Chapter 454

Lin Lang is not a big girl with yellow flowers. Looking at the man in front of her, she naturally knows what she wants to do, so she can't help complaining, she looks so human, but what she did is so nasty?When I came back, I didn't ask how my wife and daughter were doing, how are you doing these days?But just wanting to do that thing is really crazy.

"Sir, it's still daytime!" Lin Lang waved her hand away, with a hint of shyness on her face, but she was extremely indifferent in her heart, and continued: "I heard that life in the barracks is difficult, so I asked the doctor to prescribe a few The medicine that nourishes the body, you will drink it while it is hot!"

"Miss, are you saying that my husband's health is not good? You can try it at night!" While speaking, Lu Qi touched Lin Lang's chest, with a hint of teasing on his handsome face.

Lin Lang looked at the man in front of her and tried to convince herself not to be angry, not angry, if she had seen this man with a good-looking face, she would have swung the chair up.

"My husband, it's not a matter of good health. My father didn't care about it when he was young, but when he gets old, he's sick everywhere, so you have to replenish your body while you're young so that you don't have to worry about it when you're old." Tormented!" Lin Lang spoke earnestly, with a serious expression on her face.

When Lu Qi heard this, he touched his nose in embarrassment. It turned out that his wife didn't say that her kidneys were not good, but because of her own body. If there is a wife like this, what more can a husband ask for.

Although the soup was bitter and tasted a bit strange, Lu Qi drank it all in one gulp. After taking a bath under the service of the maid, seeing that it was getting late, he took Lin Lang and started messing around.

Lin Lang didn't refuse either, and he was more proactive than before. This time, the two of them were having a good time. Lu Qi lay on the bed covered in sweat, and began to savor the aftertaste just now. The lady is really more and more attractive!"

Lin Lang didn't say anything, but she couldn't stand the stickiness on her body, so she called for water and took a good bath.

After resting at home for two days, Lu Qi felt that he could never run out of energy, especially for Lin Lang, he wished he could die on this woman, obviously he used to think that this woman was boring, if he had a good-looking face and a A capable father, he would never touch such a woman.

After Lu Qi left, Lin Lang went to greet the old lady, and said with a smile: "Mother-in-law, my husband has already told me that from now on, your share will remain the same as before, but at home, it must be reduced. !"

"Why? Could it be that you are acting like a demon again?" the old lady said with a mean face.

"Old lady, how would I dare? As for your case, I saved it for you because my husband squeezed his teeth, but our family... can't wrong him for the sake of enjoyment, so my child and I suffer Don't ask for that!" Linlang said righteously, leaving the old lady speechless, and finally waved her hand to let Linlang leave.

Because the old lady was too embarrassed to say, let Lin Lang take out the dowry, because even the law stipulates that the husband's family cannot take the wife's dowry, even use it!
If the husband's family used the wife's dowry, they would be ridiculed by others. The old lady lived such an old age, but she couldn't afford to lose face.

These days, Lin Lang is Xiu Xiuhua teaching the children. A month passed quickly, and her uncle's family still came over. Lin Lang didn't show any enthusiasm. Instead, she found a small yard and settled her in. , and dialed two maids to take care of her.

Although the old lady was unwilling, she also knew that if she continued to make trouble, she might lose even this little benefit, so she could only admit it with her nose pinched.

A year passed in a flash. During this period, Lin Lang became pregnant again. She really couldn't figure it out. She had already started taking sterilization pills, and she could still conceive, but maybe it was because the time was short, so Lin Lang increased her size again. And when there is nothing to do, some medicinal materials will be sent to the military camp, which is called a medicine for nourishing the body.

Therefore, everyone in the military camp knew that Lu Qi had a virtuous and generous wife, which gave Lu Qi a lot of limelight and made him very proud.

But it's good to have a child, no matter it's a boy or a girl, you can also be a company with your eldest daughter in the future. The eldest daughter's name has already been chosen, and it's called Lu Qiong!

The child was fat and fat, and Yuxue was cute, especially when the child was one year old, Lin Lang lit a cinnabar between her eyebrows, she looked like a little virgin under the seat of a Bodhisattva, and received a lot of love, even Chongnan The old lady who cares about daughters also loves this granddaughter very much.

"Sister-in-law, I went back to my mother's house a few days ago and heard from my father that the border is not peaceful, and that the emperor is going to send troops to the border. This... I don't know if there is a husband-in-law here?" Pulling Lu Qi's sleeve, he was about to cry.

Lu Qi looked at his little wife, and his heart softened. These days, he likes this wife more and more. She can go to the hall and go to the kitchen, and the bed can be opened, which makes him very comfortable. .

"Why are you crying? I joined the army to make contributions. This is a good time. You can wait for me at home, and I will earn you a living!" Lu Qi nodded Lin Lang's nose and hugged her. In her arms, she gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said softly: "When I come back, maybe our children will be born, I hope it will be a boy, when I come back, I will teach him exercises personally, Let him take over my mantle in the future!"

"Master..." Lin Lang hugged Lu Qi's strong waist, and couldn't help sighing, this martial arts practitioner is really good, with a strong waist and abdomen, and an eight-pack abs. Whenever Lu Qi takes off his clothes and goes to bed, Lin Lang can't wait Transformed into a wolf, he immediately threw this man down, "You said... After you go outside, will you mess with flowers and grass... And when you become prosperous in the future, will you abandon me..."

Lu Qi laughed immediately when he heard this, but because of his little wife's jealousy, he was still very happy. Asking Lin Lang's face, he assured him: "Don't worry, you are enough, I will never be here There are flowers and grass outside!"

Hehehe, if you can believe what the man said, a sow can climb a tree!
Lin Lang showed a gentle smile, grabbed Lu Qi's hand, reluctant to let go, "Then you must remember what you said, and, I don't care about the glory and wealth, and I don't care about the secrets, I just hope that you will be well-behaved." An An's return!"

"Okay!" This should be the real wife, who doesn't care whether she is rich or poor, she just hopes that she is well!
(End of this chapter)

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