Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1785 Immortal Cannon Fodder 5

Chapter 1785 Immortal Cannon Fodder V

Lin Lang really breathed a sigh of relief, "Well, actually, I didn't have to take advantage of him. The main reason was that I was afraid that if I didn't accept it, it would cause other people's revenge, so I took the elixir half-heartedly, which I didn't expect ...Alas... Sure enough, there is no free lunch in this world!"

Donghua Shangxian showed a dumbfounding expression, "Forget it, what are you planning to do during this time? Are you planning to stay in the sky? Or go down to earth to play?"

"Of course it's down to earth. If you stay in the sky, if those acquaintances see you, you won't be able to explain it clearly!" Lin Lang said quickly.

Donghua Shangxian nodded, "Then let's go together, by the way, I haven't finished listening to the play in the library last time, let's go there again!"

Lin Lang nodded. Everything is good in this ancient world. The only bad thing is that there are too few entertainment facilities. If it is modern, you can check Weibo, watch Douyin, and time will pass by in a blink of an eye. ,Ugh……

After they came to the room, they first ordered a pot of tea, and then ordered some melon seed snacks. After listening to the stories told by the storyteller, Lin Lang yawned boredly.

"Let me ask, will those immortals really be bought by the late emperor? Will they really go to capture other immortals?" Lin Lang couldn't help asking curiously.

Donghua Shangxian paused, "Everyone has worked hard to come up here, and they have experienced countless things, so no one is willing to take the bait, but they are also unwilling to offend the Immortal Emperor, just make do with it!

But don't worry, although you have accepted the immortal emperor's medicine, it is not the best, on the contrary, it is still going down..."

Lin Lang suddenly became angry, "What do you mean? Do you look down on me? Hmph, no wonder no one is loyal to him, he is too disrespectful!"

Donghua Shangxian lowered his head, "Actually, except for us little immortals, like Erlang God Nezha, and the Four Great Heavenly Kings of the Taishang Xinjun, they are all the oldest immortals in the heaven, but they have not acted. If they didn't know about this matter, even Lei Gong and Dian Mu, who listened to the emperor's words the most, didn't do it!
But falling in love between immortals and mortals is a big taboo in the heavenly court. The first emperor could not just sit idly by, but his name was wrong, and his words were not smooth. After all, his nephew, niece, and his sister... all violated the rules of heaven... ..."

"Speaking of which, there must be a background!" After Lin Lang finished speaking, she couldn't help but sigh again, "Although this is the case, I am always a little worried, afraid that if everyone doesn't care, what will happen? matter!"

Donghua Shangxian lowered his head, "Did you know? A deliberate painting is called one will achieve success, and the gods are the same. When a god becomes a fairy, he will absorb the huge energy between heaven and earth, but there is only so much energy. So there are more and more immortals, and the balance between heaven and earth is getting worse and worse. Why is everyone's lifespan not eternal after becoming immortals this time, and after each immortal dies, the energy between heaven and earth will explode again!
Handing in so many things is not enough, but on the contrary, there are still people who want to distribute these things to other people, so the balance between heaven and earth is getting bigger and bigger. Maybe one day, things will really come to an end point! "

Lin Lang also became frightened, "What do you mean by that? Could it be that we are also going to capture those gods? Aren't you afraid of cause and effect?"

"Do you know the ancient times?" Donghua Shangxian asked suddenly.

Lin Lang nodded, "I know, Nuwa created man and Pangu created the world, but the ancient times should be a very distant place, just like our Heavenly Court. Although some immortals have lived for tens of thousands of years, it seems that there is no One is from ancient times!"

Donghua Shangxian nodded and continued: "Yes, even the Immortal Emperor did not come out in ancient times... A long, long time ago, the world was still a muddy mess, there was no causal relationship, not even the Dao of Heaven. , there are no rules, there is no everything, everyone lives in the dark, in order to survive, they can only plunder with all their strength, except killing is killing... But a person appeared, and that person was Pan Gu, who opened up the sky, and gradually The way of heaven came out, in order to maintain the order of this world, the Taoist master appeared, and he became a saint..."

Lin Lang was very confused. He did know about Pangu's opening of the world. After all, he had learned it in elementary school textbooks, but what does Pangu's opening of the world have to do with this?
"What do you want to say?" Lin Lang asked puzzled.

Donghua Shangxian sighed, "I'm just afraid, afraid, the matter has really reached the point of no return, everything between the heaven and the earth will restart again, and it will become a chaotic mess again, and then there will be no sky and no earth , if you want to survive, everyone can only become stronger, or a new order will emerge, anyway, everything is possible..."

No sky, no land, what kind of day is that?Is it the end of the world?It shouldn't be more terrifying than the end of the world, Lin Lang didn't dare to think about it.

The two were silent, and they didn't even listen to what they were talking about. They walked out of the restaurant, and the two walked aimlessly. At this moment, a person suddenly knelt down in front of them.

"Two High Immortals, please save me!"

Lin Lang found out that since they met the fairy a long time ago, according to the timeline, hundreds of years have passed in the human world, why is this fairy still here?

Donghua Shangxian and Niulang looked at each other, knowing that this is not a place to talk, the group of people came to a small house, the fairy cried and said: "I... I violated the rules of heaven..."

"Actually, it's okay to go down to earth without permission. As long as you don't get found out when you go back, it can be treated as nothing happened!" Lin Lang said comfortingly.

The female fairy shook her head, "No, this is a bigger matter. Originally, my husband was already dead, but I really couldn't bear to be separated from him forever, so I went to the underworld to rescue him, and then went to the sky to get him back. I took the magic medicine... I know it's wrong to do so, but I really can't bear to part with my husband!"

"You are such a nonsense!" Donghua Shangxian said disapprovingly: "Life is fate, wealth and honor are in the sky, although we are immortals, we must not interfere in the affairs of the world, otherwise it will cause chaos in the world! "

"I know!" the female fairy cried and said: "But I really can't bear to part with my husband, that's why I did such a thing, but we have already suffered retribution. I have been hiding with my husband for hundreds of years. Zang, also in recent years, after knowing that all of us are dead, we sneaked back, only to find that my husband’s and my children were already dead, not a normal death, but a sudden death , I know that someone must have done it or suffered some kind of retribution... Forget it, I found that someone is chasing me, not like the previous small troubles, but really wanting to kill me and my husband ...Two immortals, please save us, we don't want to be rich, we only want two people to be together forever!"

(End of this chapter)

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