Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 406 God of Wealth Cousin 3

Chapter 406 God of Wealth Cousin III

Lin Lang hadn't been in the sedan chair for a while, but she was told that she had arrived. She couldn't help but sigh, this place is so small, it doesn't even last a minute, and she has to be allowed to sit in the sedan chair, it's really poor.

But speaking of being poor, it’s really a bit poor. Lin Lang opened the curtain, and the first thing she saw was a very ordinary courtyard with some flowers planted in the corner. old.

Surrounded by a large group of people, Lin Lang walked into the room, and saw an old man with white hair and a cane in a purple dress sitting on it, and there were two women beside him.

"This is the cousin, right? I'm your first aunt, and this is your second aunt!" The elders pointed, and they pointed to the second's, and then said with a gentle face: "It's been a hard journey. Now, how do you feel? Is there any discomfort?"

Lin Lang shook her head, "Fortunately, we walked slowly along the way, and there was no discomfort!"

"I said, why hasn't the cousin arrived for more than half a year? It turned out that she was slowly realizing it, but why didn't she write a letter to talk about it? The old lady thought that something happened to you, so she quickly sent a few servants to pick it up. ..." The second child said subconsciously.

When the old lady heard this, she was so angry that her teeth itch. The second child really has no eyes and no brains. How could she say such a thing?Wouldn't that tell Lin Lang that if she didn't come early, she wouldn't have sent someone to pick her up!
Lin Lang smiled faintly, called out to the old lady above her grandmother, took a brocade box from the maid next to her, and handed it up, "Old lady, this was bought when my mother was alive, and she said yes I'll keep it for you, but...things can't keep up with the changes, and I can only dedicate my mother's heart to you."

"Okay, okay!" The old lady opened the brocade box and found that it was an old ginseng. Her brows and eyes immediately stretched out. She is already old, so she is more and more afraid of death. With this ginseng, there is security , "Your mother has a heart, no wonder I have been thinking about her for so many years!
Now that she's gone, don't be sad, otherwise you won't feel at ease when you left last time. From now on, grandma will take good care of you! "

"Thank you grandma!" Lin Lang saluted with gratitude, and then gave gifts to the first aunt and the second aunt. The things she gave were very precious, so the two aunts made up their minds that they must let their son Marry Linlang so that she can inherit Linlang's family property.

"Linlang, your cousin Haowen has been doing business outside recently, and he will be back in a few days. You two are about the same age. When he comes back, you can play with him, and it will be a relief." The second aunt's eyes rolled , said with a smile.

When the eldest aunt heard this, she was unhappy, "Sisters and sisters, do you have a brain? Lin Lang's parents just died, and if you let her go out to play, wouldn't that make her unfilial?"

"I...I..." The second child stuttered and couldn't say anything.

Lin Lang didn't want to make trouble like this just because she came here, so she took the lead to make a rescue, "Eldest aunt, second aunt is also afraid that I will be sad, so she said these words for my own good, so you don't have to complain that second aunt is not .

However, Lin Lang appreciates the kindness of the second aunt, but...Lin Lang may not be able to play with her cousins ​​as her aunt wished, because when she comes back tomorrow night, she has already notified the Baishui Temple outside the city to give it to her mother and father. Do ninety-nine and 81-day rituals! "

"Ninety-nine and 81 days, it's still Baishui Temple, how much will it cost..." The second aunt muttered in her heart, the calculation in her eyes became more and more intense.

When the old lady heard this, her heart was there. After a long time, she sighed and said, "I thought you would give my grandparents and grandchildren two..."

Linlang said comfortingly: "Old lady, I still have a long time at your knees, but my mother... because of her rush, she didn't finish the 21 days at all. If my mother and father knew about it... I would definitely blame me for being unfilial, Please forgive me, old lady!"

The old lady nodded, "You also have your difficulties, that's all, you can go as you please, but after finishing the ritual, you must go early and return early."

Lin Lang nodded his head. He actually made up the matter of the rituals on the spur of the moment. He could see that each family had their own schemes. As for raising himself, he was probably thinking about other people's money like Sister Lin.

Lin Lang was not familiar with these people, so she planned to go out to live for a while, and after inquiring about them carefully, she would come back again, so as not to fall into their tricks just after entering the door.

The old lady looked at the crowd of people in the yard, and said calmly, "But you are a little girl, why do you bring so many servants? It's too extravagant..."

The old lady's intention is to let Lin Lang fire all these people. On the one hand, there are a lot of people, and on the other hand, they can do certain things more smoothly.

Lin Lang blinked her eyes, her face was full of doubts, "But... old lady, this is already the least number of people. For the sake of the capital, I dismissed most of them. As for these, I will use the rest used to, or the elderly in the family.

And my mother once said that the daughters of rich families are all born with one foot, and my specifications are not too small..."

The old lady choked on such words, and her face turned blue with anger. Of course she knew that she was going too far. When she was young, she had a few little sisters who were treated like this. But at that time, her natal family had already been defeated. I can't give her these things, so she can only look at others. Even if she gets married in the future, she won't be able to have such treatment, although after having a son... don't mention it, it's really not as good as the next generation, if she is not shrewd Calculated, this family has long been unable to uncover the pot.

The elders naturally saw the embarrassment of the old lady, and immediately stood up and rescued the old lady, "Look at what the cousin said, the old lady is concerned about you. After all, if a little girl's house is too extravagant, it will easily cause disputes." , This will be bad for the reputation of the girl's family.

But... we were brought up by a rich family, and we behaved well, and others didn't have anything to say..."

The old lady breathed a sigh of relief, that's why she likes the elders, of course, no matter how much she likes the elders, she mostly prefers the second, mainly for mutual balance.

Lin Lang nodded, "It turns out that the old lady is thinking of me. I am really thankful to the old lady, but...the people around me, I will not let them out. They are mainly the old people in the family. If she is really released If we go out, it will chill their hearts, and even arouse others' right and wrong!"

(End of this chapter)

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