Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 409 God of Wealth Cousin 6

Chapter 409

But Lin Lang was not willing to let them go as they wished, so when she saw them preparing to search, she clapped her hands, squinted her eyes and said, "You can accept it, but you have to check first, if someone wants to frame you, then I have ten mouths." I can't even tell!"

"Look at what the cousin said, we are all one family, how could you frame us, you are overthinking!" The old man laughed a few times, and a trace of uneasiness flashed across his face.

"That's not necessarily true. In this world, there are people of all kinds. Maybe what they are thinking..." Lin Lang rolled her eyes, "Anyway, it's that sentence, we must check with each other, and there is no such thing as too valuable. Only then can the yard be searched, if it’s not possible, let’s report directly to the customs, and the officials will come and search!”

"It's just a small matter, you don't need to use the government. Your two uncles are officials in the court. If this matter gets out, they will not be proud, and when the time comes...others will say bad things about you..." The old lady Gritting his teeth, he continued: "Okay, we are all family members, so there is no need to be so stiff. If you don't receive tea, you won't receive tea. Tomorrow, everyone, I will choose something for you from my dowry, which is regarded as compensation for you. This matter is over!"

"How can this be counted as the past? I haven't investigated the matter clearly, I don't know, maybe I think my hands and feet are not clean, and the old lady wants to cover my mouth... I don't want to be wronged, old lady, you want to Make the decision for me, since I was a child, I have never been wronged like this. If you don’t make the decision for me, then I will go to my parents’ tablet and cry, saying why they didn’t take me when they left. Take it away? Let me suffer in this world, suffer from others' suspicion, and be abused by others..." Lin Lang said with sobs.

The old lady's face was embarrassing, especially when she heard Lin Lang mentioning her late daughter, her face became even more ugly. After a long time, she said, "You silly girl, what are you talking about? Why don't you go? Why don't you go?" You are young, and you have a bright future ahead.

Besides, you are my granddaughter, who would dare to say anything about you? "

Lin Lang let out a cold snort in her heart, her eyes filled with coldness, "Grandma still loves me, but...it has a beginning and an end, and the same thing about my aunt, I suggest to investigate thoroughly, but before doing so, We still have to search each other!"

"You...You girl, why are you so stubborn..." The old lady gritted her teeth and said these words.

"Grandmother, I'm not stubborn. I just want to clear myself up. For this matter, I came back from the temple. In fact, more importantly, I want to restore the innocence of these old people!" Lin Lang narrowed her eyes. False, but I also have a temper, if you can't give me another explanation, I will move out and live without this anger!"

"Nonsense, your mother entrusted you to me, how could I let you out? That's all, you can search if you want, but you have to swallow the evil you have done, no matter how hard it is!" The old lady narrowed her eyes. He closed his eyes and said with a hint of threat.

"Don't worry, old lady, I am a brave person. I will never admit to something I haven't done!" Lin Lang gave her servants a wink and told them to start searching.

Sure enough, someone found a jasper hairpin. The hairpin was green all over. It was the city of the best emeralds. There was no impurity in it, and the style was exquisite. It was a rare item.

"It's really strange, a servant...how can he afford such a valuable thing with a few taels of silver for a month's operation subsidy? Can you explain to me?" Lin Lang snorted coldly.

"This..." The servant wiped the sweat from his head, knelt down, and stammered, "It's just... this is the slave's family heirloom..."

"Then this is even more ridiculous. If your family has such a family heirloom, how could it be reduced to selling itself into slavery? Besides, this hairpin is very brand new. Judging by the workmanship, it was made in recent years. You Said it was your family heirloom? Hehe..." Lin Lang sneered, and said with sharp eyes: "I advise you to be honest, otherwise, I will send you to prison!"

"This... I will confess, I will explain everything..." Thinking that he was going to be sent to the prison, the slave immediately panicked and said anxiously.

"No need to explain, this hairpin is indeed my dowry item. As for this slave, he is really brave. He even dared to steal my things, and even sowed discord, and framed my relationship with you. Needless to say... I He will be dispatched to Zhuangzi, as for his family..."

Hearing the eldest lady mentioning her family, the slave immediately understood, shut her mouth, and kowtowed fiercely, "Biao girl, it's not good to be a slave. I was fascinated by this thing, so I thought about it." I was afraid of the theft, so I blamed the matter on the cousin, thinking that the cousin was loved by the old lady, she would be fine, and asked the cousin to spare the servant... and the lady to spare my family, This matter has nothing to do with them..."

When Lin Lang heard these words, she rolled her eyes in her heart, "It sounds nice to say what you said, if this matter goes according to your wish, then I will definitely bear a bad name, and then... it will be criticized by thousands of people. Swearing, if you say sorry, you want to kiss and kill, you want to be beautiful!
As for your family, dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes, and mouse sons can make holes. With you, a family member who steals, what good things can they eat, so the eldest wife, together with his family, sell it together. "

"This..." The corner of the eldest wife's mouth twitched. This family is not enough. If they sell them, they will have fewer servants. If the consequences are serious, let him be spared. Besides, he is also considered an old man here. If you feel sorry for the old man, don’t I?
So let's assign him to Zhuangzi, as for his family... After all, they don't know anything, so let them be spared this time..."

This matter just passed away like this. Even if Lin Lang is not satisfied, he can't get out, because if she makes trouble, her reputation will be very bad. He still wants to get married, have children, and finally give up the child. Adoption to the original owner's father's house.

"The old lady is really, knowing that the lady was wronged in this matter, and the eldest lady who is still biased, left that person behind... At the beginning, she clearly agreed with the lady that she would take good care of the lady, but now she backtracked and asked the lady to take care of her." Wronged..." Biqing complained.

(End of this chapter)

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