Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 411 God of Wealth Cousin 8

Chapter 411 God of Wealth Cousin Eight

Wang Yun looked at the red rope, he didn't take it, he didn't take it, he froze there.

Lin Lang let out a sneer from the bottom of her heart, and then said with an innocent face: "Why didn't my sister accept it? Could it be that she disliked my gift for being ugly? You must know that in order to thank my sister, I took out my most precious thing Is it possible that you want to ruin my mind?"

"Hehe..." Wang Yun took the thing, and said with a sullen expression, "No, I'm just ashamed to keep it when I think it's your most precious thing. Otherwise, you should keep this thing. , after all, it was given to you by your parents, if you gave it to me, what should I do if I don't have any thoughts in the future?"

Lin Lang shook her head, "My sister is the first friend who is so close to me, she deserves this gift, if my parents know about it, they should be happy for me too!"

The good things were not recovered, but a silver hairpin was lost. Although the silver hairpin was not worth much, it was worth much more than the red rope. This time it was a big loss.

In the evening, a large group of people sat together, which was considered a small party. The old lady looked at the people next to her and sighed, "It's been a long time since the whole family sat together neatly. It can be regarded as being in the glory of Linlang, and enjoying the full house of descendants!"

"Look at what the old lady said, if you miss your grandson, you can stay at home every day and serve by the old lady's side!" Hao Xuan is worthy of being the child of the old family, with a sweet mouth.

Hearing this, the old lady smiled happily, pointed to Lin Lang on the other table, and said with a smile: "Oh, our Haoxuan is still sensible, by the way, this is cousin Lin Lang, you haven't seen her before, come here quickly Recognize people!"

Haoxuan naturally knew about Lin Lang, because the two of them said in her ear thousands of times this morning, saying that this cousin, whose parents are both dead, and whose family is very rich, if he marries her, he will not have to worry about money in the future So, a frenzy flashed in his eyes, and he walked over slowly, "This is Cousin Linlang, I've heard the old lady say it thousands of times, I didn't expect to see her today, she really lives up to her name, she is a great beauty!

Cousin has been studying in the academy these days, so you came, but I didn't come to see you in time, I'm really sorry! "

Lin Lang smiled faintly, stood up, and nodded slightly, "How can I let my cousin come to see me? As a junior, the three-dimensional junior should take the initiative to go to the ceremony, but... because the parents just Passed away, or prayed for them, so I have been staying in the temple for the past few months, please don't forgive me..."

Haoxuan naturally knew that Lin Lang had gone to the temple, and he felt very distressed at the time, but he didn't feel sorry for you, but for the silver. Baishui Temple is a big temple, and the most common rituals cost dozens of rituals, let alone a series of rituals. Do it for dozens of days, that's hundreds of two snowflake silver...

It seems that this cousin is really rich, but after marrying me, she is not allowed to be so extravagant, it is best to keep all the money by herself...

Thinking of this, Haoxuan's smile became wider, and he said to Linlang, "It's nothing, I'm sorry, you and I are cousins, if you don't mind, you can call me Haoxuan!"

"This...it's impolite to call you by your name directly, or I'd better call you cousin!" Lin Lang didn't want to get involved with such a person. In her previous life, she got money from the original owner and married another woman. To poison others to death, such a man is simply worse than an animal.

Haowen stood aside, heard their conversation, and interjected, "I'm about the same age as your cousin, you can call me Haowen by my first name!"

The second child laughed, and his son had long winks, "Lin Lang, this is your second cousin. You two are about the same age. I believe there will be many common topics, and we can get together..."

"Okay, okay, don't talk anymore, sit down and eat quickly, or the food will be cold in a while!" Seeing that his son's situation is not good, the elders immediately came out to smooth things over and greeted them to eat.

As the saying goes, don't talk when you eat, don't talk when you sleep, and it has been well verified in this Wang family. Everyone has been eating, and no one has spoken.

After finishing the meal, the boss glanced at Lin Lang and said, "Little sister is only your daughter, and now she has left and entrusted you to us. From now on, you will treat this place as your own home. Don't be polite, if you want anything, just tell your aunt!"

"Thank you uncle, I often heard from my mother that you love her the most, and you often brought her delicious food when she was young..." Lin Lang smiled and praised a few words. This uncle has an ordinary heart, anyway. It's just that he doesn't see it naturally, the biggest problem is pedantry, and he can be taught well at that time, after all, he can't understand injustice, if he suffers any grievances in the future, he can directly go to this uncle and cry.

The eldest uncle smiled and nodded. The old lady sat on it and watched. The house was full of children and grandchildren, and she was deeply moved. At the same time, she became more determined that she must let Lin Lang marry over, otherwise, the family would be disbanded after she left. .

"Linlang, since you are here, I have something to tell you..." The old lady looked at the crowd and said directly: "Before you left, your mother made an appointment for you. Your big cousin..."

"Ah?" Lin Lang spoke directly, with a blank face, "But my mother didn't tell me about it, even before my father left, she didn't tell me about it? She only said that my grandmother would take good care of me, Let me stay at my grandmother's house with peace of mind..."

When the old lady was interrupted, her face was not good-looking, and she continued: "This...your mother revealed this meaning in the letter at the time, but neither of us said it. Later, after the two of you left, you entrusted you to me. Thinking of you... You will be alone in the future, if you marry someone else's family, and you don't have a brother to help you, so I want Haoxuan to marry you!
Haoxuan is your cousin, we are a family, after you get married, you will be more intimate, and no one will make you angry, besides, Cousin Haoxuan is a good-looking talent, and you will be hit at a young age A scholar, the future is boundless... What's the matter?You do not want it? "

Lin Lang shook her head, looked at Cousin Haoxuan who was looking happy, and said, "Cousin Haoxuan is certainly excellent, but... before my father left... he always had a regret in his heart, that is, he has no heirs to inherit the family business , and later told me that I hope that after I get married, I can give birth to a child and adopt it to my father's house, of course...that child will get half of my father's property..."

(End of this chapter)

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