Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 404 God of Wealth Cousin 1

Chapter 404 God of Wealth Cousin One
Lin Lang then shook her head, patted her face with her hand, pulled herself out of her wild thoughts, managed to pull herself together, then closed her eyes and began to receive the plot. ,, at the same time, they also arranged a marriage for me

"My parents had only one daughter in the end, so they raised me very well. Later, the two of them encountered an accident. Before they left, they made proper arrangements for me, and at the same time arranged a marriage for me. That is my daughter." cousin.

They thought that everyone was a family, as close as flesh and blood, and would definitely treat me well, but they underestimated the charm of money, and even less the charm of power!

My family is very rich, but very low-key. Few people know how much money our family has. After I went to my grandmother's place, they coaxed away all the money in my hand. As for later, I fell seriously ill and died. It was only at that time that I learned that my cousin was going to marry someone else.

My heart felt like death, and I vomited blood and died immediately. After I died, I realized that someone had poisoned me. I really regret that I should not put my life in the hands of others. I hope you can replace me , to continue my life well, if I can, I hope to leave an heir for our family! "

After receiving the loan, Lin Lang rubbed her chin, thinking that it is possible to live a good life. This kind of wish is very simple, but the most important thing is to leave an heir. In this ancient times, the most important thing is the heir.

So how can anyone be willing to put their own children in someone else's name? Anyone who does this will be stigmatized!

"Miss!" Biqing pushed open the door, holding a plate with a bowl of ginseng soup on it, "Miss, this is the tonic soup made by the servant in the kitchen, take a couple of sips to replenish your body!"

Lin Lang nodded, drank the real soup in one gulp, glanced outside, and asked, "There are so many maids, why are you the only one serving in front of my eyes?"

"This..." Biqing hesitated for a moment, and then said: "They... they all left arguing, and..."

"I understand!" A sneer appeared on the corner of Lin Lang's mouth, "If the tiger doesn't show its power, it treats me like a sick cat. If they want to leave, I still have their contract of prostitution!"

"Miss, this... Miss is a girl's family, it's really not easy to show up. Since you don't like him, you should send them out, don't... so as not to ruin the reputation..." Bi Qing was telling the truth, and she was also saying the truth. Good words, although they don't sound good, they are really useful.

Lin Lang shook her head, got dressed under Bi Qing's service, pushed open the door, and walked out. Sure enough, not far away, she saw a group of maids gathered together, with very ugly expressions on their faces.

"Hey, miss woke up, do you feel better?" A woman came over, twisting her fat waist, still eating melon seeds in her mouth, with a teasing expression on her face.

Linlang looked at these people coldly, and took out a stack of things from her arms, "Since you don't want to serve me, then, I will satisfy your wishes. These are your contracts of prostitution, and I am going to hand them over to Mrs. Niu. Don't worry, I will let him find you a "good place"!"

When the servant girl heard this, she immediately panicked, who is the cow lady?That's someone who specializes in that kind of dirty business. They sell men to rocky mountains to be coolies, and sell women to dirty places. Anyway, they have a particularly bad reputation.

"Miss, the master just died. It's too bad to drive us away, so you won't be able to get married in the future!"

"Yes, miss, our family has worked so hard to serve you for so many years, and there is hard work without credit. Aren't you afraid of being punished by God for doing this? Save yourself from being a short-lived ghost like your own father."


Lin Lang heard so many swearing, as if she didn't hear it, she picked out her ears and sneered, "It seems that not only will you be sold, but before you leave, someone will drink a bowl of dumb Medicine, so as to ensure that some people will not talk nonsense, so as not to damage my reputation!"

After Lin Lang finished speaking, she lifted her feet and went out. Seeing Lin Lang's seriousness, the maids immediately knelt down, shaking with fright, and begging for mercy.

Lin Lang is not willing to let these servants go, because these servants are a burden to her. More importantly, servants who are unfaithful to the Lord are worse than animals. The parents are going to the capital by themselves. This group of time bombs is placed beside him.

However, she didn't do it too hard, and she didn't go to find Mrs. Niu, but directly found a Ren Yazi with a good reputation, and sold this group of people, leaving only a few loyal ones who could be used.

"Aren't you afraid that this group of people will talk nonsense outside and ruin your reputation?" Bi Qing asked in a low voice.

"I'm going to the capital, no matter how bad my reputation is, it won't spread to the capital, so there's nothing to be afraid of.

Furthermore, a sold slave has problems in itself, who would believe their words. "

Biqing relaxed her heart and breathed a sigh of relief, "When the master was leaving, he basically sold most of the property in the family, but he told me that he must keep this house, saying that this house is his home. The ancestral house inside must not be sold!
So when we go to the capital, we have to leave a few loyal servants to take care of the old house! "

Lin Lang nodded his head, expressing his agreement. After dealing with these unfaithful servants, he began to sort out the inheritance around him. Grandma and the others would be jealous, this girl is simply a walking golden doll, comparable to Lin Daiyu.

Lin Lang took out part of the money, found a few loyal servants, and asked them to go to the capital first for assets. As for her, she was not in a hurry to go to the capital, anyway, she just dragged on until everything was taken care of. Only then did she leave here and head for the capital, opening a new chapter in his life.

Here, grandmother Wang has been waiting anxiously for a long time, but she is not waiting for her granddaughter, but for money, thinking that a golden doll will come to her door, she is so excited that she can't sleep, this is waiting Well, three or four months have passed this year. Before this person came, she was a little confused, and at the same time a little scared, afraid that the golden baby would run away.

"Boss, you send a few people over tomorrow to see what's going on. Her father has passed away for more than half a year, and this person hasn't come yet. Will there be any accidents on the way?" Wang sighed. In such a tone, people who don't understand the inside story hear this sentence and think it's a grandmother who cares about her granddaughter.

The old lady is a calm person, in the eyes of outsiders, she is dignified and generous, with a certain amount of advance and retreat, but her calculations in her bones are more powerful than anyone else, more ruthless than jackals.

(End of this chapter)

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