Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 203 The Wife 6 Plus More

Chapter 203

Day by day, the bombed-out houses after the disaster began to be rebuilt, and the city began to influx of new people, and everything was full of vitality again.

Lin Lang always felt that it was not safe here. To be honest, it was not safe anywhere during a war, but there were different levels of security. Lin Lang was planning to go abroad.

Before leaving, Lin Lang left most of the family property to Gao Yaozu. She wanted to see how far he and that little wife would go, but time waited for no one, and she didn't want to give her life here.

"I...I..." Gao Yaozu flickered, looked at Lin Lang, his eyes were full of reluctance, "Aren't you my child bride? Why did you leave me?"

"Just say one more thing..." Lin Lang looked at the man in front of him indifferently, and said, "If I remember correctly, you were the one who said you wanted to be my sister and brother at the beginning, what's wrong? Now you want to go back on your word? Could it be that you are thinking about it?" Hug right, want beauty!"

"I...I...I didn't mean that..." Gao Yaozu didn't know what was going on, for a while, he became more and more attached to Lin Lang, and wanted to be with her, but he didn't know how to say it. He also felt despicable, since he already had Miss Zhang, but still wanted to be with Lin Lang.

Lin Lang didn't want to talk too much with such a little kid, especially she didn't want to marry such a little kid. She also knew what he was thinking. She probably worshiped him, but she didn't have time to play with him.

Lin Lang packed up her things, distributed the money due to Gao Yaozu, and left by boat without looking back, but although she left her heart, she will always be on this land. She used her status abroad to make She brought a lot of things to the country, but she didn't sell them, but handed them over to the Communist Party.

In the past, Lu Hao saw her, and she was too embarrassed to do too much, and she was almost exposed, so she could only stop temporarily. Now that she is abroad, every country is fighting with each other, and she can't take care of herself. She is a little shrimp.

Ten years passed in the blink of an eye. When Lin Lang heard that the housekeeper was looking for her, she raised her eyebrows. Looking at the door, the husband and wife who looked like refugees raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Sister-in-law..." Miss Zhang couldn't help shouting out first.

"I'm not your eldest sister, why do you look like this?" Lin Lang asked after looking at her.

"Don't mention it. Civil wars broke out frequently, and my father's business could no longer continue, but he still had a small fortune. Later... he won, but our family belongs to the capitalist family, and all the property was confiscated. We rely on With only some money left, I bought two boat tickets and traveled across the sea to find you..." Miss Zhang said in tears.

"Why do you come to see me? I'm not one of you, don't think that if you call me big sister, I will take care of you. When the family was separated, I already gave all the money to Gao Yaozu. I don't owe you anything!" Lin Lang didn't want to care about the two of them. The poor and lowly couples were sad. She wanted to see how long they could last, but she didn't want the two to be separated.

"You... aren't you Yaozu's eldest sister? Aren't your blood thicker than water?" Miss Zhang asked suspiciously.

"What, I was the child bride-in-law married by his parents. Later, after his parents passed away, I took him out. I also knew that I was too different from him in age, so I asked her if she would like to marry him." Should I be a sibling or a husband and wife? He chose to be a sibling...

But I gave him everything that should be given to him, but I didn't lose a cent from him, and I didn't owe him anything! "

"This..." Miss Zhang didn't know what to do, she hurriedly poked Gao Yaozu who was beside her, only to find that she lowered her head and said nothing.

"It's all a family, so why do you need to see the big sister? Is it possible that you have the heart to watch me and Yaozu Beef on the street..." Ms. Zhang didn't care about her face anymore. She had already given all her water chestnuts to her when she escaped all the way. Grind out.

Upon hearing this, Lin Lang asked the housekeeper to take some money, threw it over, and said, "You two can be regarded as intellectuals, and it is easy to find a job in the United States. If you are not good enough, you can go to a restaurant to work, and you will always have a bite to eat! "

There is not much money on the ground, enough for them to live comfortably for a year or two, but what about after a year or two?
Lin Lang returned to the space, her task completion rate this time was not high, only 60%, the tasker was very dissatisfied, the most dissatisfied point was that when Gao Yaozu wanted to get back together, she did not agree.

