Chapter 451
Wang Lin's mother took the lead and said, "According to what I mean, we will play games in a big hotel, and let his family decide the money for the banquet. As for the gift money, I will hand it over to the young couple and let them solve it themselves! "

"Oh, mother-in-law, we are all real people. The money for the banquet has been paid by the man since ancient times. How can we let the woman pay? As for the gift money, let them keep it themselves!" Lin Lang waved her hand and continued: " Isn’t honeymoon popular recently? Just let the young couple take the money to go abroad for a trip, maybe there will be a honeymoon baby!”

The family had discussions like this, and the time passed quickly. When the wedding day came, because Lin Lang and his family were all in Shanwowo, there were very few relatives who came to the wedding, and most of them were the woman. Relatives over there.

"This old woman didn't want to take advantage..." Wang Lin's aunt underestimated a few words, "The relatives of our woman's side are all here. As for the relatives of their man's side, there are not many people here. If she takes the gift money I don't know if I should face it..."

"Okay, since you got married, you have been muttering endlessly. What are you thinking? A monk who is a mother-in-law, a sister-in-law, and a kind person. I really don't know what you are thinking every day... Could it be possible? I’m not in a happy marriage, but thinking about your niece’s marriage is also not happy?” Wang Lin’s mother said angrily, “It’s bad for you to spit out bad words, and they will treat your niece badly in the future!”

"I...I..." Wang Lin's aunt was too angry to say anything after being prevaricated.

After the second child gets married, there is nothing important to be busy with. As for the child, you always don't care about it. Live the life of the elders, and get pregnant with the second child at this time. Generally, urban hukou is not allowed to give birth. The second child, but they still have rural household registration, as long as the first child is a girl, they are allowed to have a second child.

After the eldest child became pregnant, the second child's family also became pregnant together. Lin Lang wandered around, taking care of this and that. For convenience, she took Wang Lin directly to her home and took good care of her.

"Anyway, this place is big, you and the second child will live here first, besides, the air here is good, and there are fresh vegetables to eat, it's good for the children!"

Time flies, in a daze, ten years have passed like this, the eldest and the second child each gave birth to a boy, as for the shops that they bought before, they were all demolished, and a large sum of money was allocated to still have a few shops.

After ten years passed, Lin Lang couldn't wait to return to her hometown, paid some money to renovate her hometown, and planted some fruit trees.

The two sons wanted to bring Lin Lang back to the city, but Lin Lang didn't want to. She wanted to retire here, with beautiful mountains and rivers, singing birds and flowers, which was much better than the smog.

When she opened her eyes again, Lin Lang sat up slowly and found herself lying on a bed with the bed gauze down. She couldn't see what was going on outside, but she looked at the quilt she was covering and the clothes she was wearing. , Presumably the family is rich.

Lin Lang lay on the bed and began to accept the plot.

"My father is a fourth-rank official, and I can be regarded as the young lady of a rich family, but after I reached Ji, my father decided to marry me to a soldier.

That little soldier is not even an official, I really don't understand why my father wants me to marry such a person, because our identities are so different!
I found out later that it was that little soldier who saved my father on the battlefield, and my father betrothed me to him out of gratitude!

In order to compensate my father, he gave me a lot of dowry. I am not a mean person. After I married that man, I became a good wife and mother. I didn’t dislike that man’s bad family background. I took care of the family for him and took care of him. Parents, but also bear children for him.

But it never occurred to him that after the man made great contributions on the battlefield and was successfully conferred, he began to have other thoughts and took in a noble concubine!
As for my wife, who is old and decrepit, he dislikes her very much. If he was not afraid of being criticized by others, he might have divorced me long ago!

In fact, as a regular wife, I even have a concubine. That concubine had already given birth to twins, but I gave birth to a daughter.

Because my husband disliked my mother-in-law’s indifference, it didn’t take long before I died in depression. That man helped that concubine upright less than a year after my death. Poor my daughter, she has been suppressed by that stingy woman all the time. There is no way to keep the dowry I left to my daughter!

Once again, I hope to take revenge on that man and that woman, and I want him to make up for my daughter. "

After Lin Lang accepted the plot, she rubbed her chin. It was easy to get revenge on those two scumbags, but how to make that man compensate his daughter? You must know that in this ancient time, daughters were worthless. As for the so-called daughter slaves, in Ancient times simply did not exist.

But... What if that man only has one daughter... Just one child is precious, just like having too many things is worthless...

Thinking of this, Lin Lang stroked her chin, revealing a sinister smile.

"Madam, it's time, it's time to greet the old lady!"

Hearing what the maidservant Chun Xing said, Lin Lang lifted the bed and was dressed by the servant girl, then she turned her head and asked, "How is Missy?"

"After eating the breast milk, I fell asleep again. Do you need to bring the eldest lady to greet the old lady?"

"Forget it, the child is still young, let him sleep a little longer!" Lin Lang shook her head, and brought her maid to greet the old lady together.

Looking at the old man in front of him, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes. In his previous life, the original owner took good care of this old man, but what did this old man do?Knowing that her son was degrading the original owner, she kept silent, and followed her along. Seeing her granddaughter being wronged, she didn't help to say a word, and she kept silent, and it was a dowry to the original owner, and she also had a share , Such a person is really black-hearted.

"Greetings to the old lady!" Lin Lang bowed calmly.

"Well, get up quickly, you also have intentions, come here so early to salute, the weather is cold recently, it can be a few hours later!" The mother-in-law changed her previous indifference and was very enthusiastic, and then said: "By the way, my in-law's family People are coming over, so prepare well and let them take care of you!"

Hehehe, she said why her mother-in-law is so enthusiastic today, her feelings are dependent on others, her husband's family is poor, and now he is just a soldier on the battlefield, but relying on his father, he can be regarded as an eighth-rank official. But the salary is pitifully low, if not for her dowry, this family would not be so beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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