Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 438 My father is a traitor 9

Chapter 438 My Father Is a Traitor IX
"Good boy, it's really difficult for you, and I have to think about my father... But... my reputation has been exposed, even if I change it, it will probably be like that... From now on, all the burdens of our family will fall on you on...

These days, I haven’t asked you what you want to do in the future. I mainly think that you were born in the countryside, and your mother can’t read a single word, so she definitely didn’t educate you. Seeing your conversation, I know that you are not an ordinary person!

If this is the case, then as a father, I want to ask you, what do you want to do in the future? "

"It's only natural for a son to inherit his father's business!" Lin Lang smiled, and continued, "I'm going to Qiu Wei soon, please arrange it with my father!"

"Okay, okay!" Taishi Lin said three more good words, and the smile on his face became stronger, but when he thought of taking the imperial examination, he thought of a person, "Son, father asked you, do you recognize me?" Do you know the emperor?"

"Father, are you kidding me?" Lin Lang said with a confused face: "My mother and I are just ordinary people who have come into contact with the biggest officials, that is, the girl from the Wang family... As for the emperor, that is what we all think Don't think about it..."

"Okay, I got it for my father!" Grand Master Lin patted his son on the shoulder, and immediately started to prepare.

However, apart from his son's imperial examination, there is also the emperor's account to settle, but before he opened his mouth, the emperor spontaneously retreated and handed over all the government affairs he got to Taishi Lin to handle. It is equivalent to handing over the lifeblood of a country to Grand Master Lin, but it is similar. Although the emperor was able to handle government affairs at the beginning, those papers were filtered. The important papers were reviewed by Grand Master Lin. The papers he reviewed were only trivial. It's a trivial matter, so there is no difference between letting go and not letting go.

Because of having a powerful father, Lin Lang enjoys a lot of convenience. Of course, he must not have cheated. The room that is not too much is the best, and there is timely supply of hot water and hot meals, and the place where he is is also the best. quiet.

If you didn't hand in the papers in time, don't be afraid, the officials can wait for a while, but Lin Lang has never been late and always handed in the papers on time.

"Father, everyone now knows that I am your son. In order to avoid people saying that officials and officials protect each other, my ranking does not need to be too high. After the results come out, please post my test paper on the bulletin board. Of course, in order to avoid suspicion... …Or post all the test papers of the successful candidates on it, let them see it too, and avoid official fraud by the way!"

During the meal, Lin Lang said to Taishi Lin: "I believe that with this measure, Shilin Juzi will be very grateful to his father."

With such a move, the suspicion of cheating has indeed been avoided. Everyone can see how excellent the No.1 test paper is, and at the same time know their own shortcomings.

Lin Lang's achievements are indeed not too conspicuous. Besides, being No.1 is actually not that good. Throughout the ages, which No.1 has lasted forever?

On the contrary, those whose names have been immortalized through the ages are those who have experienced many hardships.

Looking at his not-so-excellent grades, Lin Lang directly entered the Hanlin Academy. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that no one can enter the Imperial Academy unless he is a Jinshi, and no one can enter the cabinet unless he is an Hanlin. His father, Grand Master Lin, is the legendary Ge Lang, who is in charge of the entire The internal affairs of the imperial court.

With a good father, Lin Lang's life is very easy. After finishing what he should do, he can learn a lot. He is a duck to water in this imperial court. Many people say that Lin Lang is the next Grand Master Lin.

"Isn't he just a common man with nothing to do? How could he become an official and enter the Hanlin Academy!" The emperor gritted his teeth and said, "Is everyone in the world blind? Is this Lin Taishi so crazy? They don't want to be so arrogant. Don't you want to resist?"

"Your Majesty~" the eunuch looked outside and whispered, "Be careful that the wall has ears!"

"What are you afraid of now? Anyway, I have nothing but my life. Grand Master Lin is amazing, and now his son has been promoted... But as for me, the former court can't control it, and even the harem...that is also a dark tide... ..."

"Your Majesty, which king in history is famous forever for not having experienced heart and soul. Although the hardships in front of him are nothing at all, please keep your majesty clear-headed, so that you can stumble Grand Master Lin in the future!" the eunuch earnestly said. Persuade.

"Stumble, who stumbled?" While talking, Taishi Lin walked in with Lin Lang, looked at the emperor, and bowed respectfully, "I heard the emperor talking from a long distance, as if I heard Wei Chen's name, I don't know what the emperor said, can you tell me and let the minister listen, and see if the minister can solve it?"

"Ah... this..." The emperor's trembling body was like a little sheep.

"Reporting to Grand Master, the emperor said about the road in the palace. He said that the road in the palace is too uneven. It would be a crime if you accidentally tripped a minister, that is, Grand Master Lin!" The eunuch stood up and smoothed things over with a smile.

"It turns out that His Majesty loves this humble minister, but the roads in the palace are good, and there is no need to spend a lot of time repairing them. The little money saved can help a few more victims, or do some practical things... Speaking of it, Your Majesty's I'm still too young, and my knowledge is relatively short, so I thought about building roads, otherwise, Your Majesty will be the Lord of the People after all... I will send a few tutors tomorrow to teach the Pope to be king The way!" Although Grand Master Lin had a smile on his face, his tone could not refuse.

Hearing this, the emperor clenched his fists angrily. He is already 20 years old, so it's fine if he can't take charge of the government. It's a shame to be taught a lesson as a child. What's more, he still has to be treated as a child. Children are forced to go to school. What can a king who studies hard all day long do?
"It's still the grand master who is considerate..." But the emperor couldn't refuse.

"It's good that the emperor thinks so. In fact, this time the minister came to report something!" Grand Master Lin pointed to Lin Lang and introduced, "This is the son of the minister. This time I came here to recommend my son!
Presumably the emperor also knew that it was extremely troublesome to deal with the review of government affairs, but this was a major national event, and outsiders were not allowed to intervene, so this minister thought of recommending his own son to help handle it! "

Hehe... If you despise trouble, you can leave this political matter to me. Why do you honor the virtuous and not avoid relatives? Speaking of it, it is right to follow the law for selfishness. The family and officials protect each other, so shameless!
"The grand master must have considered it carefully..." The emperor gritted his teeth and spit out this sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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