Chapter 447
Looking at the food on the table, Wang Ming was in a daze for a moment, because the food on the table was so fragrant and exquisitely arranged, it was not like the ones made by farmers at all, but like the kind of private restaurant with excellent privacy. Made meals.

"I don't know what you like to eat, so just cook more, don't be polite, just treat it as if it's in your own home!" Lin Lang took out a pair of chopsticks, this is a new pair of chopsticks, and she didn't use it, she just picked up a few chopsticks Put the food in Wang Lin's bowl.

"Auntie, you're being polite..." Wang Lin took a sip carefully, her eyes lit up, her family was rich, and she was used to delicacies from mountains and seas since she was a child, but after tasting this food, she knew that it was so good. What to eat, "Auntie, the food you cook is really delicious, better than the chefs in the city..."

"Hehehe, my aunt is so happy to hear you say that. If you like to eat, then eat more!" Lin Lang picked up a few more chopsticks and continued: "I know you people in the city like to eat wild game, so these days, Shall I take your sister-in-law to the mountains to search? All the meals you eat are made from things in the mountains!"

Hearing that the future mother-in-law valued him so much, Wang Lin blushed a little embarrassedly, because when she first came here, she was not willing to set foot here. If it wasn't for the second child, she would not have set foot here at all.

But I didn't expect that people valued me so much, cooked delicious food for me, and made a few thick quilts for fear that I would not get used to living in it.

At the beginning, my parents said that the second child's family was poor, and my mother-in-law was a widowed mother, so she must be tricky and told me not to marry him, but now that Lin Lang treats me so well, and their family still uses such precious wood, it's not like my parents as said.

After drinking and eating, Wang Lin sat on a chair, watched Lin Lang clean up the dishes, stood up next time, and said, "Let me clean up for you..."

"Hey, sit down, we don't have the custom of letting the daughter-in-law who just came to the house do the work!" Linlang pointed to the TV in the living room and said embarrassedly: "There is no computer or the like at home, so I can receive a few If you don’t feel bored, you can watch the TV on TV… If you don’t want to watch it, you can ask the second child to show you around, but I have something to tell you, you can go to other places, but Do not go to the ancestral hall, it is a place to worship ancestors!"

Wang Lin nodded half-understanding. He really didn't want to watch TV, so he took his second child and wandered around the village.

"Hey, although your place is remote, the air is pretty good, but it's winter now, and it's spring, so the scenery must be beautiful..." Wang Lin looked up and saw the bare mountains, feeling a little disappointed.

"Well, the spring here is really good. There are a lot of wild vegetables and mushrooms. In summer, I will go swimming in the lake with my friends... Autumn is even better. There are many wild fruits on the mountain. Next time you will eat them the most. We also have raspberries here, and they taste even better..." The second child said with a smile, recalling his own childhood anecdotes.

"Well, second child, coming back this time is equivalent to... the two of us have settled down, but there is an ugly saying that I want to go first. I don't want to live with my mother-in-law and your brothers...I don't mean the old man No, it’s just that you know... I’m a young man, and I grew up in the city, so I’m sure I won’t be able to talk to the old man, after this..."

"Then what do you mean? Tell me not to be filial to my mother in the future?
Wang Lin, I should have told you about my life experience. My father died young, and my mother worked so hard to raise us two brothers. Originally, my brother and I were both smart and able to go to college, but in order to lighten the burden on the family, my brother Volunteering to drop out of school to help me go to school, this kind of love, I will never repay it!
If you can't make me laugh to death, my mother and brother, Wang Lin, I'm really sorry, I'm afraid..."

"I...I..." Wang Lin became anxious, pulled his second brother's sleeve, and said, "I didn't mean that, I just don't want to live with them, you should be as filial as you want, I will never say anything else!
Regarding our marriage, I don't want any dowry gifts, and my family also lost a house..."

Hearing this, the second child nodded in satisfaction. He thought he was going to have a fight with Wang Lin, but he didn't expect it to be a false alarm.

According to the past, the two would definitely have quarreled, but Wang Lin felt a little guilty when he saw that the family was low. For myself, if I gave up on this man and found another one, it would definitely not be as good as this one, so Wang Lin bowed his head first.

Wang Lin was quite interested in the legendary ancestral hall, but he didn't dare to disobey Lin Lang's advice, so he wandered around for a while, and then came back with his second child.

"Why doesn't the ancestral hall let me in? Is it because I have a foreign surname?" On the way back, Wang Lin asked suspiciously.

"One of the reasons is this, but the more important thing is that our ancestral hall stipulates that women are not allowed to enter!" The second child didn't think there was anything wrong with it, because every New Year, he and his brother could go in, But his mother can't go in, and the whole village is like this, and no one has raised any objections.

"Ah, the patriarchal atmosphere here is too strong. When I marry you in the future, what if I give birth to a girl? You won't despise me?" Wang Lin asked sadly, biting his lips.

"You like to make a fuss over a molehill. I am a highly educated person. How can my eyelids be so strong? Besides, you don't blame your woman for having a boy or a girl, but us men!" The second child smiled and shook his head. "Okay, don't think about the ancestral hall. It's a rule passed down from generation to generation. Sometimes, we know it's wrong this time, but it's justified for him to exist. But I believe that one day this rule will be abolished." of!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Linlang's face changed from gloomy to sunny. He took the hand of the second child and returned home happily.

"I'm back, I've boiled hot water, let's wash up!" Lin Lang brought over a basin of hot water and handed it to the second hand, "Kang has already been boiled for you, it's snowing heavily tonight, so the quilt should be thicker! "

"Okay Mom!" The second child took the things over, took Wang Ning into the room, and washed her face and feet himself.

"Oh, this second child will be a strict wife from now on!" The eldest daughter-in-law accidentally saw the second child washing Wang Lin's feet, and couldn't help muttering to her husband.

"Strict wife control, it's not because of their ability, they have good parents, and he bought them a house in the city..." The boss is actually quite envious, but envy is nothing more than envy. When it's time to recognize the reality, I still know each other quite well. clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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