Chapter 428 The Ninth Door

Hearing this, Shaoyang walked slowly. He always knew that Lin Lang was excellent, but he never expected that she would be so excellent...

"Boy, listen to my brother's persuasion, let's get rid of this idea quickly, people chasing her are like crucian carp crossing the river, and you... can get out very little, why don't you give up now... save money When you hit a wall and your head is full of blood, you will know that you regret it..." the friend tried to persuade.

Shao Yang waved his hand and said: "You think too much, that girl is my childhood sweetheart, we were engaged to get married at the beginning, but later...the marriage was divorced, but I grew up with him, my father and His father, the two are life-and-death friends..."

"Hey, I didn't expect you to hide very deeply, so you still know his two brothers?" The friend said in surprise, then patted Shaoyang's chest, and said excitedly: "Later Introduce me, there are many people and connections, and she is a rich woman, I will hug her thigh too!"

Shaoyang smiled faintly, but he still brought his friend to you, looked him up and down, and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you for so many years, and you've become more and more beautiful, just like an ugly duckling turned into a swan!"

When Lin Lang heard this, she tied her hair by her ear, and glanced at the boy in front of her. After a long time, she realized who this person was, and said suddenly, "Oh, but I'm not an ugly duckling who turned into a swan, but I was originally an ugly duckling. It's a swan!"

"You are really confident!" Shao Yang said with a smile, but he loved his confidence. "I heard that you were admitted to BJ, which school are you in now? Is Aunt Gao here?"

"I'm majoring in economics at the Capital University of Economics!" Lin Lang nodded, "My mother is also here, and now she mainly takes care of the daily life of the three of us!"

As Linlang spoke, she reported the address, and at the same time, the phone number at home. When the friend next to her heard the address, she sighed even more, my dear, this girl's family is too rich, and she lives in a courtyard .

Seeing that there were quite a lot of people around, Shaoyang took Lin Lang's hand to a remote place, then handed over a cup of fruit, and asked with concern: "I heard that you are very popular in school, why did you come to this place?" ?”

"I heard that all the students who came to the dance are college students from the surrounding area. Although they are not here to make friends, they can also come to make connections!" Lin Lang said lightly, taking a sip of the juice.

"Well... I heard that your business is doing quite well now, if you need any help, just tell me..." Shaoyang glanced at Linlang, and his heart beat faster.

Lin Lang nodded lightly, looked at the bustling crowd, and was silent for a while, and many people came up one after another to say hello, Shao Yang watched from the side, his face darkened.

"It's getting late, it's not safe for you to go back as a girl, I'll take you back!" Shao Yang looked at more and more people surrounding him, his face was completely dark, he held Lin Lang's hand, and said anxiously.

Lin Lang shook her hand away, and said coldly: "No need, I came with my classmates, I will go back with them later, if you are in a hurry, you can leave first!"

He wasn't in a hurry to leave. What he was worried about was why there were so many mad bees and butterflies. Didn't he see that there was someone beside Lin Lang?

Now his whole body seemed to be soaked in vinegar. After finally sending these people away, he hurriedly took Lin Lang's hand and walked outside.

"Those people are annoying to good people at all. They are just dawdling young masters. Then you are not as strong as me, so don't listen to their sweet words, and don't associate with them..." Shaoyang Didi gurgled, as if To dissipate all the sour taste.

Linlang shook his hand away impatiently, and said with a cold face: "It's good that I'm a young master, but I also work hard, otherwise how can I get into the Capital University? Besides, I have a good family background... I want to make connections again. Why don't you communicate with them?"

"I... I have a good family background, and I know a lot of people. If you like, I can introduce them to you..." Shao Yang stammered.

"Your family is good. I really heard a big joke. It was really good 20 years ago, but these years, your father has retired... There are only a handful of people who can use it. As for you, there is no one at all." Helping people, the road will be difficult..." Lin Lang shook her head, raised her wrist, glanced at the time, and found that she turned and left too early.

"You...I know you look down on me now, but I have tried my best..." Shao Yang followed and said anxiously.

Lin Lang turned her head and looked at the boy in front of her. Before she knew it, the world had changed a lot. After the money was collected, this man was admitted to a university, but the name of the university was not very famous, and he went to the university. The university is just dawdling. After getting a diploma, relying on my father's reputation, I set up a company. The business is quite popular, but basically I don't rely on myself, I rely on others.

Up to now, this man has been admitted to university and made many friends. Although it is not obvious now, but three to forty years later, the future must be boundless.

"Hmm..." Lin Lang nodded lightly, and left without saying anything.

"You..." Shaoyang couldn't wait any longer, thinking of so many men surrounding Lin Lang, he said directly: "You looked down on me back then, and I knew it was true, so I relied on my own efforts to go to the best university , just to prove to you that I can do it myself!

Lin Lang, there is a sentence that I have kept in my heart for a long time...I like you, I really like you...I like your straightforwardness, your confidence, and everything about you...Although I can't give you anything better now, But I can guarantee that in the future, I will absolutely spoil you like a princess and give you everything I have! "

Lin Lang looked at the boy in front of her, unable to express her feelings, then lowered her head, and said after a long time: "I don't want to fall in love now, and... there are too many problems between you and me..."

"What's the problem, I can change it. Is it possible that you still care about me calling you ugly when I was young? Back then, I was a child and said nothing, and I already knew I was wrong, and I have already suffered, so please forgive me..." Shao Yang begged bitterly.

"Shaoyang... I have always had a thorn in my heart... At the beginning you didn't like me, because of my family, but also because of my appearance, but now I have changed for the better, but I doubt that you love me... Do you love me?" So pure?" Lin Lang lowered her head and said these words slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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