Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 408 God of Wealth Cousin 5

Chapter 408 God of Wealth Cousin V

Lin Lang burst out laughing when he heard this, "They haven't moved for decades, did they offend someone? Or did they do something wrong?"

The butler shook his head, and continued: "Not really, the two of them are considered to be two Jinshi scholars, but it's a pity that their brains are too cancerous, they can't turn around, and they are too pedantic, and they don't have any good colleagues at all, so these dozens of people Over the past few years, the official positions of these two people have not been moved."

Lin Lang nodded and sighed, "These two uncles, it's really... alright, go ahead!"

The housekeeper nodded, "Since the past few decades have not moved, the income of the Wang family is very small. In addition, the two uncles are pedantic and uncommon. You should give him money. He thinks you are full of money." The body smells of copper, why didn't the two uncles come together with his colleagues these years...

Therefore, the Wang family has been unable to make ends meet these years, and has been tearing down the east wall to make up for the west. Especially in recent years, the money has become more and more tight. The debt is paid!

So girl, you must be careful, otherwise they will do anything for money. "

Lin Lang nodded, waved her hand, and told the butler to go down. There is a saying that Cao Cao is coming, and the Wang family is coming again.

"Cousin girl!" Wang Momo came over, bowed respectfully, raised her head, and looked at the maids around Lin Lang who were dressed exquisitely, especially those jewelry, her eyes were red, my dear, this cousin girl is too beautiful. If she is rich, the maids around her all wear gold and silver.

"So it's Mother Wang, what are you doing in the temple if you don't take good care of your grandmother?" Lin Lang blinked and asked.

When Wang Momo heard this, she came back to her senses, patted herself on the head, and said, "Report to Cousin, it's because something important happened at home. A few days ago, the eldest wife's jewelry was lost, and the servants rummaged through the box. I found it, someone said... Seeing your servants, I have seen the big lady's yard before, so I stared at them suspiciously, and wanted to go into the yard to check, but they... But they all dared to use violence Now, this is really big, they are slaves, they dare to do such a thing, Cousin girl, you have to decide for us..."

There was a sneer at the corner of Linlang's mouth. If they were released, they would go in and investigate, and then they would set up a blame game. Even if they had ten mouths, they would not be able to tell. By then, their reputation would be ruined, and they would have their own reasons to handle it. On its own, that's easy as pie.

"Look at what Wang Momo said, the maids I chose are all old people in the family, and their moral character and temperament can stand scrutiny. If you want to say that there is no stuff...it's really strange. On us, besides, my father is a businessman, there are a lot of good things, and the servants are also high-sighted... definitely not so shallow-sighted." Lin Lang said sonorously.

"What are you talking about, Biao girl? They will naturally steal the previous one if they see it. Does it have something to do with the kind of master's house?" Wang Nao said angrily.

"Of course it has something to do with it. If the master's family is rich, he will definitely not steal. If he has nothing, he will steal." Lin Lang rolled her eyes, "Why do thieves steal things? It's because the family is poor. Thinking about stealing, if he had money, would he be a thief? Of course not!"

"You... Cousin, you're making too much sense!" Nanny Wang gritted her teeth.

"Oh, I'm telling the truth. If you want to refute, Mommy, I can't help it." Lin Lang spread her hands and said helplessly.

"You... Cousin girl, the thing you lost this time is a good thing in the old lady's bottom box. It was passed down to her by her mother. It can be regarded as a priceless treasure. Anyway, you have to go back and investigate this matter. Be clear... Otherwise, we will have to send these slaves to officials." Wang Momo made up her mind to let the cousin go back, otherwise the cousin has been living in the temple, how can they ask for money?
Lin Lang rolled her eyes, "Okay, I know about it, I'll set off tomorrow, but I haven't found anything by then, you guys have to make amends to me."

A gleam flashed in Wang Momo's eyes. They don't fight unprepared battles. Biao girl, Biao girl, don't blame other people for their schemes. If you want to blame, you can only blame you for being too rich.

Early the next morning, Lin Lang packed up her things and got into the carriage. Fortunately, she was able to leave after finishing the religious rituals, otherwise, she would probably have received such a dishonest evaluation.

Back in his own yard, he saw a large group of servants confronting each other, each holding something in their hands, some holding sticks, some holding brooms, seeing Lin Lang coming back, Lin Lang's servants rushed to Putting down the things in his hand, he shouted respectfully, "Greetings to Miss!"

"What's the matter, please, this girl is going to die of anger!" Linlang snorted dissatisfiedly, walked to the middle of the yard, and said to them: "Nurse Wang has already told me the matter, I believe you, But they don't want to believe it, so let them search, if they can't find anything, they have to serve tea and apologize, otherwise, they are absolutely not allowed to enter my yard, otherwise I will move out immediately!"

"Who told my good granddaughter to move out, I have to settle the score with him!" The old lady walked over with a cane, smiling.

A trace of ridicule flashed in Linlang's eyes, but she still walked over, helped the old lady stomp her feet, and said with an aggrieved expression: "Old lady, you have to decide for me, I prayed on the mountain, prayed well, Wang Mammy came over suddenly and said that something important happened at home... The eldest lady lost something, and it's none of my affairs in this yard. You should know that the people in my yard are all... the old people in our family, Hands and feet are clean, if they obey the words of doubting these people, it is equivalent to suspecting my misconduct, can I not be angry if you say this?"

The old lady patted Linlin's hand, and said with a smile: "Oh, my good granddaughter, don't be angry, this is a trivial matter, they just want to search for peace of mind, let them search!"

Lin Lang turned her head aside, "They search as they say. Who do they think they are, and if they do this, I will lose face. Otherwise, it's okay to search, but if nothing is found, I have to apologize."

"Hahaha... Okay, okay, whatever you say!" Although the old lady was laughing, her eyes were full of calculations. Taking advantage of this search, she took a look at how much the granddaughter had brought.

(End of this chapter)

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