Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 201 The Wife 4 Plus More

Chapter 201

When Gao Yaozu heard that he was going to study in a school, his first reaction was: he was finally liberated.

Gao Yaozu's eyes turned red immediately, he really didn't know how he survived those days, he swore that after he went to school, he must study hard, preferably to study abroad, so as to stay away from this lunatic woman.

Lin Lang doesn't care what her little husband-in-law thinks, the original main thing is to seek benevolence and gain benevolence, and seek self-satisfaction, but the original owner was raised by an old feudal scholar, and her mind is full of three obediences and four virtues. Her so-called unfairness It is why she obeyed the three obediences and four virtues, but her husband did not love her, and instead took away her child.

So she wants to abandon the three obediences and four virtues, be herself well, seek benevolence to gain benevolence, seek self to gain oneself, and don't like herself if she doesn't like herself, but she must never leave voluntarily, which is a representative of unvirtuous.

How should you say this?It is really enough for a woman who wants to abandon the three obediences and four virtues, but also thinks about whether she is virtuous or not.

Lin Lang smelled something wrong with the tea in the teacup, and slowly put down the cup, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth, she didn't rush to drink tea, but said slowly: "Sister-in-law, you have to explain everything clearly, You helped me this year, but next year I will do it alone, after all, I am the daughter-in-law of this family, and my husband-in-law will take over the whole family in the future!"

"I want to be beautiful!" The sister-in-law stood up, and she couldn't control her temper, so she asked her to come out. After thinking about what she said, she sat down immediately, smiled awkwardly, and said in fear: "I ...I...I mean...not that you want to be beautiful, but...after the Mid-Autumn Festival, there will be New Year's Eve, Dragon Boat Festival, you have to learn from me in these banquets...plus interpersonal communication...so It's still early..."

Lin Lang nodded, "Don't worry, I'm very smart, I'll talk about it once I teach it, isn't it just that kind of thing, it's very simple!"

The corner of the sister-in-law's mouth twitched, she looked at the teacup beside Lin Lang, her eyes rolled around, and she said with a smile: "Sister and sister, you are too busy today, hurry up and have a cup of tea, you can try that tea, but I spent a lot of money to buy tea. I heard that the tea soup is clear and warm in the mouth. It is the best tea in ten thousand. But I am a rough person, how can I know the quality of tea?
Brother and sister, you are the daughter of a scholar, so you naturally know a lot, help me identify it! "

A flash of contempt flashed in Linlang's eyes. He now knew that it was this sister-in-law who plotted against him, but after thinking about it, there was no one else besides her.

Lin Lang picked up the teacup, took a sip, and then used her sleeve as a cover to spit the tea onto the cuff.

Seeing Lin Lang drink her in, the sister-in-law breathed a sigh of relief, and winked at the maid beside her, telling her to go down and inform the young master.

Lin Lang pretended to be physically weak, stood up slowly, and then passed out on the ground. In fact, her heart was bright, and she naturally noticed that someone helped her up and threw her on a bed.

Lin Lang opened his eyes and found that the elder brother and sister-in-law had helped a man in. He sat up slowly, looked at the surprised eyes of the elder brother and sister-in-law, and sneered, "I really think I'm a fool, let you figure it out!"

"You...you...how is it possible, I saw you drink it!" said the sister-in-law in surprise.

"Oh, but I vomited it out again!" Lin Lang stood up, stepped forward, stretched out her hand, knocked the two people unconscious, and at the same time took off the clothes of the three of them and threw them on a bed.

After Lin Lang finished all this, she swaggered open the door, and just as she walked out of the yard, she saw her mother-in-law walking over anxiously. Seeing that Lin Lang was intact, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"I just heard someone say that you passed out. I was really scared to death. Are you okay now?" The mother-in-law asked with concern: "Do you need me to invite the doctor?"

"It's okay, I guess it's because I didn't eat breakfast in the morning, I'm just a little dizzy, I'll take it easy!" Lin Lang shook her head and said with a sweet smile.

The mother-in-law breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the yard, looked around, and asked, "Where are the boss and the boss? It was their maid who came to inform me just now. Didn't they accompany you?"

"The family is busy with affairs, and I'm too embarrassed to bother my sister-in-law to accompany me, so I let them go down and get busy!" Lin Lang was still planning to play a big game, so she didn't plan to confess them now.

The mother-in-law thought so, so she took Lin Lang back to the yard, but found that the sister-in-law was not there. Although puzzled, she still thought that they were busy elsewhere, so she put the matter aside and followed the housekeeper to greet the guests and prepare gifts for the banquet.

With a scream, everyone at the banquet stood up, looked around, and walked out following the sound.

As soon as he reached the gate of the yard, a woman ran out, covered her face, wept loudly, and pointed to the inside of the room to say something, but her face was full of disgust.

"Wang Gui's family, what's wrong with you?" Lin Lang, as the daughter-in-law of this family, stood up, and although she knew what happened inside, she still pretended not to know anything, and asked seriously.

