Chapter 1779 Honest Man VI
Sitting on the ground, Aunt Gao felt really remorseful, why did she provoke such a person, seeing the strange expressions of the neighbors around her, she wished she could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

The daughter-in-law was very angry, but she also knew that this was not the time to be angry. After driving away the neighbors and onlookers, she closed the door and asked, "Mom, what happened? Why did those people come here early? Why do you say that my sister-in-law is promiscuous?"

Aunt Gao sighed, "This is all evil, your sister-in-law was cheated, and she is pregnant with a"

"So what? So you put your idea on someone else's head again. Mom, why are you so confused? You should have brought your sister-in-law to make the child, and then acted as if nothing happened without anyone noticing it. Look at it." , Now that a good family has come to our door, our family's reputation is gone, how can you let me go out in the future, alas, I am really ashamed!" said the daughter-in-law sadly.

The eldest brother stood aside and tugged at his daughter-in-law's sleeve, "It's alright, alright, don't talk about it. Mom is sad right now, so let's talk about it after the matter is resolved!"

"I don't want to sleep either. Look at what all this is doing. It's all right now, our family's reputation is gone, and there are two younger ones who are not married yet. I don't know when something like this happens. Who would want them!" The daughter-in-law cried out, "What crime do you think I did? How did I marry into your family? I told you several times before, let my sister-in-law be careful, don't When you associate with some messy people, you still say that I’m overthinking, that I’m jealous, now it’s time to make trouble, alas, it’s really killing me!”

Aunt Gao covered her face and began to cry, "My God, why did such a thing happen to our family!"

But what can happen, everything has already happened, and now I can only go on with a cheeky face. Early the next morning, the youngest child in the family was going to call Gao Rongrong. When eating, she found Gao Rongrong hanging from the beam. She screamed. call out.

"Ah, it's not good, the eldest sister hanged herself!"

The yelling was so loud that it woke up everyone. Aunt Gao quickly put the child down, and after finding out that she was still angry, she also passed out. The whole family was in a panic, and everything settled down After that, Aunt Gao looked at her pale daughter on the hospital bed with tears and regretted all the time. If she hadn't gone to find that man, would her daughter have hanged herself?Will the neighbors around know about this?

But there is no medicine for regret in the world. Aunt Gao really regretted it. Seeing her daughter depressed, Aunt Gao gritted her teeth and stomped her feet, "Daughter, you don't have to be afraid, mother will make the decision for you when the time comes!"

How to do it?Of course he went to find Wang Dazhuang, since he was the one who caused this incident, this person must be held responsible, whether he is willing or not, anyway, he will take the blame for it.

Lin Lang hadn't woken up yet, when she heard someone yelling and cursing at their door, Lin Lang opened the door, and found that the acquaintance raised her eyebrows, "Gao Auntie, what are you calling Chun at our door this early in the morning? Miss a man Just go under the bridge, anyway, there are a lot of men there, just grab one of them can not only solve your problem, but maybe make some money!"

"You..." Aunt Gao's eyes were red with anger, "You brat, do you know that my daughter hanged herself because of you? If you hadn't made things worse, my daughter wouldn't be like this. Responsible, you must marry my daughter!"

Lin Lang sneered lightly, "Hey, I'm addicted to buying and buying, what's wrong? Maybe you still want me to make things bigger, and I'll tell you old lady, I won't listen to your tricks at all. If you want to be sensible, leave my house quickly, and if you make trouble in front of me again, I will gather those people together and chat in front of your daughter. By the way, let me tell you how they met, how they fell in love, and what happened in the middle order something..."

Aunt Gao took a step back. She was indeed a little scared, but thinking of her daughter on the hospital bed, she gritted her teeth and continued, "Boy Wang, anyway, my daughter's suicide has nothing to do with you. Besides, my daughter is a college student. If you really married you, you are not at a disadvantage. Although she had an abortion, it was not on purpose. How about it, if you marry my daughter, I don’t need the dowry, and I will pay another part of the dowry...You yourself Think about it carefully, if you, a worker, want to marry a college student as your wife, it is probably a fantasy, what a great opportunity now!"

Lin Lang said with a look of disgust: "Grandma Gao, have you forgotten what I said before? Our family is clean and innocent, no matter how poor the family is, it is impossible to marry a good bitch, so you cancel it. That kind of heart, right? As for whoever loves your daughter, whoever wants it, anyway, I don’t want it, even if it’s given to me for free!”

Aunt Gao cried directly, "Just let me beg you, my daughter is really pitiful, if she is lying on the hospital bed now, if you don't marry her, then her life will be ruined, just When you are willing to show kindness, please help me once, and I will kneel down for you..."

"You mustn't, I was entangled by your family just because I did a good deed. I'm about to die of nausea now. You still want me to help you in your Spring and Autumn Dream. Hurry up and leave my house, or I'll bring the dung basin!" Lin Lang said threateningly.

Aunt Gao's face changed again and again, "You... are really nice, I will go to your unit now, and I will tell your leaders to let them know what kind of person you are!"

"You go, anyway, I only have that little salary a month, as long as you dare to go, I will go to your husband's work unit, then to your son's work unit, and then to your son and daughter-in-law's work unit , and go to your daughter's school... then we'll see if it's you who suffer or I who suffer!" Lin Lang looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water.

Aunt Gao vomited to death, pointed at the man in front of her, and said with trembling fingers: "Okay, it's really good, I remember you, I want to see what a poor boy like you can marry What an angel!"

"You don't need to worry about this, even if I don't get married in this life or in the next life, I will never marry your daughter!" Lin Lang said loudly, watching Gao Daliang's back going away.

After Aunt Gao left, Aunt Wang also came out of the room. She sighed, "What kind of evil is this?"

Linlang said disapprovingly: "Mom, don't feel sorry for that family. They are like vampires. Once they see you showing weakness, they will kiss you hard, so you must not be soft-hearted. When you encounter such a Human beings are as merciless as the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, without any mercy, just drive them out!"

Aunt Wang sighed, "I really don't know what they think, just like that girl, what a beautiful person, I heard that she is still a college student, but it's a pity, alas!"

"Okay, don't worry about their family, they have thick skins, they will definitely be able to pass!" Lin Lang said disapprovingly.

(End of this chapter)

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