Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1788 A Clear Conscience 1

Chapter 1788
Although 12580 said so, Lin Lang was still a little uncomfortable. He seemed to have been drained of all energy and energy, and became depressed. He had been resting for a long time before starting to perform the task.

[He doesn't like me, he really doesn't like me, but I can't figure it out. At the beginning, he said he liked me and would treat me well for the rest of his life, but why has it only been a few years, and he has changed like this? The change of a person is really true Is it that big?Is it really that disgusting to be with me? 】The woman continued to cry and said: 【I think my academic performance was very good at the beginning, and I could be admitted to university, but in order to take care of him and earn his tuition fees, I gave up my studies by working outside. Treat me well, and I will remember it in my heart, and treat that person wholeheartedly. In the special years, there is no food at home. I try my best to raise food and get all kinds of food. I am reluctant to eat. One bite Give him everything, but he treats me as a stranger and has affairs with those female classmates!
You know what's the saddest thing?It's my father, but his life is worse than that of a stranger. He has his own things, and he never wants to touch mine. It's like the bowls and chopsticks for eating. He has his own set, even washing his face. He has his own towel. Sometimes his stuff is broken or unusable. He would rather make do with it than use mine. My heart is hurt a little bit. I don’t think so. I understand how things have developed to such a step!

I really love him and treat him wholeheartedly, but I don’t know why he is getting farther and farther away from me. Later, I found out that he was having an affair with a female classmate. I went out. He finally told the truth, he said he didn’t Like me, changed his mind and said that people will change in this lifetime, I pushed him too fast, my heart was pierced, I couldn't understand how I lived my life like this, I died, but Before I die, I feel that everything I have done is not worth it!

I love him so much, I gave up myself for him, I would rather give up my life for him, sometimes I think it's really stupid, why should I do this?If others don't love me, I can love myself. Isn't it good to be a selfish person? 】

Lin Lang couldn't help but nodded after finishing the plot. Although selfishness doesn't sound good, a selfish person is the one who lives the best life and the happiest woman. To love another man, you must leave yourself a way out, just like this woman, who obviously had the opportunity to go to college, but she gave up her studies because of money, and was too lazy to go to college.After graduating, the two of you are farther and farther away, and there is no common language. Hehe, how did you say that there was no common language when you had no money, but now that you have money and graduated from university, you feel that there is no common language. With other little girls You're being ambiguous, you're really thick-skinned!
After Lin Lang received the plot, she didn't know what to say anymore, her heart was full of anger, at this moment the door opened, and a thin man walked in, looked around the room, and then at the man lying on the bed. Lin Lang, "Why are you still sleeping on the bed?"

Lin Lang was on fire in her heart. When she heard this, she didn't care about 21, [-], pulled up the pillow next to him, threw it on the man and scolded loudly: "I'm not feeling well, just lie on the bed and rest for a while. What's the matter? Do you think I'm an old cow? I have to work all day, do you still have a conscience, and you're still gossiping over there after sleeping, you don't like me and you can't find another woman!"

Liang Yaoan was stunned, and the pillow fell to the floor, "You...what's the matter with you? I don't mean anything else, if you feel unwell, you can rest, and I'll go to the cafeteria to buy dinner by myself..."

"What's the matter? If I don't cook for you, you won't eat. Then if I don't wash your clothes, you won't wear clothes. What do you think of me as your nanny? You are really enough, anyway, now The thing is that we can’t go on anymore. If we change, let’s go get a divorce. I’ve had enough of you. I usually act like an old man. When I get home, I lie on the bed and eat and drink. The key is It is you who have done a little of your husband's duty. Every night, you are like a dead fish. You can't get hard. You can get up with difficulty. The key is that it will be over in a few minutes. I don't know. I thought I was marrying a wooden man!
I am a woman, but you never let me feel that I am a woman, let alone enjoy the happiness that a woman should enjoy. You are nothing but reading. Divorce quickly, I am really fed up with you people! "

Liang Yaoan's face was blue and black, "What nonsense are you talking about? You are so vulgar. How can you say such things?"

"Why can't I say it? You have the face to do it, but I don't have the face to say it?" Lin Lang said word by word: "Anyway, you have long disliked me and your female classmates and didn't come to act. You think I have nothing to do with you. Common language, yes, I have no common language with you, but can you blame me? Back then, I could have gone to college, but to earn tuition fees for you, to make life easier for our family, and I heard your words clearly I gave up everything with sweet words, and worked hard at home to earn money for your education, but now I get nothing. Instead, I became the nanny of a good wife. Do you know what people outside say I am? To say that I am a tigress, as low as I am, should be to say that a vulgar woman like me is not worthy of you at all, hehe, I still think you are not worthy of me!"

Liang Yaoan's face darkened, "Alright, what are you talking about? I'm sorry for you, but I'm already married to you. Isn't that enough?"

"What is this enough? You said you loved me and you would treat me well, so I will marry you, but now you see how you treat me. You treat me like a nanny, and you can't satisfy me. I Now I live harder than a nun, and I don’t live a decent life like an ordinary person..." Lin Lang cried while talking, "Why is my life so hard? Why did I believe it back then? What about your lies? Oh, no, we have to divorce quickly, I really can't live like this, I really have had enough, I don't want to continue to be a widow..."

Liang Yaoan saw that the neighbors were slowly gathering because of Lin Lang's crying, so he quickly stepped forward and covered Lin Lang's mouth, "Okay, don't cry, people who don't know think I'm bullying you, but I also I didn't do anything wrong, let's talk about that kind of thing... If you don't feel it, you really don't feel it..."

"What do you mean by not having feelings? You don't have feelings for me, right? You really have feelings for your female classmates, not for your colleagues, but think of them all as beautiful as flowers, but I'm old and I'm not worthy of a holy person like you, and you think I'm dirty and shouldn't touch you, don't say you don't have this idea, look for yourself, when we sleep every day, you always Bed quilt, I have a quilt, eat a bowl for each person, and even a pair of chopsticks for each person, do you think this is the life that a normal couple should live?"

Lin Lang said and waved her hand here, "Okay, I won't force you if you don't like me. After all, people will always change. I said that life is still long and I don't want to just make do with it for the rest of my life. Let's get divorced. You are the one who is at fault. Give me the house and the money. Before I got married, you gave me 20 yuan a month in alimony to make up for my youth. After I get married, you don’t have to pay this alimony! "

Liang Yaoan is there, does he want a divorce?Sometimes I think about it, but only sometimes, I never think about it at all, because he understands that this woman is his responsibility for the rest of his life. He may not love this woman, but she is his sense of responsibility in his heart, so he has nothing to do. Abandon this woman, but now, this woman agrees to divorce him, but is he really willing?Looking back on the life between them, there was indeed love, so is there still love now?Yes, or maybe no...

(End of this chapter)

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