Chapter 450

Hearing someone calling her, Lin Lang turned her head and found that it was Wang Lin. She smiled and waved to her, only to find that there were two middle-aged women beside her.

"Wang Lin, it's just in time to come, come and see, what kind of gold jewelry do you like!" Lin Lang asked with a smile.

"Ah?" Wang Lin took two steps back and hurriedly waved his hand, "How can you be so embarrassing, I..."

"What's so embarrassing about this, we are happy to give three golds when we get married. When your sister-in-law got married, the family conditions were limited, so we didn't give it to him. Taking advantage of your marriage this time, I will also buy her a gold coin." After all, you can't let your sisters-in-law favor each other!" Lin Lang said with a smile.

"This is my mother-in-law. You're being polite. We really don't want to give three pieces of gold here. Now we are happy to give diamond jewelry, because the gold is too dirty!" Wang Lin's aunt spoke first, rolling her big eyes, her face It's full of disgust.

"What are you talking about!" Wang Lin's mother glanced at her sister-in-law fiercely, then said to Lin Lang with a smile, "Don't listen to her nonsense, gold is good, I think the one who married our family back then At that time, they were also given gold jewelry, and gold is never out of date anywhere!"

Lin Lang liked this mother-in-law very much, she was gentle and polite, and she seemed to be a knowledgeable person, so she chatted with him with a smile, but the two of them personally chose the style of gold.

"Although this gold looks like a bit rusty, it will preserve its value, and it can be passed on to the next generation!" Lin Lang wrapped the things up and handed them directly to Wang Lin.

"It's fate that we meet together today, it's so late, let's go, I'll treat you to dinner!" Wang Lin's mother liked this mother-in-law very much. Although she knew that her mother-in-law came from the countryside, she still liked it. Because she felt that the person in front of her was really generous, and her daughter would definitely be able to get along with such a mother-in-law.

When a group of people arrived at the hotel, the eldest daughter-in-law was a little dazed, and looked around with a hint of caution.

"I made you laugh!" Seeing the two women staring at the eldest daughter-in-law, Linlang didn't look ugly, she just smiled and helped out, "I haven't seen much in the world, but I have a good heart, and I will definitely get along with Wang Lin in the future." Come!"

"Hahahaha..." Wang Lin's mother followed with a smile, "By the way, I heard from Wang Lin that your family has moved to BJ, why didn't you call first, and we will help out together!"

"Oh, it's just a trivial matter, so there's no need to bother you!" Lin Lang glanced at Wang Lin, and continued, "Since my mother-in-law is here and I happen to be free today, I'll get straight to the point!

I also heard from my second child that when Wang Lin got married, your mother-in-law would pay for a house. Since you will pay for the house, our family will not buy it, but Wang Lin must not be wronged, so I will Bought a shop!
After getting along for such a long time, I also know that Lin Lin's heart is really kind, and she is also a bit pampered, but I understand, after all, she was raised by her family.

I mean, let the second child go to work. Although the second child's salary is low, he is a civil servant and has a bright future. As for Lin Lin, let her manage the shop, whether she wants to open a shop or rent it out , as she pleases! "

"This, this, this..." Although Wang Lin's mother does not lack that set of shops, she is very happy with the set of shops set by her in-laws, "Your Linlin really doesn't know how to do some housework, but she can learn in the future, but about About the store, this..."

"It's nothing, we will be a family from now on, no one should say polite words!" Lin Lang said, and glanced at Wang Lin, "I still like this girl very much, she has a bright heart!"

Wang Lin blushed a long time ago, and sat aside, not daring to speak.

After dinner, Wang Lin's mother taught Lin Lang to recite in the taxi, and she was still reluctant to leave before leaving.

"When the young couple settles down, you can go to my house and have a look. The house is huge, and there are several rooms reserved for guest rooms. Fresh vegetables are planted in the front and back of the house, which are more delicious than those that have been sprayed with pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Too many!" Lin Lang said to Wang Lin's mother with a smile.

"That's good. I heard that you have been here for so long and haven't played around. When you are free, I will take you there. I am familiar with BJ..."

The next day was to discuss the marriage of the young couple. Since we met only the day before yesterday, we were not particularly restrained and chatted very happily.

What Lin Lang gave was a set of three-gold jewellery, and the dowry gift was 140 [-], which actually meant a lifetime, a good fortune.

The meeting gift for in-laws and mothers is a cheongsam sewed by your own hands, with exquisite embroidery on it, which Wang Lin's mother couldn't put it down.

As for Wang Lin's father, he was a cultural gift, and he gave him an ancient inkstone.

"I heard that you like writing very much, so I will give you an ancient inkstone. Please don't dislike it!" Lin Lang said generously.

"I don't dislike it, I don't dislike it..." Wang Lin's father really couldn't put it down for Fang Guyan, the smile on his face deepened, and he was more satisfied with this marriage.

"I really didn't expect that you still have this skill, it really opened my eyes..." Wang Lin's mother gestured up and down with the cheongsam, and the smile on her face grew stronger.

As for the sister-in-law, what Lin Lang gave was also an embroidery item, but it was just a scarf with a beautiful peony flower embroidered on it, but it was double-sided embroidery, and it was also extremely precious.

After receiving such a beautiful gift, my sister-in-law did not criticize me. The two families ate happily. When Lin went to the gate, there was an ancestral hall on your side, and it was said that women were not allowed to enter. It seems that there is a strong patriarchal atmosphere in your place. I just want to ask, is there such a custom in your family? Woolen cloth?"

"Old lady, although I don't know a single word, I also understand that having a boy or a girl is a man's business, and has nothing to do with a woman..." After Lin Lang finished speaking, she glanced at Wang Lin and continued, "Even if you have a daughter, you don't have anything to do with it." What can I do, with Wang Lin as a beauty, I believe I will be able to give birth to a beautiful granddaughter!"

The sister-in-law smiled in satisfaction, "Then you have to remember this sentence!"

"Oh, I've lived to such an old age, how can I still fool a junior like you?" Linlang continued: "Now that the marriage is settled, when will we get married? Where will the wedding be held and where will the banquet be held? , It's time to discuss it... Anyway, I still hope that everyone will respect the opinions of the young couple, after all, they are the two who got married!"

(End of this chapter)

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