Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 436 My father is a traitor 8

Chapter 436 My Father is a Traitor Eighth
Lin Lang's eyes flashed, it seemed that she was really as she expected, her treacherous father had returned to his hometown and built such a big house.

But you have to pretend, "In this world, people are similar, things are the same, and there is nothing strange about them looking exactly the same... I just want to ask, your master's name? Or you can write him a letter , Let him come over, we will test each other..."

The butler nodded, suddenly realized that he also blamed himself for being too sloppy, and immediately recruited his confidants, wrote a letter, and asked them to hurry up and send it to the capital.

Here, when Taishi Lin saw the results of the investigation, he wept with joy, and rushed directly to the pastry shop without caring about his manners.

"This..." Mother Lin looked at the man in front of her, as if in a dream, and pinched herself fiercely. After feeling the pain, tears fell out of her eyes.

"Miss, you have suffered all these years!" Taishi Lin grabbed Mother Lin's hand and said with great emotion.

"It's not bitter!" Mother Lin shook her head, her face was full of tears, "I just never thought that I would see my husband come back in my lifetime... It's like a dream..."

"Over the years, I have never given up looking for you, and I even sent people back to my hometown on purpose, and built a house in the place where I used to live. I hope you will come to meet each other...but...but you have heard nothing about it in the past few decades. No, I never thought that you would gain a firm foothold in the capital..." Taishi Lin looked around and asked anxiously: "What happened in these years, and where is our son?"

"Ah?" Mother Lin came back to her senses, patted her head, and said, "Since I got separated from you, I thought that you are a scholar and you have to take the imperial examination, so I brought my son to the capital. My son sells pastries and has a small amount of savings in the past few years.

As for the son, because he passed the examination as a scholar, he is planning to go back to his hometown to worship his ancestors, and by the way, he will leave his hometown..."

Mother Lin is embarrassed to say that your son has gone back to set up your grave...

Grand Master Lin felt a little regretful that he didn't see his own son, but now he was very happy to see his wife, and said: "I am indeed not as you expected. I came to the capital to take the imperial examination, and now I am a first-rank official. You will soon Pack your things and come back with me!"

"This..." Lin's mother looked around, feeling a little bit reluctant, "What about the things here? They are all earned by me and my son selling pastries, and if I leave, after my son comes back, find What can I do if I can't?"

"It's simple. I will send my happiness to wait here later. Once my son comes back, I will bring it in time. As for these things, our family is very rich now, so we don't lack these things at all!" Taishi Lin shook his head.

When Mother Lin heard this, she could only follow Grand Master Lin, staring at the majestic house, her eyes widened, "My dear... such a big house... what an official this is... "

"Well, only a little smaller than the emperor!" Taishi Lin said with a smile.

"That...that's the same as the prime minister in the opera..." Mother Lin asked in surprise.

"Well, it's exactly the same!" Taishi Lin said with a smile.

The two walked into the mansion, Grand Master Lin ordered the housekeeper to vacate the best yard, and after finishing all this, he told the people in the mansion who was Mother Lin's identity, and asked them to show respect.

Here, after running wildly for three days and three nights, the letter was finally delivered to Grand Master Lin. He was very happy, and at the same time he didn't dare to delay, so he immediately sent his men to pick it up.

"Our son has been found. The housekeeper said that our son looks a lot like me, so at first glance, he knew that the man was my son... But our son is more cautious, afraid that we will admit mistakes, so he has not Dare to recognize each other... this temperament, I follow me..." Grand Master Lin was very happy when he thought that he also had a son. You must know that he is already over 40 this year and has one foot in the coffin, but On the heir, but he did nothing, he was afraid that after his death, he would not even fall into the basin, but he did not expect that God gave him such a big surprise, his son did not die, and even his wife did not die .

"Let me take a look at our son. After studying for half a year, he became a scholar. If he is so smart, why hasn't he been studying all these years?" Taishi Lin asked this not because he doubted Lin's mother, but It is suspected that the emperor is behind this.

As soon as this was mentioned, Mother Lin sighed, "Speaking of which, our son really didn't have the talent for reading before. When he was young, I sent him to study in a private school, but I didn't expect that he would think of it when he saw a book. Sleeping... I don't know who I followed, but the high-speed rail is quite talented, and the neighbors in the neighborhood like it...

Later, he fell in love with a girl, but people looked down on him, saying that he was a poor boy, not good enough for her, and that if he wanted to marry her, he had to be the champion... He was hit hard at that time, and fell asleep in the room After a long time, I have always been very depressed... Later, I don’t know what happened, but suddenly I figured it out, I honestly made cakes, and I also mentioned the matter of reading. I thought it would be good for him to read some words , agreed to this matter!

Later, the old man taught him that he was a genius, and he had read several books in just a few months, and he could also recite them backwards..."

Seeing Mother Lin's gratified expression, Grand Master Lin patted her hand and said approvingly: "You are doing a good job, and you have taught such a good child!"

Lin's mother smiled shyly, "He must have followed the master in studying. He was not successful in reading before, but once he got the hang of it, he became a scholar... exactly like the master. The master also failed many times in the past. I didn't expect that in the end, he would be a scholar." Will become a first-rank member..."

"Well, it's up to me!" Taishi Lin laughed very loudly, "It turns out that it is understandable for that daughter to look down on him, but now my son...but he can't afford it, you tell me that girl What's your name? I'll give it back to our son. Although I can't be a regular wife, I can be a concubine..."

Lin's mother gave Master Lin a supercilious look, "Our family is a responsible family, and we can't do concubines. As for that girl... I heard that she has gone crazy now and was sent to a nunnery. Such a girl, You really don’t deserve to carry shoes for my son!”

"That's right, with me here, I will definitely not let my son suffer in the future. Since he doesn't like that girl anymore, then I will choose a lady from a famous family for him at that time!" Grand Master Lin said with a deep sigh: "If it is really impossible, he You can also marry a princess..."

"What do you want to marry? Your son is already married, and his wife is very virtuous!" Lin's mother can't do the thing of abandoning her wife when her family is prosperous.

(End of this chapter)

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