[That's right, big sister, such a scumbag man, you still want to be with him, really...] Lin Lang felt that it was hard to say.

【He is my husband-in-law, he is my God. At first he didn't want to be with me, but when he was willing to be with me, you didn't agree. Why?As a woman, you must know the three obediences and the four virtues, and regard your husband as the sky...]

When Lin Lang heard this, she immediately cut off the contact, went back to her small dark room, lay on the ground, looked at the dark roof, and said, "How can there be such a person!"

Lin Lang slept for a while, recovered some energy, and began to accept the next plot.

[I was originally a noble lady, with a loving father, a gentle mother, an uncle who loves me, and a beautiful marriage.

But all of this changed. When the flood came, my father abandoned me and my mother, and ran away with the concubine and second sister. Only then did I know that my father had never loved me at all. Mother, I married my mother for the power of the family. As for his concubine, she was his cousin who grew up with him. In order to marry my mother, I wronged her to be a concubine, but the one I love in my heart is still his little concubine. concubine.

My uncle took my mother to hide in XZ, but there were so many victims, and my mother was weak and couldn't get enough rest, so she soon deteriorated.

Uncle took me to the capital with great difficulty, but was arrested by the government. It turned out that my father claimed that all the disaster victims were caused by my uncle. Not built.

Uncle was very wronged, because he didn't do those things at all, because all the books were with his father, and he went to the capital to look for them, and he had already arranged them up and down, so he took uncle as a scapegoat
As for her, she is even more pitiful. Her mother is dead, and her uncle will be beheaded soon. As for that marriage, it has long been replaced by the concubine's second sister. Dip the pig cage!
But they wanted fame, and they didn't build themselves, but sent themselves to the family temple, and let themselves fend for themselves!
I really hate them. For once, I want to take revenge on my father and aunt, and protect my mother and uncle. 】

Lin Lang opened her eyes, stared at the brocade on it, and was in a daze for a while. After hearing the voice, she opened the curtain and found that it was her maidservant, coming with a copper basin for washing.

"Miss, are you awake?" The servant girl came over and helped Lin Lang hook up the bed curtain, and even helped Lin Lang put on her shoes.

"Well, what time is it?" Lin Lang looked outside and asked.

"It's just past the hour!"

Lin Lang nodded, but it was hard to tell what time it was. The most important thing now was to contact that uncle, saying that her father wanted to take him as the scapegoat and told him to be more careful, but how to contact that uncle?
"Where's mother?" Lin Lang sat on a chair after being dressed and washed by the maid.

"The madam is in the yard, does the young lady want to have breakfast with the madam?" The big servant girl was about to have the breakfast delivered, when she suddenly heard the young lady's question, she stopped what she was doing and asked.

"Well, I want to have dinner with my mother today!" Lin Lang nodded and stood up.

"Yes!" This big maid was very nice and well-trained, which showed everyone's demeanor, and she took Lin Lang to another yard.

"My darling, didn't you say it before? You don't have to come over to eat with me, just take care of yourself, why don't you listen?" Gao tapped Lin Lang's forehead, although she said complainingly, but the eyes But with a smile.

Lin Lang shook her head when she heard this, "Last night I had a dream that my mother had an uncle, so I wanted to come and see my mother today!"

"Young lady is so filial!" Mammy sighed beside her.

Lin Lang smiled embarrassedly, eating with this mother, Gao Shi didn't want Lin Lang to eat with him, mainly because Gao Shi had been drinking medicine, and was afraid that Lin Lang would lose his appetite after smelling the medicine.

After eating, the servant girl brought over a cup of medicine. Lin Lang smelled the pungent smell, took the medicine over at high speed, looked at the soup bowl carefully, then shook her head and said, "I feel like this The medicine... why is it so offensive, and I feel dizzy after smelling it...

I didn't say it, what on earth does this doctor eat?Mother drank so much medicine, but her body didn't grow at all, I really don't know what kind of medicine they prescribed..."

