Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1783 Immortal Cannon Fodder 3

Chapter 1783 Immortal Cannon Fodder III

Donghua Shangxian seemed to remember something, and said slowly: "The sky is indeed different from before, but in fact... the mortal world is also very complicated, relatives are connected with relatives... Forget it, it's useless to talk!"

At this moment, the fairy suddenly turned her head and saw their expressions change. Finally, she seemed to have made up her mind and walked towards them slowly.

"Greetings to the two sages!" The fairy lowered her head, "I hope the two sages will be kind enough to reunite me with my husband!"

Lin Lang had a headache, "If we wanted to move you, we would have moved you long ago. You won't stay here forever. You came to disturb us first. Forget it. Let's pretend nothing happened today and stay away from us. Far!"

The fairy's eyes lit up, and she said with a moved face: "Thank you fairy, I really thank you fairy, in fact, I don't want to become a fairy, but I never thought that after I die, the gods in the sky say that I am a good person in the ten generations, so let me be a good person." I have become a fairy, but my only wish is to be resurrected, to accompany my husband and children well!"

Lin Lang didn't like to hear these gossips, "I'm not interested in what you've been through!"

Fairy is also very dead, did not continue to talk, turned around and returned to his husband, the two are very affectionate!

Donghua Shangxian shook his head, "Oh, what a pity, once this person becomes a fairy, heaven and man will be separated forever... Although they are together now, they will not last long, if you don't believe me, just wait and see..."

"Why? Why can't people control their own destiny?" Lin Lang frowned and looked at her palm, "Isn't it always said that man will conquer the sky, but we have never defeated God..."

"What are you thinking so much about? We should leave, otherwise when those arresting gods find us, they will really have ten mouths to speak!" Donghua Shangxian stood up and put an ingot on the table. Silver, reminded me.

Lin Lang nodded, and after a flash of light, the two of them disappeared. Lin Lang didn't want to stay in the mortal world anymore, the main reason was that she didn't want to stay with Dong Hua!
After returning to the sky, before Lin Lang could catch her breath, she received another summons from her superior, asking her to immediately arrest those gods who secretly fell in love with mortals!
Lin Lang was not a fool, she directly said that she was not feeling well, and refused to go out even if she was beaten to death.

The boss was furious, "100 years ago, this person was still rushing forward, how could this change so much in the blink of an eye, but if this person didn't rush forward, would it be possible for us to do those things? "

No one dared to do it. After all, even if the god made a mistake, if he killed the god, there would be karma, and maybe there would be retribution!

Everyone is silent, so everyone can push back the things taught by the late emperor. If they really meet those gods who secretly marry mortals, everyone will turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye. However, they all acted as if nothing had happened, and as a result, more and more gods descended, and things became uncontrollable.

【No matter what you want to do this time, you have to come out. This is the Jade Emperor's confession. If you still want to hang around in the heaven, you should come out honestly and accept the assigned tasks. Otherwise, you will stay wherever you are. go! 】

Hearing the summons from her boss, Lin Lang could only put on her clothes and go to Nantianmen honestly, but its level was too low, so naturally it was impossible to stand in front, and she could only stand behind, but fortunately, She can still hear the voices of those gods!

"Immortal Emperor, there are more and more immortals descending to earth, and things have become uncontrollable. Now, the most important thing for us is to bring those immortals to justice, and if it is serious, directly destroy the immortals and break into the beast road. , will never be a human being!"

As soon as these words came out, all the gods fell silent. You must know that many of these descended gods are relatives or friends who have a relationship with them.

"This..." The Immortal Emperor hesitated for a moment, "This is also a solution, but who has to carry out this matter?"

"This..." Everyone knows this is a pit, and no one wants to jump into it.

In this way, everyone discussed and discussed, and no one discussed the reason, so we can only adjourn the meeting first, and wait for the next day to discuss it!

"Fairy Linlang!"

As soon as Lin Lang walked out, he heard someone call him back, and found that it was a fairy official he was not very familiar with. He nodded and bowed to him, and said respectfully, "What's the matter with the fairy official?"

The fairy official said with a smile: "I heard from your boss that your health is still not good, but is it true?"

Lin Lang is actually in good health, but the remaining old disease Lin Lang is not in a hurry to recuperate, the main reason is that she doesn't want to get involved with those sad things.

"Yes!" Lin Lang clutched her chest, pretending to be weak and said, "It's because I underestimated the enemy. I was tricked by others and suffered from an old disease. I think it will take some time to recover!"

The fairy official continued: "Then you are really lucky. The fairy emperor heard about you and was very sad. Talents like you should not be buried, especially before you are not injured. How many immortals who violated the rules of heaven were brought to justice by you, but the emperor was busy with current affairs, so he didn't summon you, and you didn't come out, let alone reward you, now it's all right, the emperor, now I know I am very concerned about your affairs, and specially rewarded dozens of pills, I hope you will heal well and continue to serve Heaven!"

Oh, I want to lead the battle by myself again, but I don't want to go, but I can fool around, after all, the free fairy medicine, don't want it for nothing!
Lin Lang pretended to be extremely moved, "Really? The Emperor of Heaven still remembers the little one. I...I'm really touched. When I recover from my injury, I will definitely serve the Heavenly Court!"

The fairy official smiled with satisfaction, and put a white jade bottle into Lin Lang's hands, "Then you must take good care of your wounds. After you recover from your injuries, we will all be waiting for you to serve the Heavenly Court!"

After Linlang returned to her cave with the medicine, she found someone in her home, and quickly sacrificed her weapon, "Who is it, come out quickly, or don't blame me, you're welcome!"

A clear and playful voice sounded, "Fairy Linlang, we have been together in the mortal world for such a long time anyway, you don't have to be so out of touch, take your weapon out before you see me Come out, it hurts my heart too much!"

After Lin Lang found out that it was an acquaintance, she took the weapon back, frowned and asked in puzzlement, "Why are you here, why are you in my house, no, how can you enter my house?"

Donghua Shangxian walked to the table on his own, sat aside, and made himself a cup of spiritual tea, "It's just a small enchantment, it's not difficult for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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