Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 412 God of Wealth Cousin 9

Chapter 412 God of Wealth Cousin IX

"Half of the property?" Hearing this, the second child couldn't help exclaiming, "My dear, this is too generous a deal, but how much is the half of the property?"

Lin Lang glanced at the second child's family indifferently, but did not answer, and then continued: "So old lady, do you really want me to marry my eldest cousin?"

"This..." The old lady hesitated, she was the one who valued this heir the most, if she really adopted her own heir to someone else's family, how would she have the face to meet her ancestors after a hundred years?

The second child also knew what the old lady was hesitating about, so he said with a smile: "Haoxuan is the pillar of our family, the eldest son and grandson of our family, if he is really an adoptive child, then how can the world treat Haoxuan?
Otherwise, let Haowen go to Linlang, first of all, the age is right, and more importantly, we are willing to adopt one of the children to your sister-in-law's family! "

"Nonsense!" The old family disagrees. First of all, it is the driver's license you got. On the other hand, if you have a child, you will have half of the family property. You must know that the sister-in-law married has a wealth of wealth, even if it has been damaged over the years. One point, that's a lot. When the time comes, my grandson will have a fortune, and my son will also have a fortune. Why not do it?

"Our Haoxuan is a good-looking talent, and he was selected as a scholar. What is your Haowen? These years, he has been eating, drinking, and playing with those friends all day long. If he wants to marry Linlang, it depends on whether he is worthy of her!" Said sarcastically.

"Sister-in-law, getting married depends not only on whether you are compatible, but also on whether the other party is in the right mood. In this way, if you are willing to adopt a grandson, then we have no objection... But, when the time comes We don't care if your Haoxuan is an official in the court, will he be ridiculed... But our Haowen doesn't need to care about it, he is naturally unrestrained, although he likes to play, he has never done anything bad, What's more important is that Haowen of our family has no intention of official career, and is even more afraid of other people talking nonsense!" The second child's family doesn't want to let Linlang, the golden baby, go.

"Okay, stop arguing!" The old lady patted the table and glanced at Lin Lang, "What do you think?"

Lin Lang gave a slight salute, "I still have to thank the two aunts for their love, but my condition is there, I must have a few children for me...Of course, I also have my own conditions. If you marry me, you are not allowed to take concubines." !"

"Nonsense, it's very normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. Is it possible that he wants to be a jealous woman? That will be reviled by others!"

Lin Lang said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, anyway, it's just being scolded a few times, and I can get benefits. If he doesn't agree, don't marry. If I marry, I have to keep my promise. Otherwise, there is no such good thing in the world." , I want to be money, but I don’t want to work hard!"

Hearing Yin Zi, the old lady's face turned ugly again, she waved her hand, and said, "As for your marriage, go down and think about it... As for your matter, Lin Lang... After a few times, it's a very big deal , if you think about it again, with this clause alone, there are probably very few people who want to marry you, let alone the matter of taking concubines..."

When Lin Lang returned to her room, Bi Qing was full of anger early in the morning, and said directly: "Old lady, what does this mean? If you want to marry someone, you can't show any intentions. Could it be that you want to be a white wolf?"

Lin Lang took a sip of tea, and said slowly: "Of course I want to be a white wolf, but it depends on whether I am willing..."

Biqing bit her lip, stood beside Lin Lang, and said, "Miss, I think the old lady is quite right about one thing, the stepchildren are fine, the key is not to allow concubines... I'm afraid any man will Don't want to..."

Lin Lang didn't continue the conversation, she smiled this time and continued drinking tea and snacks.

The next day, Lin Lang found that she asked to spread the word throughout the house. Hearing those ugly words, Lin Lang let out a cold snort. Without saying a word, she went directly to the uncle and cried in front of him.

"Uncle, my niece thinks I haven't done anything wrong. After all, it is according to my father's wishes. As for the matter of not allowing concubines, after all, every girl fantasizes about being a couple for the rest of her life. Besides, it is not allowed to take concubines It is not allowed to lift anyone in the room!
But I don’t know what’s wrong with this, the whole server is talking about me, a toad wants to eat swan meat, I keep jumping around, I’m not afraid of being confused, and I’m an orphan girl whose parents died...

At the beginning when my mother entrusted me to my uncle, the main reason was that the two uncles were officials in the court and they were young people, so they would not suffer any grievances, but now... the whole mansion is with a gossip woman It seems that they are all discussing, if this is the case, the niece might as well die, so as not to be in this world, suffer from these tongues, and be wronged every day..."

Hearing this, the boss slapped the table and said angrily, "Don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation this time. You are my niece and your mother is my sister. He actually asked you to hand over to me." Come and take care of me, I will naturally not let you suffer any grievances!"

After speaking, the boss went directly to his own wife, and said those words, making everyone's faces a little ugly, and then explained: "It's all my fault, I'm busy with Haoxuan's exams these days, so I let you These servants have acted recklessly, and now they dare to talk about the master, don't worry, my husband, I will definitely punish them severely!"

After the boss left, the eldest lady said angrily: "This little bitch is trying to find trouble for me, what's the matter? Is the son I have carefully raised not worthy of him? How dare you make any radical expressions, and I won't allow it." Take a concubine, and don't even look at what that little bitch looks like... She looks like her mother, and she is not a good thing... If it wasn't for her money, would she think I would let her son marry her? My son She is so outstanding, she is more than enough to match a princess, but she is an orphan whose parents both died, and she dares to make those demands, she is really a toad who wants to eat swan meat, wishful thinking!"

"Madam, don't be angry. If you are angry with such a slut, it's your own body that gets angry, and someone else is the one who is happy!" I will obey her first, and after she gets married, I will get everything from her... At that time, she will only be a helpless and weak woman. On your side, you are her mother-in-law again, if you say one, she dare not say two... At that time, she will be tightly held by you..."

(End of this chapter)

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