Chapter 446
Lin Lang opened her eyes, and found that it was already dawn outside, and there were people busy in the yard. She was about to turn on the lights and get dressed, when she suddenly recalled that the original owner was an extremely frugal person and never turned on the lights.

Afraid of being exposed, Linlang groped in the dark to put on her clothes, opened the door, and found that the eldest daughter-in-law was busy, so she waved to her and said, "The second son's family will come back in a few days, you put everything in the house." Clean it up, invite a few more people over, and paint the walls again!
Also, I heard that the toilets of people in the city are very clean and flushed with tap water. Our family can't do that, but the toilet must be changed. It has been made of soil for so many's really not that good Looks good, tomorrow I will go to the city to earn money and build a toilet! "

When the eldest daughter-in-law heard this, her complexion changed for a moment, with a trace of grievance in her eyes, she finally pouted and reluctantly agreed.

The eldest daughter-in-law is really wronged. The second daughter-in-law has not yet married, and the mother-in-law keeps talking about him. If she is married like this, what will happen to her in the future?

"Okay, I know you feel wronged!" Looking at the eldest daughter-in-law, Lin Lang knew what she was thinking, and persuaded, "You, you only know how to stare at your own one-acre three-point land, and you don't want to I think, the second child's family is a girl from the city. I heard that his father is still a university professor. When he gets married, the second child will definitely live with her in the city and may not come back once a year!
This time our family has such a good road, we just don’t want to embarrass the second child, but actually want to keep that girl, after all, the girl’s family is so good, if your younger brother marries her, he will be able to pull you in the future too!
Besides, after painting the toilet and the house, it will be yours in the future! "

Hearing this, the eldest daughter-in-law's eyes showed a gleam of joy, and she said, "Mother-in-law, don't worry, I will take good care of the second daughter-in-law!"

Lin Lang nodded in satisfaction, because Lin Lang was in charge of the family's money, she took out a few hundred dollars and asked them to buy bricks and cement, and then counted all the property in the house, um... 12, Really good.

Because the second daughter-in-law came back just before the Chinese New Year, and now Bafen is too early for the Chinese New Year. Now there are a lot of wild fruits on the mountain. When Lin Lang has nothing to do, she goes to the mountain to pick wild fruits, chestnuts, and some walnuts. , Pibo is thick and fleshy, and sometimes he will play a few tricks to catch some game.

At the foot of the mountain was a game buying station, as well as some Chinese herbal medicine buying stations. Lin Lang took his eldest daughter-in-law and his little granddaughter to the mountain to pick game and medicinal materials, and earned [-] to [-] yuan in just two months.

"Oh my god, I didn't expect the things on the mountain to be so valuable. My God, I have missed so much these years, and I regret it to death..." The eldest daughter-in-law thought that the weeds on the mountain can be exchanged for money, with a serious expression on her face. Regret, why didn't I find out earlier?Otherwise, you can make more money.

"Okay, you've worked hard these days, here's 1000 yuan for myself, and some nice clothes for my baby!" Linlang counted out 1000 yuan and handed it to the boss, and then went to the city to eat and do some shopping. For the new year, the family returned to the village on a tractor.

When the heavy snow was approaching, the village was filled with various flavors of the New Year. Lin Lang also cut some festive paper-cuts and pasted them on the doors and windows. The house was also carefully cleaned. In order to welcome the second family, she specially made some quilts.

"Mom, big brother, I'm back!" The second child happily walked in with his luggage in one hand and his daughter-in-law in the other.

"The second child is back, yo, this is the new daughter-in-law, she looks so beautiful!" The old man came out to welcome him, and praised with a smile.

Hearing the voice, Lin Lang came out with her, and took a look at the girl. She was really pretty, with a scent of books on her body, and her eyebrows and eyes were a little innocent, but this was normal, after all, she was a pampered girl in the family.

Lin Lang walked over, grabbed the girl's hand and patted it lightly, and said with a smile, "You're tired from the car ride, the room has been cleaned for you, hurry up and have a rest, and when you're done, get up and eat!"

Wang Lin smiled shyly, and followed his second child into the cleaned room. The bed was a very common earth kang, but the kang had been on fire long ago, and it was still steaming.

The quilt outside is very new, it looks like it has just been laid, it is very soft and comfortable, but what is even more impressive is the cabinet and square table in the room.

The cabinet looked very ordinary, but it was made of red sandalwood. As for the table, it was actually made of pear wood, which surprised her a bit, because she really couldn't understand how an ordinary farmhouse could have such a precious wood. She left In the past, after looking carefully, he found that the things were indeed made of red sandalwood and pear blossom wood, so he couldn't help but withdrew his hand.

Lin Lang opened the door curtain and saw the expression on Wang Lin's face. Although the original owner wanted to take good care of the second daughter-in-law, she couldn't take care of her too much. At least she should know that their family is also very powerful, and Wang Lin couldn't be allowed to take care of her. Lin underestimated himself.

Speaking of the wooden cabinet and the chair, Lin Lang bought it in the city. She wanted to buy a better set of furniture, but she didn't expect to like this one. It also contains some things, but the room is not big , Only two sets were placed. Because this furniture is old furniture, it is sold cheaply, but others are not fools, and the materials are still a bit expensive. The total cost is more than 5000.

Compared to the later generations of red sandalwood and pear blossom wood, this amount of money is really nothing. Lin Lang paid the money on the spot, and by the way, asked the owner of the wood shop for a favor and chose a few chairs.

"I've heard from the second child that I'm going to bring a daughter back this time, so I've prepared everything in the house, I'm afraid you won't be used to it!
By the way, these are the wild fruits I picked on the mountain, just some walnuts, pine nuts, and hazelnuts. I heard that this is rare in your city, so try it! "Linlang put down the fruit plate, with some sweets and pastries scattered on it.

Because today is a family reunion day, Lin Lang is not going to let the eldest daughter-in-law cook, what kind of food can a rural woman cook?No matter how delicious it is, it is still a big pot of rice. In order not to let the second daughter-in-law look down upon it, she cooks it herself. The elder sister did not dare to cook it too well. Anyway, it is better than the chefs in the city.

Moreover, I arranged the newly bought chopsticks and bowls and put them on the newly bought mahogany table. The delicious food and the thick and simple antique table, under the dim light, made the small room suddenly become It must be alive and fragrant.

Because of the furniture, Wang Lin put away his contempt, and it was the first time he came to someone else's house, and he was here to see his future mother-in-law, so he was a little cautious, and at the same time he was a little nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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