Chapter 429

When Shao Yang heard this, the light in his eyes gradually faded away, his heart was full of bitterness, that kind of bitterness spread from his heart to his limbs, and gradually spread to his mouth and eyes...

"I know... It was me at the beginning... It was also my fault, judging people by their appearance, and saying that... Regarding your worries, I can assure you that I really, really like you, it has nothing to do with family background, and it's more Regardless of appearance, I like your character, I like your character, and I like your heart even more!" Shaoyang said firmly.

"If I were still that poor, ugly girl, would you still like me?" Lin Lang said with a faint sarcasm, probably not, otherwise, in the previous life, this man would not have cheated. Returning to the family was also because of his father's death, and he suffered a broken bone in a car accident.

This kind of love is the saddest, because if you choose you when others have no choice, you are the lowest one. After all, a woman is willing to bear children for you and take care of you. I believe every man will not Reject, but this kind of person will abandon you as soon as he has a better one.

So, when a woman gets married, she must not become the lowest choice of others, because once she becomes the lowest choice, in his eyes, you are a machine that gives birth to you, and a nanny who takes care of the family.

"I... I don't know... I just know that I really like you now, please give me a chance, let us two have a good try..." Shaoyang begged bitterly: "If you still I don’t want to believe in my love, I can assure you that I will absolutely listen to you in the future, everything in the house is yours, and I can also sign a prenuptial contract, as long as I cheat or get divorced, no matter whether I am at fault or not , I can even leave the house... Is this okay?"

I have to say this is really exciting. It's not that she has no boys to pursue, but those boys' hearts are not pure. They all focus on her two brothers and her own company. Lin Lang dare not To gamble, so no matter how many crazy bees and butterflies there are, she will refuse them all.

"...Okay!" Lin Lang wanted to give it a try, put aside the past, and accept this man again, not because he liked this man so much, but mainly because this man was her "lowest choice".

After all, a man from a good family background who is obedient and willing to divorce and leave the house is really rare in this era!

Lin Lang told Mother Gao about the relationship between the two of them. When she heard this, she was in a daze and said, "Have you really thought about it? His not a good person. She just ignored us back then." Yes, if you really want to be with him, in the future..."

"In the future, I will move out with him, not with my mother-in-law!" Lin Lang said lightly, "Actually... I don't like him that much, but... you also know my two brothers, and my current Many people are staring at his identity, if he refuses directly, he is afraid of offending others... His identity is not bad, and he is worthy of me..."

"Well, just think it over!" Mother Gao knew that her daughter had her own ideas since she was a child, so instead of worrying about him, she went to worry about her two sons, "You said they are all grown up, Why are you still not married?

When the time comes, you will be married and the two of them are not yet married, so what is it, there is no preparation at all... I am really worried..."

"It's good to have fate!" Lin Lang said with a smile.

Shao Qiang also knew that the son of this family was very happy with Linlang, but he was extremely puzzled, "I only know about that girl Linlang. My sister-in-law told me that it was she who proposed to dissolve the marriage, so why did you two go away again?" together?"

Shaoyang had a sunny smile on his face, "I pursued her, but later she couldn't match my thick skin, so she agreed!"

"It's her you pursued..." Shao's mother brought over a glass of juice, not giving it to her son, and said to herself: "His posture is definitely not good enough for us, but you two childhood sweethearts, plus you With his father's kindness, being with our family is not an insult to our family..."

"Humph!" Shao Qiang snorted coldly, "We're still picking and choosing. What's so good about our family? Counting up to three generations, aren't they all mud legs?

Besides, last time you said you wanted to get married with someone, now... you should pay attention when the time comes, don't be careless in front of other girls, lest this daughter-in-law run away in anger! "

Mother Shao's face was cold, she was so angry that she couldn't say anything.

Ever since the news of the relationship between the two got out, no one bothered Lin Lang anymore. After all, they really couldn't do such things as prying people's corners.

After my friend knew that Shaoyang had chased Lin Lang, his face was full of admiration, "My dear, this childhood sweetheart is not ordinary, it's only been a few days, and he picked off the flowers of Gaoling... Everyone is brothers, you If you have any tricks for chasing girls, teach them to me, and let me have a girlfriend too!"

Shao Yang smiled, "It's very simple, just listen to him, pay your salary on time, and in case of divorce, no matter who made the mistake, I will leave the house!"

Hearing this, my friend took two steps back, "Brother, you are a woman, do you need to work so hard? You still leave the house... If there is something wrong with this, then you will have nothing in the future." Yes, thanks to that!"

"You've said what's in case... Wanzhong is meaningful. As long as I keep myself clean, there won't be such a day!" Shaoyang's eyes were filled with a faint smile, as if he was yearning for the future.

Lin Lang and Shao Yang held a wedding after they graduated from university. Only Shao Qiang passed away due to illness after three years of their marriage. He left very peacefully because his son is now a grown-up man. With his help, With a thriving career, with the help of two capable brothers-in-law, and a capable daughter-in-law, he will definitely not worry about the future in the future.

As for Shao's mother, Linlang said at the beginning that she didn't want to live with her mother-in-law. Shaoyang was also willing to respect Linlang's intention, so she bought another house for Shao's mother and arranged for a nanny to take care of her. Every Friday and Saturday, she would take the children there Visiting, the family enjoys a happy life. In their later years, Shao's mother and Gao's mother went out to travel. The relationship between the two is very good. I don't know, I thought they were sisters.

Lin Lang has lived a very good life in this life, her husband is obedient, her children are filial, and there is no mother-in-law to be a monster above her. The life is really wonderful, and it can be regarded as fulfilling the original owner's wish.

(End of this chapter)

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