Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 452 The Female Matching Mother 1

Chapter 452
As the saying goes, you don't forget the well digger when you drink water, but this group of people just want to squeeze the well digger dry!

"The mother-in-law is very happy to have her grandparents come, but... but... the money for the reception... Presumably the mother-in-law also knows that the husband is only a few parents, so forget it, the daughter-in-law takes care of the house, but it is also difficult. Live the day..."

"You..." The mother-in-law pointed at Lin Lang and said through gritted teeth: "You dare to talk to me like that, it's really unfilial, and you have been doing the housekeeping business, and now I can't get the money out, so I still want to ask you Woolen cloth!

It seems that I have to ask my mother-in-law, how did she teach her daughter?Not even a housekeeper…”

"Hey~" Linlang picked up the handkerchief and covered her face, and began to cry softly, "Grandma, you must know that there is a saying that a clever woman can't cook without rice. Our family has no other income at all except the husband's salary. With so many servants and servants, I can’t make ends meet, and I have to treat others well... So please forgive my daughter-in-law for her inability to do anything, and if the mother-in-law doubts her ability, please take back the right to be a housekeeper!"

"Okay, okay, it's really good, you dare to talk to me now! Go back!" The mother-in-law gritted her teeth, because Lin Lang's words were undoubtedly pointing at their family's poverty, making him feel ashamed Pulled to the ground.

Lin Lang left the lobby without saying a word. At the same time, she called the housekeeper, looked through the ledger, and found that the house really depended on her dowry money, but she didn't know how to take care of these people, so she just collected her own dowry money. Come back, who cares who cares?
Without the support of money, the quality of life of this family has plummeted. At night, the mother-in-law's dinner table no longer has the big fish and meat of the past, but some porridge and side dishes, which is very shabby.

"What's going on here? Where's the meat I want?" The mother-in-law used to suffer a lot, but now that her son is rich, she has begun to enjoy it. Ginseng and bird's nest can't be eaten, but big fish and meat are still affordable.

"Old madam, the family's money can no longer be supported, and... there are still some servants' salaries, and there is no money in the account house..." the housekeeper said cautiously.

"Why is there no money? Where did the eldest lady go? Let her come over quickly!" The old lady gritted her teeth angrily.

Lin Lang was called over like this, and seeing her mother-in-law's angry face, neither cold nor indifferent, said: "Grandma, what are you doing with such a big anger, I don't know, I thought something happened!"

"Something really happened, you bastard, why don't you prepare big fish and meat for me? And the money at home!" The mother-in-law yelled loudly.

"Hey, mother-in-law, didn't I tell you this morning? Our family is already struggling to make ends meet, let alone big fish and meat, and even porridge and side dishes are hard to sustain. For a while... I'm going to send the servants in the house Sell ​​a bottle to support the family!" Lin Lang said with an innocent face, spreading her hands.

"How could there be no name? Could it be that you little bitch has been corrupted? Let me tell you, my son is a high official... If you dare to be disobedient, believe it or not, I will let my son divorce you..." The mother-in-law's appearance is now the same as like a shrew.

"Mother-in-law, I dare not disobey your words, but there is indeed no money in the family, if you don't believe me, you can check the account book, anyway, the daughter-in-law has a clear conscience!

As for Xianggong, he is indeed a high-ranking official to others, but compared to others, he is not even a trivial matter... You know, my father is a fourth-rank official, a real emperor and minister. My father, Mr. Xiang is probably still a soldier! "

"You...you..." The mother-in-law gritted her teeth angrily, "When my son comes back, I will definitely let him divorce you, you shrew!"

"That's a good relationship. If your son divorces me, he probably won't even be an eighth-rank official, but I, relying on my father, can at least marry a fifth-rank official...even if I'm remarried, She married better than your son!" Lin Lang raised her chin, what kind of virtuous and virtuous, if her mother's family is powerful, these would not exist at all, like the princess of Tang Dynasty, that is also ancient times, don't women also be required to be virtuous and virtuous?I am the princess of the Tang Dynasty, I did it, not at all, they even beat the son-in-law, but did anyone say anything?This is power!

Lin Lang's father was powerful, so he didn't have to bow his head to his in-law's family. On the contrary, his in-law's family still wanted this daughter-in-law.

After finishing speaking, Lin Lang left without looking back, allowing the other party to quarrel and scold in the hall, and even smashed the plates.

After returning to her room, Lin Lang began to carry out the next plan, which was to sterilize her so-called effect. Surgery would definitely not work, and she could only rely on medicine, which required medicinal materials and diet.

Lin Lang rubbed her chin, found her confidants, wrote four or five different prescriptions, handed them to her confidants, and said, "This is the secret recipe for having children that my mother taught me when I was married. You go to the pharmacy and catch it for me, and do it a little more secretly, I don't want to spread this matter to everyone!"

The servant girl thought Lin Lang was being shy, so she nodded and took Fang Zi away with a smile.

The prescription is indeed a prescription for nourishing the body, but if the different medicinal materials are separated, it will be a prescription for sterilization. Lin Lang is also preparing some folk prescriptions, using three prongs, she does not believe that the man can still have children.

Although Lu Qi is an eighth-rank petty official, his son has to stay in the barracks all the time. He can only take a bath every other month, which only lasts for two days. It was extremely low, and I found that the number of maids in the house was less than half.

"Master, you are back, the old lady told you that after you come back, I want you to go to her place!" The housekeeper lowered his head, not daring to make a sound.

"Okay, but housekeeper, I've only been away for a month, how did I find out that my family has changed so much? Did something happen recently?" Lu Qi looked around, his handsome face full of doubts.

The housekeeper hesitated for a moment, and then said in a low voice: "Reporting to the young master, something happened at home, the young mistress... the family's livelihood is difficult, and the young mistress laid off some people... The old lady... was not very happy, and started a fight... ..."

"Why is life difficult at home?" Lu Qi didn't believe this the most. His wife has a lot of dowry. Could it be that something happened?

Lu Qi didn't dare to delay, so he went directly to his mother's room, saw his mother lying on the bed, her face was pale, and her face changed instantly, he immediately stepped forward, and asked with concern: "Mom, what's wrong with you? Why does your son only leave for a while, and your face is so ugly, is someone pissing you off?"

(End of this chapter)

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