Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 407 God of Wealth Cousin 4

Chapter 407 God of Wealth Cousin IV

The eldest daughter-in-law stood up again and said: "Don't worry, the old lady is a very kind person and would not do such a thing. Although he said so, he is honest in his heart, knowing that you have many people with you." , I even arranged a big yard for you, but...the yard is big, but you have a lot of people, otherwise, you should live in first, and you can put your luggage in the warehouse first..."

Hehe, if the thing is really put in the warehouse, can you take it out and talk about it?
Lin Lang rolled her big eyes in her heart, then blinked her eyes, and said innocently: "There is no need for this, we bring very few things, just some clothes and some decorations, as long as people sit in, these things have to be It is used, so it doesn’t need to be stored in the warehouse, and it will be troublesome to take it out when you can.”

"Ah?" The old lady was surprised. She thought that Lin Lang had brought all the money with her. After all, the family that my sister-in-law married was quite rich...

"Is it just those things?" The old man couldn't help asking, and finally thought of something, he suddenly recovered, and smoothed things out with a smile, "I mean, if there are more things, I can send People help you move..."

"Don't bother Auntie, it's just small things, you guys should move them!" Lin Lang said with a smile, "But... there is something I want to discuss with Auntie..."

"Niece, just say it!" The elders nodded.

"Oh, it's just... my aunt, my parents just passed away, so I want to stay with them for three years, so there will be some taboos on food and drink... So I want to open a small kitchen in my yard, I don't know if my aunt is willing ?

But don't worry, I didn't use it for nothing..."

Lin Lang took out a stack of bank notes while talking, "This is 1000 taels, which is my living expenses here!"

"Master, you are not allowed to accept it!" The old lady said, and then glanced at the stack of bank notes, with a hint of greed in her eyes, she barely held back, and said kindly: "Lin Lang, your mother is My darling, before she left, she entrusted you to my care, if you really gave me this money, wouldn't you slap me in the face again. "

When the old family and the second family heard this, they showed a bit of anxiety. This old lady is really, the family is almost out of control, and she wants to slap her swollen face to pretend to be fat.

"Old lady, this is also a wish from my niece. If you don't accept it, what will you make Lin Lang think? I think she will feel uncomfortable in this house... At worst, let's accept the money and give it to Lin Lang as a dowry in the future." The boss said with a smile.

The old lady was embarrassed for a moment, then nodded slowly, "Well, grandma will take it for you first and keep it for you, and when you get married, grandma will prepare a beautiful wedding dress for you. "

Lin Lang was in a daze in his heart, he didn't say anything, but this group of people directed and acted on their own, as if they were in a difficult situation, but in fact, each of them wanted to take the bank notes immediately.

The next thing was much easier. Linlin asked people to move the luggage into the yard, and after a while, the yard was actually a bit small, barely able to accommodate more than [-] people. Linlang felt that this was not the solution, so she began to streamline it. The main thing is to keep the elite, and distribute all the rest to the outside, so that they can help with things.

As for the construction of the small kitchen, someone came to pay 1000 taels of silver, and things went very smoothly, but after the small kitchen is built, there must be food to cook~
The purpose of Linlang building the small kitchen was not only to keep her filial piety, but also to guard against those people. You must know that the original owner died of poisoning, and she didn't want to encounter it again.

After setting things up, Lin Lang found a few reliable people to take care of the yard, chose a day with the best weather, got into a carriage, and drove to Baishui Temple.

On the way to Baishui Temple, the carriage stopped suddenly. Lin Lang lifted the curtain and asked the groom next to him, "What's going on?"

"Reporting to Miss, there is a noble person passing by in front of me, we are making way."

Hearing this answer, Lin Lang couldn't help sighing, what a sinful feudalism.

It took an hour to wait, and finally arrived at Baishui Temple, it was already late, and fortunately, they had booked a room in advance, so they didn't fall into the wilderness.

Lin Lang washed up and said to the maid next to her, "Go out and find out who the nobleman is? We won't bump into each other accidentally when we burn incense tomorrow!"

Biqing said: "Girl, I already inquired before I didn't have to come again. It was the family of Marquis Zhongwu who came, and they said Marquis Zhongwu was going to the battlefield and came to ask for a peace talisman."

Lin Lang nodded, indicating that she knew, she yawned, and went to bed under the service of the maid.

The next morning, Lin Lang woke up, looked at the sky outside, and found that it was still foggy, and the stars in the sky could be seen faintly.

If there is nothing wrong, she promises to sleep until noon, but no, since she said that she is here to observe filial piety, she has to put on a show, so after waking up early in the morning, she ate some vegetarian dishes and started to sleep. Piandian copied scriptures.

"Your calligraphy is pretty good in the young lady. You have a school of your own. Without decades of skills, you can't do it at all. Little girl, are you from a scholarly family?"

Hearing the voice of questioning, Lin Lang frowned displeasedly, turned around and found that it was an old lady, so she nodded calmly and said: "The old lady has praised me, the young girl is only a little literate, as for Calligraphy, just because I like it, so I practice it more frequently... As for the family background, the little girl's parents are both deceased, so this time I come to the temple master, if I do things for them."

When the old lady heard this, her complexion changed, and instead she said with a smile: "The girl is quite filial, and it's getting late, so I'll take my leave first."

Lin Lang shook her head and continued to copy the scriptures. It was only later that she found out that the original old lady was the mother of Marquis Zhongwu. During this time, she had been looking after his wife for Marquis Zhongwu, and later she chose the daughter of the Minister of Rites.

Lin Lang only listened to this time, and didn't pay much attention to it. What she cared about was her grandmother's family.

"Girl, I've found out everything about the Wang family. The butler is standing outside the door. Do you need to let him in?" Biqing walked over and asked in a low voice.

Lin Lang nodded, and then an old man walked in and bowed to Lin Lang, "Girl, I have already found out everything about your grandmother!
Your two uncles, one is in the Ministry of Officials and the other is in the Ministry of Rites. It seems that the Wang family is a scholarly family, but it is not true. These two are actually low-ranking officials, and they are nothing in the court. I have been in the same position for ten years and have never been promoted. "

(End of this chapter)

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