Chapter 1780 Honest Man VII
Has the family passed by?It's really passed, after all, life is still passable, but after such a shameful incident, their family really couldn't see anyone. As for Gao Rongrong, he ran away from home one night after he was discharged from the hospital. Where he went, no one knows!
As for the entire Gao family, there was such an embarrassing girl in the family, which made them lose face, and they didn't even have the confidence to go outside.

Speaking of which, this is their crime. Think about it for yourself. Both the parents of Gao’s family have jobs, and the son and daughter-in-law also have jobs. Well, I guess they are two college students again. I didn't expect that the eldest daughter of the Gao family didn't love herself. If such a thing happened, it would be fine if it was dealt with quietly and no one made a fuss. But Mrs. Gao is really too greedy. I want to take the opportunity to squeeze a lot of money, and I want to pour all the dirty water on the honest people.

But no one thought that the retribution would come soon, which made them lose face. It is estimated that their family will never be able to hold their heads up again in this lifetime.

Lin Lang was really relieved. Now he should be busy with his own affairs. The wages in the factory are too low, and now the state-run business is getting worse and worse. Lin Lang simply resigned from the factory and started his own business. .

It was just a small factory at the beginning, and then the factory gradually grew bigger. Later, the orders were in line with international standards and Lin Lang also invested in a lot of businesses. As for the family, she also moved from a small house to a big house.

Lin Lang also thought that his life would pass like this, but he didn't expect to meet an acquaintance at a reception.

"Mr. Wang is here, Rongrong, this is the one I mentioned to you, Mr. Wang, hurry up and toast him!" The plump Mr. Li greeted a woman with heavy make-up, and said with a smile on his face.

Lin Lang doesn't know what's going on, she frowned when she heard the fusion, and almost vomited when she saw that woman, she really is an acquaintance, unexpectedly, she really answered the few words she once said .

This acquaintance is extremely jealous when they meet. Of course, it's not because they are moved, but because they hate each other so much. Gao Rongrong hates the man in front of him for ruining her. On the contrary, she did good deeds, why should she accept this woman's dirty water!

"Oh, look at the expressions of the two of you, you should know each other. That's really destined, Mr. Wang, this Rongrong is not only beautiful, but I heard that she used to be a college student!" Mr. Li said with a smile on his stomach!
Lin Lang looked at the woman in front of her with a half-smile, and said mockingly without hesitation: "I'm really right!"

Gao Rongrong's face was blue and red, "I... am not what you think, Li and I are just friends..."

Hehe, Linlang may not be familiar with Gao Rongrong, but she is definitely familiar with Mr. Li. He and Mr. Li have been in frequent contact, and he already knows what kind of man the man in front of him is. If you say it's okay, who will believe it?
Linlang tilted her head, "Do you think everyone is a fool? It's fine, I won't say more, I won't drink your glass of wine, so as not to cause something to happen after drinking your wine, then There are really so many mouths that I can’t speak clearly!”

Mr. Li was a little puzzled, but he knew that Lin Lang was angry, "Mr. Wang, what does this mean? Could it be... There was some misunderstanding between the two of you..."

Lin Lang didn't want to just mention it again, and stood up directly from her seat, "The past is over, I really don't want to talk about it, but I don't want to see this woman either, because I feel disgusted, okay, today's dinner will be avoided." Come on, Mr. Li, I'll leave first if I have something to do, let's meet again another day, but next time we can, I don't want to see this woman again!"

Mr. Li saw the person leaving and wanted to stop him, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only watch him leave. He turned his head and gave Gao Rongrong a hard look, "What's the matter with you? I I thought I wanted you to win over Mr. Wang, but when you saw the good deeds you have done, oops, I am really mad at you, don't accompany me to socialize in the future, it will be a waste of help if you don't help me at all!"

Gao Rongrong thought about it back then when he was a college student, but he was very popular, but now, everyone dislikes him and thinks he is dirty. She is about to cry, but she knows that she can't cry now. Once she cries, then Mr. Li will despise himself!
"Mr. Li, I was wrong. I really didn't mean it. I had some misunderstandings with Mr. Wang at that time. It happened many years ago. I didn't expect him to still remember that I apologized to you. If it is impossible , I will personally go to Mr. Wang and talk to him tomorrow, and ask him to forgive me..."

Mr. Li was also a little angry, "Okay, don't make any more trouble. Didn't you hear what others said? They don't want to talk to you at all. It's useless to talk about it. You don't even have an appetite for food!"

After Mr. Li left, Gao Rongrong couldn't pretend anymore, covered his face and cried out loudly, but after crying, life had to go on. He really didn't expect that such an honest man before would become the current boss , and still so developed, so rich, which made her mind active.

If at the beginning... my own mother hadn't done such a thing, hadn't made a fuss about it, maybe I would have married the man in front of me, maybe I would have become Mrs. Wang now, but there is no medicine for regret in the world eat!

In fact, these years, Gao Rongrong has not been doing very well. Although he is a college student, the university does not have tens of thousands of dollars, so he does not have a graduation certificate. He went outside and made a lot of money with his own mind at first, but how could what's the point?He was cheated out of a lot of money. After a few years of tossing around, he didn't make much money, but he got in touch with many men. She completely became what other people said was a good bitch, but she didn't mean it. Ah, she just wants to live, to live a more glamorous life!

As for the home, when Aunt Gao left, Gao Rongrong went back once, but just this once, she never went back again. It wasn't that she didn't want to go home, but that people in the family didn't welcome her, especially Her brother and sister-in-law first regarded her as a plague god and wanted to stay away from her. As for the younger brothers and sisters below, they all regarded her as a dirty thing and thought she was disgusting!
Gao Rongrong was very sad. She knew she had done something wrong, but they were her family, so she shouldn't be disliked!

Gao Rongrong now has a home and can't go back. Now she has nothing, so she can only hold on to the man next to her tightly, hoping to get some benefits, but what's the use of those benefits?He can't support himself at all, especially like Mr. Li today, he treats himself as a plaything and asks himself to greet other men. But now she has nothing, no home, no house, she has nothing...

(End of this chapter)

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