Chapter 202

Mr. Zhang heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that Lin Lang was willing to take Gao Yaozu out to see the world. In fact, he had heard rumors outside that the two were not biological siblings. Lin Lang was adopted. He was afraid that Gao Yaozu would not be there. The method is to inherit the family business. After all, everyone in Shanghai knows that all the property of the Gao family is the result of Lin Lang's hard work.

"This...Miss Linlang is not too young. Is there anyone she likes? You have to know that a woman's time is so short. If it is over, the market will not be good..." Mrs. Zhang thought of her daughter, and her heart moved. , so she said these words, because she didn't want her daughter to have a powerful elder sister.

"If you have money, you can do anything!" Lin Lang suddenly said this, and she also understood what Mrs. Zhang's doubts were, so she said: "After the young couple get married, let them move out, anyway. I have taken care of him for so many years, it is impossible to continue to take care of him!"

Mrs. Zhang was overjoyed when she heard this, but Mr. Zhang heard the words in his heart, asked the young couple to move out, and said that he would not take care of him. What does this mean?Want to split up?He really valued this young man, but on this basis, he also valued his family business.

This guy is only 15 years old this year. He may be very good, but no matter how good he is, he is still just a young guy. He is not capable of supporting a story at all, nor is he able to take on the important task of supporting his family.

Thinking of this, Mr. Zhang stood up and was about to say something, but Lin Lang didn't want to talk to them, so he waved his hand and took Gao Yaozu away.

The next day arrived soon. Lin Lang bought a cheongsam. She really likes to wear cheongsam. It can set off the beauty of Chinese women, and it also has a touch of elegance.

But Linlang has a quirk, she must wear a sable when wearing a cheongsam, maybe because she has watched too many Northeast dramas, but anyway, I think this match is very good, and it looks good.

At the banquet, Lin Lang exchanged pleasantries with the people around her, met a few more friends, and finalized some cooperation methods. At this moment, the entire banquet hall suddenly fell silent.

Lin Lang looked towards the door, and saw a young man in a military uniform, tall and straight, with a stern expression, walking in step by step.

Lin Lang soon knew who this man was. The new leader of the Shanghai Bund Guards, the youngest second lieutenant, should be called Lu Hao, but luckily not Lu Erhao.

Lin Lang went up like everyone else, and even lifted it, but she didn't expect that Lu Hao would make an exception for him.

"I've heard of Miss Linlang a long time ago. When I saw her today, she really lives up to her name!" Lu Hao's long and narrow eyes raised slightly, and his red lips curled up. It was originally a cold abstinence type, but suddenly it became an extremely seductive restlessness type. .

Lin Lang's heart skipped a beat, and she had to say that the man in front of her was quite attractive, she smiled, "Young Master Lu is really flattered, Young Master Lu is also young and promising, at such a young age, he has become the leader of the guards of the entire Shanghai, I believe that in the future, The future must be limitless!"

"Miss Linlang is really flattering me. I am able to achieve what I am today thanks to everyone's support and the unity of the army and the people. I hope Miss Linlang will remember that the unity of the army and the people!" After Lu Hao finished speaking, he let go of Linlang's hand. Continue to greet other people.

When Lin Lang heard this hint, she felt confused, but after thinking about it carefully, she realized that this man must know that he gave money to the Communist Party.

Thinking of this, Lin Lang didn't understand who exposed herself, but the money had to continue to be donated, because only their victory could bring prosperity and health to the people.

After the banquet ended, Lin Lang's business suffered a lot of pressure, but luckily most of her business was transferred overseas. Lin Lang abandoned part of her business and kept a part of it that was safe and stable, and she was ready to wait After Gao Yaozu got married, he handed over these businesses to him.

"When are you and Ms. Zhang going to get married?" During a meal, Lin Lang finally couldn't help herself and asked.

"I'm going to finish college!" Gao Yaozu whispered, it will take at least three years for him to finish college.

Three years, Lin Lang thought about it, and realized that she was still waiting impatiently, so she nodded, what was she going to say?There was a roaring sound in my ears, and then, there was a bang, and the artillery fire rang out.

Lin Lang fell to the ground with her head together, the whole house moved violently, and the breath was full of gunpowder smoke. After everything stopped, Lin Lang got up from the ground, and the facilities in the room had already become a mess.

"Are you okay?" Lin Lang helped Gao Yaozu who was lying on the ground, patted the ashes on his body, frowned, and asked.

"I...I..." Gao Yaozu was a young master who grew up in Fugui Township. He had never seen this scene before him. Although he had heard of wars, it was only heard of. He had never seen the truth.

Looking at the bombardment now, the bustling metropolis has now been turned into ruins, making him froze here.

Lin Lang's house was alright, only a small part was destroyed by the bombing. The others were not so lucky. The blowing up of the house was a small matter, but the loss of life was a big deal.

Lin Lang didn't dare to delay, and called the servants to take out the medicines prepared in the basement. She bought these things in the black market a long time ago, and also bought some grains to store in the warehouse outside the city, because he knew it was an era of war. No matter how expensive gold and silver are, they are not as expensive as food and medicine, so she always spares no effort to store these things.

Looking at the land destroyed by the war, desolation spread in Lin Lang's heart. She searched the hall and found several beds to place here, and asked her servants to find patients and help them treat their wounds.

Although he hadn't had surgery for a long time, he was gone, but his sword was not old, combined with traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, he rescued many people whose lives were hanging by a thread.

Gradually, some nurses from the Red Cross came here to help him save lives. Some also knew that there were doctors and medicines here, so they sent all the patients here.

Gao Yaozu was dumbfounded by the scene in front of him. He never thought that his own wife was actually a skilled medical person who would pull a dying person back from the hands of Hades.

But no matter how deceptive he is, he is also a Chinese. He has also learned some first aid measures in school, and helped Lin Lang treat the wounds of patients. In this short period of time, he has matured a lot, and he is still a young man. , but the eyes are full of determination.

(End of this chapter)

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