Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1789 A Clear Conscience 2

Chapter 1789 A Clear Conscience II

Liang Yaoan's expression remained unchanged, "Are you telling the truth?"

Lin Lang asked back: "Could it be that what I said was a lie? Why don't you just sign it? Since you don't like me, I don't want to spend any more time with you. I'm still young, so maybe I can find something A man who loves me, married him and lived, as for you... I did love you, put you in my heart, but look what I got, these decades... I endured your pain every day Roll your eyes, endure your cold violence, my life is not as good as that of ordinary people, I have had enough, you can find whoever you want!"

Liang Yao'an said hesitantly, "I...I'm not as...so bad as you said!"

"Hehe, in the eyes of outsiders, you are really nice, gentle and elegant, and you are also a university teacher. People say that I have adored you, but do you think that we are living a life between husband and wife? You don't want to touch me. After coming back every day, you don’t want to talk to me at all. Even if I talk to you and try to find a topic, you are neither cold nor cold. Are you talking about this is a husband and wife? Those who don’t know think it’s an enemy !"

Liang Yaoan's face was green and black, "I... It's not that I don't want to talk to you, I just..."

"No matter what, don't make any excuses for yourself. You don't like me at all. Maybe you like me, but over the years, no matter how much you like me, it has been worn out. You are surrounded by female college students. , all of them are young, beautiful, and full of literary talents, but me, a woman who graduated from high school and looks ugly, you think I am not good enough for you, yes, I really am not good enough for you, you are such a noble person, you are The cloud in the sky, I am the mud on the ground, I am not even qualified to see you!" Lin Lang said mockingly.

"Okay!" Liang Yao'an was very tangled in his heart, "About the divorce, let me think about it!"

"What's there to think about? Anyway, my conditions are on there. Let's hurry up and get divorced. I heard that you got very close to a female classmate recently. Don't delay her. Hurry up and get her married." Marry me back!" Linlang said angrily.

Liang Yao'an became a little annoyed, "You are enough, we are husband and wife after all, you don't need to be so fast!"

"It's not just to make room for you!" Lin Lang said with a sneer, "It's like you don't want to leave the relationship!"

Liang Yao'an lowered his head and said nothing. He picked up the cigarette case in his coat pocket and smoked it sullenly. He didn't know how long it took before he said slowly, "Let me think about it again!"

What are you thinking?Is it an excuse for yourself to think of an excuse?Lin Lang showed a sneer, ignored him, and went back to her room, lying on the bed and going to sleep!

Early the next morning, Lin Lang found that Liang Yaoan hadn't returned to his room to sleep all night. He put on his clothes and went outside, only to find that he had been sitting there all night, with cigarette butts under his feet, and his face was black and blue.

"About the divorce..." Liang Yaoan couldn't help but said, "I agree, and I will follow your request!"

Lin Lang didn't know how he felt at the moment. Although he knew they would divorce, his heart was extremely cold. This was the man he loved the most in the original book. He wished to give his life to him, so he agreed to the divorce lightly. It's gone, there is no redemption, no regrets, it's so plain, it really makes people feel like a thousand arrows!

A trace of injury flashed in Linlang's eyes, "Okay, let's go get a divorce this afternoon, and you can move things out later!"

Liang Yaoan raised his head, a look of disbelief flashed across his face, "So fast?"

Lin Lang sneered at him and said, "Wouldn't it be better to hurry up? Isn't this what you want in your heart?"

Liang Yaoan lowered his head, and then said: "Actually... I don't want to get a divorce either, I thought we would live like this for the rest of our lives... But no one ever thought that we would have no way to go on, if, I mean if, If you encounter any difficulties in life..."

Lin Lang said, "Don't worry, even if I go out to beg for food, I will never go to you. Divorcing you means breaking ties with you. I will never go to you in this life or the next. your!"

A trace of injury flashed across Liang Yao'an's eyes, "One night husband and wife, one hundred days of kindness, we are at least..."

"We're not husband and wife, we're strangers!" Lin Lang said emphatically, "Forget it, don't talk about these things, it's frustrating. Since we're going to get a divorce, let's not delay, let's go!"

Liang Yaoan followed Lin Lang to the divorce office with a tangled expression. Looking at the freshly released divorce certificate, a trace of sadness flashed across his face, "Lin Lang, I...I really like you, and I want to put you in the divorce office." In my heart...but... people will always change, I don't like you, I know you are right, the wrong person is me, it is me who sees profit and forgets righteousness, sees differences and changes..."

"It's okay, we're divorced anyway, so it's useless to talk about it!" Lin Lang shook his hands and interrupted him, "Move your things out after you go back, and you have to bring over the child support every month! "

Liang Yaoan pursed his lips, and couldn't help but ask, "After we divorce, what are you going to do?"

"The two of us have nothing to do with each other now, you don't have to worry about what I do!" Lin Lang said with disgust.

A trace of injury flashed across Liang Yaoan's face, "Okay, then I don't care, you will move out as soon as possible after I go back later, you don't have to worry about this..."

Lin Lang didn't want to listen anymore, so she turned around and left. Yes, she was already divorced, what should she do?First of all, let's go to a university. There are two types of universities now. One is to take the college entrance examination, and the other is to go to the night university or to learn by correspondence. As long as Lin Lang studies on time and passes the final exam, she can get a certificate. Although this certificate The gold content is not high, but at any rate it can be regarded as a certificate!

After all, Liang Yaoan's moving out could not be hidden from the neighbors around. They all ran over and asked why Lin Lang said lightly that he was divorced. Looking at the sympathetic eyes of others, Lin Lang was a little disdainful. What is there to sympathize with? It's nothing more than a divorce Forget it, besides, there is no one in this world who cannot live without!

Anyway, she still had some money in her hand, Lin Lang didn't rush to buy a lot of books and came back, she studied obediently, and after school started, she went to Ye University to sign up.

Here, after Liang Yaoan moved to the staff dormitory, he felt more and more unhappy. After the divorce, shouldn't he be the happiest?After all, are you really happy to be free?After returning home, no one cooks for himself, no one washes his clothes, and no one treats himself wholeheartedly...

"Old Liang!" A colleague came over and said, "I saw your ex-wife, she seems to be in college!"

"What?" Liang Yaoan turned around and said in disbelief, "Are you sure you really saw her in college?"

The same said firmly: "Of course it's him. My eyesight is good, and I will never misread someone. But it's good. Why is she thinking about going to college?"

Liang Yaoan was also a little puzzled, "I...I don't know, when we were together, our other grades were pretty good, but later..."

(End of this chapter)

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