Chapter 455

Lu Qi only felt that his heart was extremely warm, and when he looked at his little wife, he became more and more tender.

However, Lin Lang was afraid that the medicine she took would not be effective enough. This man was messing around outside, so before the man left, he took the medicine a few more times. In order to make the medicine last longer, he made the medicine into pills. However, to ordinary doctors, it is just an ordinary medicine, but no one would have thought that as long as the amount of money is more or less reduced, it will become a sterilization medicine.

After sending the man away, the old lady was much more at ease, because she knew that after her son left, her daughter-in-law was her only reliance, and her son was going to fight. If something happened to her son, she had to rely on The daughter-in-law is gone, and the child in her womb.

Lin Lang was very happy that her mother-in-law was able to settle down a bit. Once she was pregnant in October and gave birth, the baby was a healthy boy. Lin Lang treats her as her own daughter.

But Lin Lang doesn't care at all, taking good care of her little daughter and son and treating her mother-in-law is also ignorant, but some people just love to be mean, the more you ignore her, the more she will stick to her.

"Daughter-in-law, you said that Qi'er has been away for so long, why didn't he come back with a letter? Your father is a high-ranking official, let him help you find out..." the mother-in-law said flatteringly, licking her face.

"Mother-in-law, it's not that I didn't ask my father to do it, but... my father said... said... that the battle ahead is tense, and I can't find anything at all. The only person who knows something is my husband. He is very brave and has been promoted to six. Grade official!" Lin Lang showed worry, and she wished that the man would die immediately, of course, before that, at least leave a noble title to her son, didn't she say something, that is to get promoted and get rich and kill her husband!

"Boss, are you really not going? I heard that another group of women have entered the military camp. I heard that they are the daughters of high officials. They look handsome... If you really don't go, all the good ones will be rejected by others." Stolen..." A rough man said with a wretched expression.

"No!" Lu Qi shook his head, took out your gang from his arms, looked at it carefully, and there was a hint of longing in his dark eyes.

"Boss is looking at the handkerchief again, at least it was given by Mrs. Sister-in-law!" The man said sourly. A group of soldiers, dare not go out to make trouble with women!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Another man poked and said remindingly.

Lu Qi put the handkerchief back into his arms again, with an unhappy expression on his face. He did rely on his wife, but more, he relied on his own ability. A powerful father-in-law can't guarantee his safety!
Fortunately, what he paid was also rewarded. He has been promoted from an eight-rank petty official to a six-rank hundred household, but he is not satisfied. A complete slap in the face.

Time flies, time is weaving, weaving a brocade called time quickly, five years passed in the blink of an eye, about Lu Qi, Lin Lang seems to have forgotten this person, if it is not for the holidays, there are things to send back, Lin Lang They thought the man was dead.

Lu Qiong is already seven years old. At such a young age, Yuxue is cute, pink and jade-carved, and talented. Lin Lang didn't dare to delay the child, so she sent the child to her natal family to study. Who asked her natal family to have a special teacher? The teacher who teaches children to read and write.

As for the second child, the name has not been chosen yet. This name is to be chosen after Lu Qi comes back. The child is five years old this year, and he is a boy.
"You naughty child, you only know how to play outside all day long, and you even forget to do your homework, okay, mother will punish you not to eat cakes for a month!" Lin Lang said angrily with a cold face.

"Oh, what's wrong with the kid going out to play, besides, the kid who is only five years old, what can you teach him to know?" The old lady said distressedly.

"Grandmother, I know you love your grandson, but no matter how much you love your grandson, you still have to let him understand the truth and know right from wrong. What's wrong when you're five years old? My brother slept with me and has already recited thousands of characters and hundreds of surnames. They all started to read the Analects, but what about him, he hasn’t finished memorizing the Three Character Classic!”

The old lady stopped talking completely, and the child knew that he had done something wrong, with a bitter face and red eyes.

"From tomorrow onwards, I'll send you to your grandfather's house, so you can study hard with your cousins ​​over there!" Linlang explained indifferently.

The old lady was even more reluctant. The eldest granddaughter had already left. Could it be possible that the eldest grandson should also go with her?The two children were placed in their own wife's natal family. If they didn't know it, they thought it was their son who married, and the grandson took their surname.

"It''s not that our family can't afford to hire a husband, so why put it in someone else's house, if someone else finds out, they will definitely laugh at us and say that our family is poor..." the old lady murmured.

Lin Lang rubbed her brows, feeling that the old lady was getting more and more verbose, but she was being verbose, but listening to her own words, she explained, "Grandmother, we can definitely afford someone called Mr. Jiaoxi, but we orphans and widows , if a man came suddenly, what would you make others think? When Lu Qi comes back, what would you make him think?"

The old lady shut her mouth completely. She is also a woman, so she naturally values ​​her reputation.

Seeing that the old lady was calm, Lin Lang continued: "And my father specially invited famous teachers to educate him. I heard that he has also trained several juren. If my father has a good relationship with him, he will not be able to invite others at all!"

"Boss, this time the barbarians were hit hard, they will not be able to breathe for at least ten years, especially you, the boss, who killed the barbarian boss personally, I believe there will be a reward from the court!" Daniel came over and said flatteringly.

After years of honing, Lu Qi's handsome face has become sharper, coupled with that cold temperament, the whole person is like a sharp knife.

"Yeah, it's been five years..." In the past five years, Lu Qi has been promoted from a little-known sixth-rank official to a second-rank town beibei general. He is in charge of the entire 40 northwest army.

Thinking of his wife, Lu Qi showed a rare smile, which frightened the big cow next to him, thinking that his boss had some kind of illness?Don't care what he thinks, you must know that his boss hasn't laughed in these years.

In these years, Lu Qi has never forgotten his wife. On the contrary, under the tempering of time, he misses him more and more.

(End of this chapter)

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