Chapter 403

When the queen heard this, she panicked and said: "Your Majesty, although the concubines rule the six palaces, they are not afraid of being stolen by thieves, but they are afraid that the thieves will miss them. They want to plot against Ning Jieyu, and concubines are not good fortune tellers. How can they count?" How did they do it? So in this matter...the concubine did nothing wrong. As for what happened later...they were indeed caught and there were physical evidence, but after they pleaded guilty, they committed suicide one by one, so this case is over. gone."

Lin Lang rolled her big eyes, "Look at what the empress said, if the feelings don't count on you, you think there's nothing wrong with it, right?
Also, murdering the prince is a felony, so it's over if you commit suicide?Don't they have family?
If the crime is really that light, wouldn't everyone be able to murder the prince and grandson? "

"Okay, you two stop arguing!" The emperor rubbed his head, waved his hands, and said with an ugly face: "Queen, you really should send someone to investigate the matter of Jieyu's birth. So many people are plotting together. , If you say that there is nothing tricky in it, I am afraid no one will believe it!

Regarding the matter of the eldest prince, I have already decided... to let Jieyu take care of him. On the one hand, she is the biological mother of the eldest prince, and on the other hand, Jieyu has enough status to raise the eldest prince. "

"Your Majesty..." The queen became anxious when she heard this, "The concubine has been married to your majesty for 11 years and has not had a single heir so far. I ask the emperor to recite his previous kindness and be able... to be able to hand over the eldest prince to the minister. The concubine will take care of him, and the concubine will take care of him, and he will definitely treat him like his own son..."

"Queen, all the princes and daughters in the harem call you mother, so..." The emperor refused to hand over the eldest prince to the empress to raise him, mainly because he had his own considerations. Then the eldest prince's status will be high. If the crown prince is established at that time, everyone will definitely recommend the eldest prince. On the one hand, it is because he is the eldest son, and on the other hand, she has been raised by the queen, but if he has a few more princes in the future, then If the First Prince is useless, what should we do?
Besides, if the eldest prince is raised by the empress, regardless of his high status, he will definitely be urged by the ministers to establish a prince, and it will also create a sense of crisis for himself, feeling that he is old, he is the emperor, and he has tasted the taste of power , how could it be possible to give way?

What's more, the queen's family background is prominent, if she is really allowed to raise the eldest prince, it is hard to guarantee that there will be a queen mother who will be heard behind the curtain in the future.

So under such considerations, the emperor still decided to let the eldest prince be handed over to Lin Lang to be raised. On the one hand, the status is low enough, and on the other hand, the family background is not prominent enough to prevent outside interference. These two points are very suitable for him.

After getting her own child, Lin Lang returned home happily, but there was one more thing that made her very sad, Mrs. Wang was leaving the palace.

"It's such a pity, I still expect my mother to stay with me for a while..." Lin Lang said reluctantly.

"Your Majesty is also a noble person now, and you want to be a woman in the future, so you can summon a woman!" Wang looked at the little prince at the side, with a little kindness in his eyes, "My Majesty must remember one thing, in the harem, anyone None of them are reliable, only children are the most reliable."

Lin Lang nodded. In fact, what Wang taught can be summed up in one sentence. If a man's words are reliable, even a sow can climb a tree.

After sending off the Wang family, Lin Lang started her own career of raising children. As for the competition for favor in the harem, she didn't take it seriously at all, but the concubines in the harem, the competition for favor is really quite fierce. Because the queen lost the eldest prince, she turned her attention again To other concubines.

The concubines she chooses are all low-ranking, good-looking, but gentle, so that it will be easier to fight for the prince when the time comes.

But three hours passed in the blink of an eye, and the eldest prince grew up smoothly, but there was no good news from the harem. If there was not the case of the eldest prince, many concubines thought that the emperor would not be able to give birth.

The emperor also felt anxious, he was over 30 years old, and he had only one prince under his knees, it was really desolate, and in order to prolong his descendants, he had recruited concubines in the harem for the past few years, but there was no good news.

"I... plan to make you Concubine Shu." The emperor really accepted his fate. In order to flatter the eldest prince, he raised Lin Lang's status as one of the four concubines.

Lin Lang didn't think this position was so important at the time, because if nothing else happened, her son would be the future emperor, and she would be the future empress dowager. , the quality of life has definitely improved.

Before the emperor died, he did not give birth to a second son, and luckily he had the only heir, otherwise, he would not have given up the throne to the children of other brothers.

When Lin Lang opened her eyes again, she was in a daze for a moment, and shouted outside, "Come here!"

After shouting, Lin Lang came back to her senses. Although she was lying on the bed, she was not only unusual. As the empress dowager, all the things she used were tributes, which were very precious. As for this, although things are expensive, they are more expensive than Are things worthy of the palace expensive?

"Girl, you're awake, do you feel better?" A maid in Tsing Yi pushed open the door, and the person who came was Biqing. After a good rest, there is still some tiredness between the eyebrows and eyes.

"Yeah!" After Lin Lang came back to her senses, she quickly realized what had happened to her, nodded her head slowly, and finally lay down on the bed, covered her head with the quilt on her body, and said in a muffled voice, "I don't know why , I still feel a little uncomfortable, you go out first, I will rest for a while!"

Biqing responded, and before leaving, she turned her head and said comfortingly: "Girl, master has been gone for a month, no matter how sad you are, you have to cheer up and think about what to do next ?
Although grandpa entrusted you to your grandmother before he left, didn't he say something?It is imperative to be defensive, even if you trust your grandmother, you have to plan for yourself, and this family, if you don’t tidy up..."

"Okay, I got it, you go out first!" Lin Lang waved her hand, but after hearing the sound of closing the door, she lifted the quilt. She understood what she just heard, and she probably transmigrated into a Lin Daiyu-style Characters, of course, there is no such thing as being weak, but the situation is the same when both parents are dead and I want to live in my grandmother's house. I just looked at the decoration of the room and found that this family is quite rich. I just hope When I went to my grandmother's house, I didn't have bad cousins, and I didn't have so many calculations.

(End of this chapter)

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