Wang Gui's family is the daughter-in-law in charge of the family. She covered her face and sobbed and replied, "It's really shameless. There are a group of dogs and men in the house, and they did such things in broad daylight. Alas, the ancestors have no face. ...This kind of dog and man should be soaked in a pig cage, oh, it's really embarrassing..."

The people around are not ignorant people, when they heard this, they understood what it meant, and they all showed disdainful expressions on their faces, and some of them went to ask the clan elders to come over.

Lin Lang waved his sleeves when he heard this, and said angrily, "I want to see who it is that did such a shameless thing on this day of family reunion!"

"Oh, Second Young Mistress, don't go in, it's very filthy inside!" Wang Gui's family immediately stopped her.

"But this happened in my house, I have to give everyone an explanation, get out of the way and let me in!" Lin Lang wanted to push Wang Gui's house away.

"You don't have to go in, I'll go in!" the father-in-law stood up, squinting his eyes, "I'm not dead yet, so I want to see who dares to make trouble in this house!"

When Lin Lang heard this, she stopped in her tracks. The main reason was that under such circumstances, it was really not easy for her to get in as a young girl who was married but hadn't consummated her house.

Not only did the father-in-law go in, but the father-in-law also brought a few servants in. After a cup of tea, there was a cry of today in the room. It was a female voice, and the voice was unusually piercing.

"I didn't... I didn't do this, I didn't do such a thing... Someone calculated me..."

Lin Lang stood outside, showing a sneer. Although this era is the Republic of China, the feudal atmosphere is still very strong, coupled with the division of warlords, so after major incidents are committed, there will always be clan members from the clan to appear, or they will give up , Either soak in a pig cage, or stay in the family temple for the rest of your life.

This woman did this kind of thing, let me be soaked in a pig cage, or stay in the family temple, but I stayed in the family temple because I had a child. For the sake of the child, it is not easy to do too much in the family, so I put He is locked in the family temple.

But this sister-in-law doesn't have any children yet, so...

Thinking of the consequences, Lin Lang just wanted to smile, but thinking about the current scene, she immediately pretended to be serious and stared at the door meticulously.

The father-in-law came out, and he was helped out by the servants. He waved to everyone with a pale face, and said with a trace of apology: "I did something wrong after all. I apologize to everyone, and please forgive me." Go back, this is my family matter, I will handle it properly, and promise to give an explanation to the family!"

The patriarch is not happy, this time I was in charge, so what do you care?Besides, he still doesn't know what happened inside?So he squinted his eyes, and said unceremoniously: "You said you would give us an explanation, why would you give us an explanation? Hurry up and get out of the way, I want to see who is doing the wrong thing!"

"This..." The father-in-law thought of the three people in the room, especially when he thought of the scene he saw just now, and his heart ached again. He managed to calm down, showing a flattering smile, and said, "I heard that the clan is going to run a school." Don’t worry, as a promising person in the clan, I can’t sit idly by, so I’ll donate 1000 yuan to the clan, which can be regarded as a contribution to the clan!”

1000 Yuan Dayang, that's definitely a big deal, the patriarch hesitated, in fact, it doesn't cost much to set up a school, but the rest of the money will definitely go into his own pocket.

Thinking of this, the patriarch nodded, thinking that he let go of this matter, but in order to show his face, before leaving, he also reminded him that he must pay attention to handling it.

After everyone left, three people came out of the room. When the mother-in-law saw these three people, she took two steps back, her face full of disbelief.

"This... this... old man, what's going on here... and boss, what are you three doing in that room..." the mother-in-law asked in a trembling voice.

"What else can you do? Lonely man and widow, living in the same room!" Lin Lang said with a sneer.

When the sister-in-law heard the sound, she gritted her teeth and looked at Lin Lang, and rushed over with all her teeth and claws, but Lin Lang was not willing to let her go, so she kicked her.

Lin Lang looked at the sister-in-law who was in pain, and sneered a few times, "If I don't do it, I will be the one who will be unlucky, and you will just reap the consequences. I promised at the beginning that if I can be well-behaved, I will definitely not One of you will be missing, but you are wishful thinking, want to kill me, want to be beautiful!"

"Second brother, what did you mean by that sentence just now?" Although the mother-in-law is kind and charitable, it doesn't mean she is a fool.

"What else can you mean? The couple have a big appetite. Seeing that my husband is going to study in school, I am afraid that after he becomes capable, he will compete with them for family property, so he wants to act first and kill me. but……"

As soon as Linlang finished speaking, the mother-in-law couldn't bear it any longer, walked over directly, kicked the elder brother hard, slapped the elder sister-in-law, and said angrily: "Why did I raise you two heartless bastards?" !"

"Okay!" The father-in-law stood up, his palms and backs were covered with flesh, but his son did such a thing, it was really nothing, so he said, "I will give you a sum of money later, and it will be considered a separation!"

"Father..." The eldest brother wanted to say something, but seeing his father's resolute expression, he could only lower his head, and he couldn't figure out why things had come to this point.

After the family was separated, Lin Lang became the well-known mistress of the family. As for her little foster husband, his grades were getting better and better. Three years passed in the blink of an eye. According to previous lives, her father-in-law and mother-in-law passed away one by one. Only she and the young master were left.

