Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1784 Immortal Cannon Fodder 4

Chapter 1784 Immortal Cannon Fodder IV

This is not a question of how to treat guests, but why he is a big man, why did he appear in a girl's room, and he still came uninvited.

"You still have the face to say this. I'm a girl. What if I undress in the room without noticing your arrival? Why don't you wait outside?" Lin Lang said with a trace of angry.

Donghua Shangxian was stunned, and then blushed, "It's okay, if I really see it, then I will marry you!"

Lin Lang would not be so naive as to think that Donghua Shangxian would like her, after all, the two of them could count the faces they met with one hand, "Donghua Shangxian, Ming people don't speak dark words, tell me Say, why on earth are you following me, why are you so interested in me?"

Donghua Shangxian spread his hands and sighed softly, "Why are you so vigilant? I really don't have any other malicious intentions. I just think you are quite interesting. What is it?" Meaning, I think you are different from before, but I can’t tell you what is different, don’t tell you that you are different from before because you figured it out and made changes, don’t be funny, if people If you can really figure it out, there won't be so many people walking into a dead end, you should have something happened or encountered something, but you are really strange..."

Lin Lang was taken aback. It can be said that her hairs stood on end. My dear, this person's vigilance is too strong. Even the Immortal Emperor didn't notice the change in himself, but this person did. In fact, I am not that surprised, after all, Donghua Shangxian is also a fairy that should not be underestimated.

"You can think whatever you want, anyway, I'm not interested in you, please leave my cave, otherwise don't blame me..."

"What are you going to do? Drive me out? But you can't beat me, hey, what should we do then?" Shangxian Donghua said cheekily.

Lin Lang suddenly smiled at Donghua Shangxian, then opened the door of her cave, and shouted loudly to the outside: "Help, the dignified Donghua Shangxian is playing a hooligan, and ran to the girl's cave for no reason. Here, I can’t drive you away, and I intend to do some unruly things, come and see!”

Donghua Shangxian stood up in fright, "What are you doing? Do you want your reputation?"

Lin Lang looked at the immortal who was flying over not far away, and said lightly, "I've been forced into this state by you, what reputation do I need, everyone should be ashamed, let's die together!"

Donghua Shangxian gritted his teeth with anger, "Okay, you really won, but... are you sure we want to be like this? If I remember correctly, you accepted the immortal emperor's elixir, right?" If you don't do something, I'm afraid you will be retaliated by the emperor, let's cooperate, I will cover for you, and you don't hate me so much, do you think it's okay?"

Lin Lang frowned, and closed the cave again, "Shangxian Donghua, I really don't understand, why do you treat me like this? Do you really like me? But now that I think about it, I'm not a kingdom of heaven. He is not a first-class master, nor does he have a strong and powerful background. He is just an ordinary but not ordinary little fairy, so... Donghua Shangxian, you want to applaud me so much, what do you think? What did you do to me? Or are you planning something?
Shangxian Donghua, let me tell you the truth, I am poor and have nothing, if you are really plotting against me, I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible, because I have nothing! "

"It's the first time I've seen people say that I'm poor, and I'm justifiably poor!" Donghua Shangxian said a little funny: "Don't worry, although I'm not a gentleman, I'm not a villain either, and I won't plot against you." Yes, I'm just a little curious about you. You know that gods like us have died of boredom after living for tens of thousands of years. Now that I see such an interesting person like you, I naturally want to know more about you. There is no other malice !"

"You are really..." Lin Lang was furious, "It's unreasonable, everyone has their own meaning, everyone has their own obsessions or something that is unknown, I don't want others to know the secret, why do you have to go to Understand? Of course you can understand me, you tell me your secret, then I will naturally tell you my secret!"

Donghua Shangxian touched his chin, "This is a good idea, but I really can't figure out what secret I have. After all, I have lived for such a long time. Even if there is a secret, I have already forgotten it." , otherwise you can remind me, or I can tell you what you want to know!"

It's enough to meet a shameless man.

Lin Lang suppressed her anger, "I don't want to know anything, and I don't want to tell you everything, so leave my cave right now!"

Donghua Shangxian shook his head, "Okay, okay, I'll go first, but you have to think about the matter of the Immortal Emperor, after all, there is no free pie in the world!"

Lin Lang originally wanted to fool the past, but now it seems that she really can't fool her.

After Donghua Shangxian left, Lin Lang added a few more restrictions to her cave, and when the surroundings became quiet, she took out the fairy medicine and swallowed it, and then began to nourish her body.

When the body is almost recovered, it is impossible for Lin Lang to stay in the cave all the time and not go out. The fairy official has already urged him several times, and he probably wants to take the lead!

Linlang had a headache, hesitated again and again, and finally couldn't help contacting Donghua. Seeing his face trying to hold back a smile, Linlang sighed, "Yes, I'm a snake-hearted person who doesn't want to swallow elephants, and I want to give the fairy medicine to you." Eat it, and then I won’t do any work for Brother Xian, but now it seems that I really can’t be fooled, so hurry up and help me find a way!”

"Of course there is a way!" Shangxian Donghua shook his head, "But what do you want to give me, after all, there will be no good things in the world that fall into nothing!"

Lin Lang's head was about to explode, "Okay, okay, let me tell you, I was able to change so quickly, on the one hand, because I knew the whole story, and on the other hand, I have actually experienced... You should know this What do you mean, gods can predict the future, but such things are rare, and they are so mysterious... I happened to meet them, and then I did an in-depth investigation, so I dare not work as hard as I used to!"

Yes, there are many lies in it, but she is forced to, she can't tell the man in front of her to come by herself, it's because of the system, but what is the system?This is the world of cultivating immortals, but there are no computers!

Donghua Shangxian frowned, and suddenly realized: "It turned out to be like this, it's okay, I understand, don't worry about the matter of the Immortal Emperor, I always have a little face with the Immortal Emperor. I still dare not touch you, after all, the late Emperor is shameless, and you are just a little Luoluo, you can't do much, if you really move, you may shake the morale of the army, so don't be afraid!"

(End of this chapter)

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