Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 430 My Daddy Book Traitor 1

Chapter 430 My Daddy Book Traitor Yuichi
When Lin Lang opened her eyes again, there was something under her body that didn't belong to her, which made her scream, this woman who has traveled through so many worlds suddenly turned into a man this time, and he couldn't get used to it!

"Little Smelly Hair, it's already dawn, hurry up and make cakes for me!"

There was a knock on the door, and Lin Lang covered her head with the quilt, feeling even more depressed. She hasn't accepted the plot yet, so what if she gets exposed when she goes out?
But things didn't allow him to wait. Immediately afterwards, a woman wearing a long skirt and her hair pulled up by a cloth towel came in, pointed at Lin Lang, and said angrily, "Little Smelly Hair, what are you doing? It's getting late , I’m still sleeping late, hurry up and make me pastries!”

Lin Lang slowly exposed her head, showing a pitiful expression, and said, "I don't feel well today, can I...don't do it..."

When Xiao's mother heard this, she sighed, walked over, touched her son's head, and said, "Are you still sad about that incident? I didn't say that, he is the daughter of a wealthy family." , but what about you... a pastry maker, who is barely eating enough, why would you marry someone else's girl?

More importantly, people require their son-in-law to be the number one scholar in the dynasty, but what about you?If you don’t know a single word, even if you want to go for the No. [-] Scholar Examination...the girl can’t afford to wait until the year of the monkey, just listen to your mother’s persuasion, live a peaceful life, and marry a virtuous wife..."

Although Lin Lang didn't know what it was like, she felt that these words contained a strong maternal love, so she nodded, "In any marriage, it is important to be in the right family. Since the family is not in the right family, I won't force it..."

When Mother Xiao heard this, she finally showed a smile, "It's good if you can think so, if you are not feeling well today, then take a good rest!"

After Xiao's mother left, Lin Lang immediately lay on the bed, closed her eyes, and began to accept the plot.

"I really like her. The first time I saw her, I thought she was like a fairy concubine. How can there be such a beautiful person in the world? How much I want to marry such a person home and hold her in my hands In my mouth, in my mouth... In order to marry her, I made a lot of efforts to take the No. [-] Scholar Examination, but I couldn't read at all. I overcame many difficulties for this. I originally failed in the exam, but who made me ... There is a father who dominates the government and monopolizes power!
When I was young, my mother kept telling me that I was an orphan. Later I found out that my mother and father were separated when there was a flood in my hometown. It has been like this for so many years. No one will know my father. Since Will become today's prime minister!
My father is very kind to me, maybe because he has no children yet, and he has not seen me for so many years, so he is responsive to my requests, knowing that I rely on the imperial examinations to dredge contacts, and promote me to the number one scholar!

As for the girl I like, she didn't marry me, but told me that he didn't like my father, because my father was a traitor, everyone shouted and beat her, and she spurned her. If she wants to marry me, she must Bring my father to justice!
Later, the emperor also persuaded me that as long as he is willing to let my father go to court, he is willing to let my father go, and he is willing to give us a marriage. I gave my father some stun drugs, but I didn't expect that it turned out to be poison. After my father left, I was sent to prison and sentenced to death!
It was only later that I realized that what kind of fairy concubine is just a calculation. The emperor sent someone to find out that I am my father's son. As for the girl I like, she conspired with the emperor long ago to deceive me , to confuse me, after I die, she will be the emperor's concubine.

I really regret that because of such a woman, I killed my father who loves me. For once, I hope to be like my father, call the wind and rain, control the government, and let those two people get the retribution they deserve! "

When Lin Lang opened her eyes again, she touched her chin, stretched her muscles and bones, went to the small kitchen at the back, and started kneading the dough. Although she didn't need to make pastries today, she was going to do it tomorrow, so she had to knead the dough for tomorrow first. come out.

"Why don't you rest for a while?" Mother Xiao heard the movement in the kitchen, came over, saw her son meeting, and asked with concern.

"I'm not that hypocritical. After thinking about it, my health will be better. Besides, our family still relies on this skill for food, so we can't afford to delay it!" Lin Lang said with a smile.

Xiao's mother nodded lovingly, "Well, a few days ago, the neighbor Wang Matchmaker asked me to talk about marriage. She said that she was a daughter of a scholar's family. Let's go and have a look...Speaking of it, we are still climbing high..."

"My mother decides everything, but... mother, there is something I still want to try..." If you want to gain power, you must take the imperial examination, even if you have a father who has the power to control the government, but you yourself If there is no ability, it is estimated that others will also dislike it.

"What's the matter? Could it be that you still want to marry that lady, my silly son, she is the daughter of a rich family, so don't daydream, even if she is willing to marry you... But can you live a good life? The difference in family status represents the difference in knowledge... Although my mother is not educated, she also knows that if the couple can't get along together, then they won't be able to get along together..."

"Mom!" Lin Lang interrupted with a smile: "I'm not talking about this... I think the boss is not young, although he has the craft of making pastries, but we are in the capital, if you don't know a word... you will inevitably be affected by others. Deception, and reading is good, reading is easy to be respected by others... So I want to read some books, although I am not young now, as long as I am willing to learn... I will definitely succeed!"

"You... that's fine, fine, you can do whatever you want, you're old enough, you have to believe that you can make decisions!" Mother Xiao still prefers to believe that her son wanted to study because of a blow. , although her husband who passed away was an embryo who was fond of reading, his son was not good at it. He fell asleep after reading a book, and he didn't know who he followed.

After getting approval, Lin Lang took some money to the bookstore and bought a few easy-to-learn books. I have to say that these books are really expensive. Only three or four books cost two taels of silver, which is equivalent to half a month in the store. income.

Once you have a book, you have to be able to read and write. You must not be able to hire a scholar. Lin Lang directly asked the old gentleman who wrote a letter at the street to teach him how to read. Everyone is a neighbor in the neighborhood, and the old man is willing to teach, but Lin Lang doesn't feel sorry, so I often take some soft pastries as a gift.

(End of this chapter)

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