"In a few days, I'm going to sell all my family's property and move to Shanghai!" Lin Lang said to Gao Yaozu with a cold face.

"Why should we move to another place? Isn't this our hometown?" Gao Yaozu felt very uncomfortable when he thought about leaving here.

"It's good here, but there are no big schools, and there are no foreign teachers to teach you foreign language!

After going outside, you can learn more, and you may go to university abroad. Isn't this what you always expect? "Lin Lang asked back.

"Yes..." Gao Yaozu nodded, especially when he heard that he could go abroad to study, he was even happier. Since his parents left, he could see this woman every time he returned home. He was really fed up. But the front of the house is controlled by this woman, he has no choice but to let it go.

Lin Lang wanted to move to Shanghai, but the clan elders were not willing at all, because in their eyes, Lin Lang was a golden chicken that could lay golden eggs. If she left, who would give them money?
But Lin Lang didn't want to take care of them. Taking advantage of the darkness, she directly got on the train and went to Shanghai.

Big Shanghai is indeed prosperous, full of extravagance everywhere, Lin Lang rented a small foreign house, if it were placed in modern times, it would not be able to buy it without [-]-[-] million.

Lin Lang also found a western-style school for Gao Yaozu, and asked her to study hard in it. As for her, she was looking for ways to make money.

Who makes the best money, of course women and children. Lin Lang has made a lot of toys and cosmetics, and after all these are done, she is involved in the clothing industry.

Taking advantage of the money, she got acquainted with several foreigners and began to transfer her family property abroad. Of course, she did not keep so much money for herself to spend, but donated most of it to the Communist Party.

Five years passed in the blink of an eye, Gao Yaozu grew from a brat to a young man, white and tender, very tender and delicious.

"Sister!" While eating dinner, Gao Yaozu raised his head cautiously, glanced at Linlang, and shouted.

When Gao Yaozu was 15 years old, Lin Lang once asked him if he would like to be a husband and wife with him, or be a sibling with him.

Gao Yaozu naturally wanted to be a sister and brother, but he didn't want to be a husband and wife. He had already been suppressed for several years, and he didn't want to be suppressed for a lifetime.

Since then, they have been referred to as siblings. Lin Lang said to the public that she was adopted by the master and wife to take care of the young master. In fact, everyone knew what was going on, but they didn't tell the truth.

"Say anything, don't hesitate!" Lin Lang raised her head and glanced at Gao Yaozu indifferently.

"I...I...I met a girl recently...so..." Gao Yaozu really couldn't say that sentence, his heart kept beating.

Lin Lang looked at the boy indifferently, nodded and said, "I have no objection to having a girl you like, but on the premise of getting married, I hope you can take care of your career well. Have you ever thought about how you will grow up?" What will you do when you grow up?"

"I... I haven't thought about this yet. Our family is so rich, why do you want me to go out?" Gao Yaozu knew that his family was really rich, and the toys made by himself were already sold well at home and abroad, and there were also branches abroad.

"Could it be that you still want to be a second-generation ancestor who eats and drinks all the time? If you want to be beautiful, I earned all the family property myself. After you get married, I will share some of the family property with you!" Lin Lang said indifferently.

"I..." Gao Yaozu wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it. All the things in the house were indeed earned by Lin Lang himself, but...that was also based on his own family's property...

"Bring that girl out to meet him tomorrow, and find a time to meet his parents for dinner!" Lin Lang confessed.

"Oh, good!" Gao Yaozu nodded.

That little girl was studying at a women's college. As for why the two of them could be together, it was really fate. A thief stole the little girl's money. Came in time and saved Gao Yaozu.

The starting point is good, although the result is not as good as expected, but the two are still together.

Lin Lang glanced at the little girl. The little girl is only 14 years old this year. What's more fateful is that this little girl is Gao Yaozu's second wife. However, this little girl seems infertile, but it has nothing to do with her. In this life, Gao Yaozu's family There is power and power inside, if this little girl can't give birth, Linlang doesn't believe that Gao Yaozu will guard her for the rest of her life.

Lin Lang actually knew Gao Yaozu quite well. This person was still full of feudal thoughts in his bones. Although he was talking about equality for everyone, there was no such thing as equality.

Lin Lang met the little girl's parents, they were both kind and they were in business, so they got along well.

"I heard that the chief of the Great Shanghai Guard has changed, and there will be a banquet at the Sunshine Hotel tomorrow. I wonder if Miss Linlang will attend tomorrow?"

Lin Lang knew about this banquet. After all, she was in business. In addition, there was no army in Shanghai, and it was all managed by the guards. Therefore, Lin Lang was going to meet the officer tomorrow. It would be best to make a good relationship.

"Of course we will go to participate!" Lin Lang said with a smile: "Take the two of them there tomorrow, let them see the world and make more friends."

 This chapter has a total of 5000 words, of which 2000 words are updated normally, and 3000 words are for thanking book friends who fainted, one monthly ticket, and two monthly tickets for Shuyou Mo, a total of three monthly tickets plus 3000 words, thank you two dears monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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