Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1787 Cannon Fodder Immortal 7

Chapter 1787 Cannon Fodder Immortal VII

Lin Lang was really frightened, so she hurriedly found an excuse, and after returning to her cave, she started to contact 12580.

[Are you sure there is no problem with this time and space?But I kept thinking about it, it was really scary! 】 Lin Lang said a little scared.

12580 pondered for a while, and then continued: "To tell you the truth, this mission world is a level [-]a world, as long as you complete this mission, your points will increase greatly!"

Linlang's eyelids twitched, "So dangerous? Just tell me the truth, which one is bigger between us and Heavenly Court? If something happens to me, can you rescue me in time?"

"You don't have to worry about that!" 12580 said reassuringly, "Our technical department is one of the best. As for this place, it's just a small world, and it's not a threat at all!"

Lin Lang breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good...the task of this car may not be completed!"

"The matter is not over yet, don't draw conclusions yet!" 12580 said comfortingly.

Although Lin Lang heard this, he was a little worried after all, but he didn't expect to be even more worried. The Jade Emperor directly urged them to go to Tiangong to gather.

"No matter what, the Goddess must not be caught this time. If you can't catch her, then don't come back!" The Jade Emperor directly ordered to die.

Lin Lang looked around and found that there were many new faces among these fairies. Although she was a little puzzled, she didn't ask. After they left, Lin Lang didn't know what she was going to do, so she was taken away by her boss.

"Everyone is not a fool, if you want to hide, you can hide, but now you can't hide, this time, no matter what, you must bring the goddess back!" The boss urged.

Lin Lang lowered her head, a little puzzled, "The Jade Emperor can marry a wife and have children, his sister and his niece, even his daughter can marry a wife and have children, why can't the goddess? The goddess is only one year younger than him It’s just my sister, why bother mobilizing people for this little matter?”

The boss shook his head, "This happened a long time ago, look at it now... Sir, I can't explain it to you, let's take care of our own affairs, we must catch the goddess no matter what , if you can't catch it back, you will only be a loose immortal for the rest of your life, you can't stay in the heaven, you can't practice, and when you reach a certain age, you might die of old age!"

Lin Lang said sullenly, "Actually, it's good to be a Sanxian, you can do what you want..."

"You have lived to such an old age, why are you so naive, think about it for yourself, is there any flash that can live to the end of your life, staying in the world means dangerous vulgarity in the world, and there are various causes and effects , if you are not careful, you may be entangled... If Tiandao finds out, maybe he will kill you..." The boss has a headache.

Linlang's heartbeat quickened, and she realized that something was wrong, but the goddess was a goddess after all, and it was not something that gods like them could find.

There was also a period of time when Lin Lang was off work. During this period, there were countless fairies who were taken back. Those were all fairies who married mortals. Those who were taken back basically had no good results. Either they were beaten out of their wits or they were eliminated. Xianji became a beast.

Lin Lang didn't expect to see Donghua Shangxian again. Speaking of the last farewell, they haven't seen each other for a long time. Lin Lang nodded to him, "Donghua Shangxian!"

Donghua Shangxian looked at Linlang for a long time, and then breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, you haven't got any karma yet!"

Of course Lin Lang, even if she met those people, she would act as if she couldn't see anything. She didn't care if she touched them or not, and her boss gave up on her, knowing that she was completely useless and didn't take herself seriously at all.

Apart from playing around outside every day, now he basically stays in his own cave, and he doesn’t go out even if he can’t take a step. He’s very well-behaved
"The sky is about to die!" Shangxian Donghua said sadly
"What did you say, why is there no sky?" Lin Lang said in complete disbelief.

"It's fine if you don't believe it!" Donghua Shangxian waved his hand, "It's probably only a few hundred years, and none of us will be able to escape by then!"

"Is it everyone? Or just us gods and mortals. They haven't done any evil. Is it possible that the heavens are going to destroy them together? If this happens, there will be a lot of karma!" Lin Lang said in disbelief. .

"How can there be eggs under the overturned nest?" Shangxian Donghua said with a hint of sarcasm: "So don't think too much, if there is something you want, or if there is something you want to do, go ahead and do it, otherwise... ...When that time really comes, even if you want to do it, you will have no other choice!"

Lin Lang didn't dare to say anything, he waited quietly, and soon things became apparent, more and more immortals died one after another for some unknown reason, even Jade Emperor's hair and beard changed completely To put it bluntly, the body is getting weaker and weaker day by day.

Lin Lang is the same, she feels that her strength is being drained little by little, and she has no strength in her whole body, "This...something is sucking our cultivation base..."

Donghua Shangxian stood aside, "Well, this is what I mean by perdition. Heaven doesn't like us anymore, and wants us all to disappear!"

Lin Lang didn't say anything, she closed her eyes and waited bit by bit. Finally, her soul came out of her body and a white light flashed, and she appeared in a small white house!

"12580!" Although Lin Lang felt that there was nothing serious about her body, she always felt a little uncomfortable, "I...I feel a little uncomfortable..."

12580 came out, "Well, it's just the sequelae brought about by that world. Although the mission is not completed, it's not considered a failure. During this period of time, you should take a good rest. After resting, let's carry out the mission again!"

"What happened to that world?" Lin Lang couldn't help asking.

12580 lowered his head, "The whole army is wiped out. Basically, as long as there are gods, they will slowly disappear!"

Lin Lang didn't know how to feel in her heart, so she could only sigh deeply, "If... I mean if, can we stop this disaster? After all, our company is so powerful, and we want to repair a Small world should be easy..."

12580 showed a surprised expression, "What are you talking about? Have you forgotten the first principle of our mission? It is not allowed to interfere with the affairs of that world, and not allowed to change the rules of that world. We may be very powerful, but that It's not our territory, it's Heaven's territory, we can only follow Heaven's way, even if I send you there to complete the mission, I have to hide it from Heaven!"

Lin Lang closed her eyes, "I was thinking too much, I should say I was wishful thinking, let me ask you one more question, are the gods the only ones who will be destroyed? Those mortals should have nothing to do?"

"Mortal people have nothing to do. Mortal people are the darlings of the heavens, and they will not suffer any disasters at all. Maybe in tens of thousands of years or millions of years, when everything is calm... At that time, some people who are cultivators will appear , or a new heaven appears..."

(End of this chapter)

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