Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1782 Immortal Cannon Fodder 2

Chapter 1782 Immortal Cannon Fodder II

Lin Lang changed into men's clothes, holding a candied haws in her hand, feeling the freshness of the world, couldn't help showing a smile, sure enough, the world is still the most lively.

"Brother!" Lin Lang was slapped on the shoulder suddenly, she turned her head, and the smile on her face could not bear it anymore, "Shangxian Donghua!"

"If I remember correctly, you should be Fairy Linlang. If you didn't stay in the sky, why did you suddenly come down to earth?" Donghua Shangxian asked interestingly.

Lin Lang twitched the corners of her mouth, "Oh, it's just... just... something, so I came to the mortal world..."

Donghua Xianjun smiled, "I thought the fairy would return to your boss to report after she recovered from her injury, but unexpectedly, she suddenly appeared in the mortal world, which is really strange!"

Lin Lang said disapprovingly, "What's so strange about this, I just came to the mortal world for a visit, and I should have visited the room many times in the mode of Donghua Xianjun, so I don't think it's strange, so it's not a big deal , As for why you didn’t go, my boss reported that it was mainly because... I used to be very busy, but now I’m suddenly free and want to rest for a while, is there a problem?”

"Of course no problem!" Shangxian Donghua smiled meaningfully, "I thought it was the fairy who figured it out!"

Both of them are smart people, and soon understood what the other meant. Lin Lang didn't want to stay with this person for long, because she felt that Donghua Shangxian could see through other people's hearts and was a very dangerous person.

Lin Lang pulled out the corners of her mouth and smiled awkwardly, "It's getting late, so I'll leave first!"

"Hey!" Shangxian Donghua stopped him, "Why are you walking so fast? You and I are destined to meet each other, why don't we play together in this mortal world!"

What's the fun, it's really scary to be with someone like you, okay?

So Lin Lang refused without hesitation, "Shangxian is a man and I am a woman, it might not be good to be together!

Besides, the two of us can't play together, so let's break up! "

Shangxian Donghua tilted his head, and said in a threatening tone, "Is it really bad? Then should I go to heaven? Discuss with your boss about you, your injuries are all healed, You can't just stay outside all the time, right now the fairyland is short of people... let's not just sit back and watch, right?"

Threats, naked threats, did you really wonder where you offended this fairy?That's why he took such revenge.

"Shangxian Donghua!" Lin Lang hesitated for a moment before slowly opening his mouth, "Xiaoxian really doesn't understand, as to whether he has offended Shangxian somewhere, if there is, then I will tell you here I apologize, but I hope you have a lot of adults, don't care about it like I do!"

Donghua Shangxianyun smiled lightly, "You didn't offend me, but I don't know what happened, but I think you are very interesting, don't say much, you want to go back with me ? Still want to play with me?"

What else can I do, of course I will play with you, if I go back with you, I will definitely die, I am living a good life, of course I don’t want to be someone else’s cannon fodder for no apparent reason.

The two came to a teahouse, and listening to the storyteller telling the strange things that happened recently, drinking tea and eating pastries, the expression on Lin Lang's face became much calmer.

Donghua Shangxian was also very leisurely. At this moment, he waved his fan hand, suddenly paused, then turned his head to look at Lin Lang, and smiled meaningfully, "I saw an acquaintance, do you want to go and call him?" Hello?"

Lin Lang's heart stopped. Anyone who can get acquainted with immortals must be immortals. Lin Lang smiled awkwardly, "This is not good!"

That's right, it's definitely not good. After all, we didn't know why we came here. It's really fun to play down here. If others find out, then... that would be really embarrassing.

Donghua Shangxian pointed to the woman not far away, and said: "Do you feel familiar? That fairy is also a fairy who has recently been promoted. I heard that she came from the mortal world. It's not like you came from the cultivation world. Relying on his own strength, he cultivated step by step, it seems that he had some kind of luck, or did some good deeds, and suddenly became a fairy, this kind of luck is really enviable!"

In fact, there are only a few kinds of immortals, either through adventures or by relying on one's own ability to step up step by step. Mortals like them become immortals by practicing or doing good deeds, or eating. What a genius and treasure.

Lin Lang is actually quite envious, but because of doing a few good deeds, or getting the appreciation of a certain fairy because of her sudden luck, she became a fairy like that, unlike them who walked up step by step and experienced too much , this is the chance to become a fairy, and it is a one in a million chance!
Lin Lang closed her eyes, and couldn't help sighing, "Sometimes, I really don't understand what the god is thinking, why can't I be with mortals after becoming a fairy? Immortal love is really so scary ?"

"Of course!" Shangxian Donghua frowned, and said word by word: "Look at God Erlang, and then look at Chen Xiang, but they are all the combination of immortals and mortals, how terrifying, as long as the combination of immortals and mortals is born All children can become immortals!

What about other practitioners?Are they trying to take shortcuts?There are too many immortals in the sky, it is also a kind of trouble, it will disturb the order of the mortal world... So even if the Jade Emperor does not intervene, the Dao of Heaven will intervene, but the Dao of Heaven does not interfere, so we will suffer..."

Donghua Shangxian didn't continue talking, but Lin Lang understood what he was going to say, neither of them spoke. Looking at the woman not far away, he found that she was selling something, and there was a man in Tsing Yi next to her, He smiled softly at her.

"It's true that it's not good to be a fairy, but it's good to be a mortal. Although you can only live for a few decades, life is so interesting. It's not like our days go by, life is tasteless!" Lin Lang said with a wry smile.

Donghua Shangxian was also silent, and asked after a long time: "You came from the mortal world, tell me, what kind of life did you live in the mortal world?"

Lin Lang thought about it carefully, and then slowly said: "What kind of life can it be, you know, we only have so many resources in the cultivation world, and the only way to get those things is by stealing or robbing , my talent is very good, I entered a very good fairy gate, and met a very good master, but along the way, I have really experienced too much, some people have more qualifications than me Well, the talent is better than mine, but there are many of them... died, because I will encounter too many things on the road of cultivating immortals, but I can't stop, because once I stop, I may also die die!

I finally became a fairy, I thought I was relieved, but the result is not as good as in the mortal world, at least in the mortal world, it can be solved by fists or strength, but look, the heavenly people are better than each other It's complicated, relatives are connected with relatives, if you don't pay attention, you may offend a whole family!
I wanted to rely on my fists, but I couldn't beat them, and I didn't have any resources behind them, and I was plotted by others..."

(End of this chapter)

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