When Gao heard the plan, she smiled softly, and tapped her little daughter's forehead, thinking that what she just said was just being naughty, and took the medicine bowl from her daughter, "Of course this medicine smells bad, because Good medicine tastes bitter and is good for the disease, besides, my disease..."

Gao's disease is due to being weak since childhood, but it must be taken care of when she grows up, otherwise she would not be able to give birth to a healthy Lin Lang. As for her continued illness, someone must have tampered with it. Something is wrong, but I can't say it now, after all, if a little girl who doesn't understand anything suddenly says that something is wrong, then she will be the worst.

"Mother, I want to go to my uncle's house tomorrow!" Lin Lang said coquettishly, tugging at the corner of Gao Shi's clothes.

"Does Linlang want to go to uncle's house? Didn't he just go there a few days ago?" As soon as the words fell, a gentle middle-aged man walked in with a smile in his eyes. I have to say that this man's appearance is indeed Can touch people's hearts, he looks like a good person, but his heart is very dirty.

A dark light flashed in Linlang's eyes, but she quickly recovered, showing an innocent look, and said, "Who made me want to eat the sweet-scented osmanthus cake from my uncle's house, Daddy, just let me go! "

When Gao Yuan heard this, he nodded, agreeing with what his daughter said, then looked at Gao with a gentle face, and asked with concern: "Is your health better?"

Listening to the couple talking about the housework, Lin Lang was taken away by the big maid. On the way back, he met the aunt who was telling the housekeeper and the concubine sister.

Yes, the housekeeper is my aunt, because her mother is weak, so the house has always been taken care of by my aunt. This man treats her cousin very well, except that he didn't give enough, he gave everything he should up.

But if you like this woman, you marry her, why do you have to spoil other women?Lin Lang despised Gao Yuan very much.

"Greetings to Miss!" Auntie saluted respectfully.

"Get up!" Lin Lang nodded, then rolled her eyes, she wanted to test this aunt, "Auntie, let me ask you, who is the doctor who has been seeing my mother? Why have you been here for so many years? The body is still not recovering, is it the doctor? It’s because he hasn’t prescribed the medicine, or else, please invite a few more doctors to come over tomorrow and show it to my mother!”

"This..." Cold sweat broke out on Auntie's head, she couldn't let the doctor come over, otherwise what would happen if the things she did were exposed?
The aunt pulled out an awkward smile, and said with difficulty and calmness: "Miss...Madam is weak, because she has been weak since she was a child, and the doctor also said that she can only take good care of her, but can't cure her...

"It turned out to be like this. I blamed my aunt. It's okay. I'm going to my uncle's house tomorrow. Remember to prepare the carriage and some heavy gifts!" Lin Lang sensed that something was wrong with this aunt, and she was supposed to invite a doctor. My aunt has no reason not to agree, but on the contrary, she refused, and she was very scared, so what is this aunt afraid of?

Lin Lang drew a sneer, went back to her room, took a good rest, and began to think, what should I do next?
Lin Lang is now a five-year-old child. The five-year-old child told his uncle that my father is going to harm you, and that he will make a big fuss at that time. He was probably arrested as a psychopath right after he finished speaking, especially his father's In the eyes of outsiders, he is a good husband and father.

Thinking of this, Lin Lang turned over on the bed, and suddenly remembered the words in her dream this morning, her eyes lit up.

Before dawn the next day, Lin Lang was picked up by the maid and dragged into the carriage.

Although my uncle is not far from here, it takes an hour or two to ride in a carriage. The ancient carriages are really bad, they are wobbly, and the road is full of potholes. After sitting for a while, Lin Lang felt her butt hurt.

"This road is really bad, full of potholes..." Lin Lang muttered, opened the car curtain, and looked outside. There is a lively atmosphere everywhere, but who would know that in the near future, this place will become the world. hell.

 This chapter has a total of 4000 words, of which 2000 are normal updates, and the remaining 2000 words are to thank the book friend Yezhong Baixue for the two monthly tickets and updates, thank you for the monthly tickets, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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