all their fault and has nothing to do with me. I'm getting married soon. You, an older sister, have to do it." Think about it!"

Lin Lang looked at his younger brother as if looking at trash, "You just can't support the wall with mud, I would rather spend all my money for nothing, and I will never give you a penny!"

The younger brother said angrily: "You can't be like this. It's not that I treat you badly. I'm your own brother. The two of us are connected by blood. You forgot how good you were to me when you were young. Buy me food Why do my attitudes change so much now? Is it because my parents are very kind to me, so you are jealous? I can also be very kind to you, sister, just give me Some money, I promise that after you get married, I will definitely support you!"

Lin Lang rolled her eyes, "When you had no money, you called me a dead girl, a shrew, and a bitch, but now that you have money, you have a big sister for every bite, you are really realistic!"

The younger brother pouted, and said with a guilty conscience: "I didn't do it on purpose, I can apologize to you, don't hurt the relationship between our siblings because of this trivial matter, sister, where do you live now? I just don’t have a place to live, so let me live with you, we can discuss about money slowly, it’s okay if you don’t give me money, but you can invest in my business and make sure I’m prosperous I will return all the money to you later..."

Lin Lang said with disgust on her face, "A bunch of vampires!"

"Sister..." The younger brother couldn't figure it out, why is the older sister so stubborn?I'm his own younger brother, what's the matter with giving me some money?Besides, it is understandable that he is a girl whose parents didn't want to let her study. Why do girls read so many books?It's not a cheap husband's house, it's better to go out to work earlier and save more money.

Lin Lang was about to throw up, and left here regardless of their obstruction.

They arrived early again, but they were all stopped by the security guards. Lin Lang directly spent money to buy another house with stronger security.

Father Wang and Mother Wang returned without any problems, but at the same time regretted it to death, thinking that they should have gone to find their daughter later, so that they would not have made it to this point, and they did not get a penny, really...

Lin Lang has never met Wang's father and Wang's mother in this life. Even if they died, you two never went back to see them, but you still paid for their funeral expenses. During the period, he came several times earlier, but Lin Lang didn't pay attention at all. After he died, Lin Lang donated all his property to the country.

When Lin Lang opened her eyes again, before receiving the plot, she heard a shrew yelling outside.

"Wang Dazhuang, don't let my old lady hide inside and keep quiet. I know you can do it. My daughter's stomach doesn't admit it now. Do you want it? I have to pay for nutrition. If I don't give this money, I will Stay at home and don't go!"

Lin Lang had a headache from the noise, but she didn't know what was going on, and no one dared to go out, so she had to pretend that she didn't hear anything, and began to accept the plot with her eyes closed.

[I am really wronged than all day long, the child in that woman's belly is not mine at all, I accidentally scratched that woman while riding a bicycle, and I didn't hit that woman on purpose , It was the woman who was distracted and suddenly walked into the middle of the road, and was hit by my car. It is said that I have no responsibility at all. I sent him to the hospital out of kindness!
As a result, the gift was a big deal. The woman was pregnant and had to have an abortion, but she had to be signed. I was confused at the time, and I signed it for some reason. Seeing her come over so early, she said that the child in her belly was my life and death, and she wanted me to pay for nutrition. Oh my God, the child is not mine, and I didn't ask her to perform the abortion. She wanted to do it herself. It's just trouble I just signed it, why should I be responsible!

Of course I don't want to, his old lady just moved the chair to our door and began to scold, my parents are honest, the woman insisted on it these days, I dare not retaliate, not only asked me to pay, but also wanted us house, how can this be?This house belongs to our family, I can't, I can't be taken advantage of, but I'm too honest, you have to help me get rid of all this bitch! 】

After Linlang received the plot, she opened the window directly and cursed at the top of her voice, "Who the hell are you scolding for being irresponsible? The child in your daughter's womb is not mine at all. Your own daughter is so mean. A rotten man is messing around, she is almost fucked up, so I kindly sent her to the hospital, she begged me to help sign, I really can't push it, I think he is also pitiful, maybe there is no blessing and no mother , That's why I helped to sign, now that the child is gone, and there is no way to do a paternity test, you want me to be responsible for dreaming!

No matter how honest I am, I will never want this kind of bitch if no one wants it! "

When Aunt Gao heard this, she took two steps back angrily, "What the hell are you talking about? I'm going to kill you!"

Lin Lang was no longer afraid at all, picked up the stick next to her and said directly: "Come on, I have been traveling all over the world for so many years, and I have never been afraid. Also, don't hide behind your mother and keep silent, your stomach Is the child here mine? Don't pretend to be deaf and dumb over there, it really pissed me off, I'll turn everything over and let others see, what kind of bastard are you? Who will want you then!"

As soon as Gao Rongrong heard this, her face turned pale, showing the expression of wanting to cry but not crying, and said in fear: "Don't be like this, my mother didn't do it on purpose, please don't do this, we really..."

(End of this chapter)

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