Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 437 My father is a traitor 8

Chapter 437 My Father is a Traitor Eighth
Hearing this, Grand Master Lin was disappointed for a moment. He originally wanted his son to marry a famous lady, so that with the help of himself and Yue's family, his official career would be very smooth.

However, he did not forget the most important point. Looking at Mother Lin, he asked suspiciously: "Actually, it was a coincidence that I was able to find you... I have a question in my mind, please answer it, that is... ...how did you meet the emperor?"

"Ah? Your Majesty?" Mother Lin frowned, thought hard for a long time, but still had no idea, then shook her head, "Our family is just a common man, how come you met the Emperor, you won't admit it wrong, right?"

"Impossible, I just followed the emperor's clues to find you!" Taishi Lin was a smart person, and soon realized that something was wrong, and patted Mother Lin's hand, "Okay, I understand this matter ..."

It seems that the emperor is investigating himself, otherwise he would not have found out his wife and children who had been separated for many years, but what he is investigating himself for, is it possible...

Grand Master Lin showed a trace of solemnity. If this is the case, then he must step up his plans. Before he had no son, he was not afraid of anything, but now that he has a son and family, he has more worries. Anyway, he absolutely No one is allowed to hurt their own family members.

After the housekeeper received the reply, he was very pleasantly surprised. It turned out that Lin Lang was really the little master, so he treated Lin Lang with even more respect.

"Young master, the master has sent a letter, saying that he has recognized his wife, and asked you to set sail as soon as possible, so that the family can be reunited!" The housekeeper happily replied.

Linlang took his wife and headed to the capital after hearing that the incident was confirmed. She should have rushed there quickly, but because of Xiuniang's sudden pregnancy, she had to slow down.

When they arrived in the capital, Xiuniang's belly was already three months old, Taishi Lin looked at her son in front of her, and couldn't help but feel happy.

"Okay, okay..." Thinking about having a son and a grandson soon, Grand Master Lin felt that he was full of energy.

"Father!" Linlang saluted respectfully.

"Son, get up quickly, our family doesn't have to be so restrained!" Grand Master Lin pulled his son up, and the family walked happily into the mansion.

Here, the emperor also knew about their father and son's recognition, his face was very ugly, he picked up the teacup beside him and threw it on the hall, and said angrily: "That's good, why did Grand Master Lin recognize his son again? "

"Your Majesty, please calm down. Now that the matter has come to this point, the most important thing now is to think about how to make up for it, instead of making mistakes, so that Lin Taisi can detect any clues, so that he can suspect the emperor!" A minister came over, He said dissuadingly, then looked around, and whispered: "Your Majesty, this matter is just like what you said, if no one informs, Grand Master Lin will definitely not know about this, so His Majesty's side is not safe, please the emperor as soon as possible Check it out!"

The emperor also knew that his surroundings were not safe, but so what? He was too weak to separate himself, he could take care of the harem, and he couldn't take care of the front court, so he couldn't run at both ends, and these stewed vegetables were all human beings. Looking at Taishi Lin With a high position and authority, it is too deep to please everyone. As for myself, the emperor, the lord of the world, in their eyes, I guess he is not as good as a decoration.

"What do you want me to do? For this plan, I have worked hard and tried my best. I just hope...to bring down Grand Master Lin, but everything is over. Now that their father and son recognize each other, Lin Lang and I have only seen each other for a few days. In the next meeting, it was not enough for acquaintance at all. When the time comes, Grand Master Lin will check again and everything will be over...

In fact, I shouldn't investigate these things. When Taishi Lin dies, he has no son, and the government will return to my hands. Now that he has a son and has power, do you think he will... Will I seek to usurp the throne, and then I will become a king of subjugation..."

"Your Majesty, please calm down!" The minister tried hard to persuade: "It's not a critical time yet, instead of complaining here, it's better to find a way to deal with it positively!"

"Yes... I was in a daze, that's why I said this..." The emperor came back to his senses, sat on the dragon chair in despair, and said, "I definitely don't want to count on the previous dynasty. I am going to give up some power and manage it well." The harem... use this to paralyze Grand Master Lin!"

After the family got together, the quality of life improved, like Lin Lang, who trained dozens of maids to take care of her, not to mention some servants and mothers.

As for the food, it is more refined. The chefs in the palace, those who come from south to north, those who fly in the sky, those who swim in the water, and those who run on the ground, they eat whatever is precious.

"Father, this is too extravagant..." Lin Lang really enjoyed it, because the life he opened his mouth was so wonderful, but in order to conform to his original identity, he couldn't help but say this sentence against his will.

"Oh, what kind of extravagance is this, like the sons and young masters of some rich families, that ostentation is a bright spot!
Our family is no worse than other people's, so why should it be simpler? Besides, we don't lack the money, so you don't have to worry about it! "Master Lin now only wants to give the best to his son.

Lin Lang lowered her head, and said a little embarrassedly: "I know these are all father's kind intentions, but I was thinking, if someone who cares about me finds out that I am living such a luxurious life, will I join my father's book... If this is really the case If not, the son will feel very guilty!"

"Okay, okay!" Hearing his son's filial words, Grand Master Lin felt as if he had drunk honey, and his heart was very sweet, "Don't worry, in the court hall, the grand master called the wind and rain suddenly, just Even the emperor has to give me three points of face, so who dares to interfere with me!"

Lin Lang looked up, "Actually... I have heard of my father's name a long time ago, but in the countryside, my father's reputation is not good, and he is often called a traitor by others... Now that I have met my father, I know that it is not easy for him. But if this is the case, why do we have to bear the name of treacherous officials? Why don't we clear this reputation, so that it will be famous forever, even if in the future...someone wants to frame him, we can still stand up!"

"You...why do you think so?" After realizing that his son was not a fool, Grand Master Lin was even happier, thinking that someone had inherited his mantle.

"Father, think about it. Since ancient times, which treacherous official can end up in a good end? It was fine in the past, but now that father has a wife, how can he be the same as before... and I also have a son, so I can't put my head on my belt Come on, that's too scary..." Linlang said in a low voice with a hint of fear on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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